
Chapter one: By the cover of night

By: SageWriting


Summary: Set in the time after the War of the ring. King Aragorn has traveled to Mirkwood to surprise his old friend. It's not until after he gets there does he learn that he learns something is terribly, terribly wrong. Legolas is gone, and with the Mouth of Sauron trying desperately to break the prince, Aragorn may have less time than he realizes to save him.

Rating: PG-13, for angst and torture in later scenes. Maybe pushing at R, though.

Disclaimer: No, I do not own LOTR, and no I am not making money for this fic, and no, I do not care if you flame me. There. Any questions, email me.

PLEASE READ!!: This takes place AFTER return of the king, a while after, and is the redone version of the....shudder original version of Missing. I hated that one with a passion and this is what came up because of it. If you have read the other version, please read ALL of this, including the chapters you have already read. It is DIFFERENT, with a few more characters and more twisting paths in which many will run into others. Also, the chapters will be at least two pages, as far as I can figure right now.

IMPORTANT!: This is a reviewer run story, you MUST review if you want an update. Reviews make me happy and make me work harder to get you your update, kay? . To all my faithful readers from the original, I APOLOGIZE for this. I have been swamped with school, even over the break for Christmas, and I will probably be again now that Im back in school, and with Report Cards coming soon....wince But I will try my hardest to not leave you hanging for too long. Now, get to reading!

A light breeze scattered dry leaves as they lay dormant on the well worm cobblestone trail that led out of Minas Tirith. A soft click could be heard as a young ebony stallion made his way along this path, being led along quietly by his cloaked and covered rider.

Whickering softly, Atlin nuzzled at the soft green cloak, pulling at it gently with his teeth. His master chuckled and turned, rubbing the horse's nose lightly as he reclaimed his clothing. "Peace, Atlin, we shall ride soon." He whispered, his face inches from his steed's. "Just wait a little longer."

A small bang caused the man to stiffen, but after a moment he calmed, and began leading his horse along again, careful to not cause too much noise. It was a long way to the gates of Minas Tirith, and they could not risk being spotted. He raised an eyebrow as he passed a broken sign hanging lying limp on the street. That was what he had heard, the sign falling as it came loose from its hangings.

"I can just imagine the lecture I would get for that one." He muttered, thinking of his brothers whose fate he did not know. Father had long since forsaken the world, but had his sons? That was the question plaguing his soul right now. Surely they would have told him before Elrond had left, wouldn't they? No, they wouldn't, he realized with a pang of fear, they wouldn't want to cause their adopted brother anymore pain, but couldn't they at least give him a goodbye...? If nothing else?

Lost in thought, the man stumbled and would have fallen if Atlin hadn't grabbed his shirt at the last second. Frowning, he realized they were at the gates already and that he had fallen on the steps that led to the courtyard. Atlin snickered and was rewarded with a sharp glare from his master.

"Stupid horse." He muttered, walking forward and speaking to the guard on duty. After a moment of chuckling, the heavy barricade swung open, and the rider returned to his horse. Atlin's ears pricked forward and he whickered in joy when he was mounted.

"Yes, yes, we are going now, mellon-nin." The human chuckled and urged the stallion forward, stopping only to nod at the guard who bowed back, a smile on his youthful face. "Be safe, Your Majesty!" He said, his word only slightly slurred with fatigue. "I await when you return and I can be released from jail for letting you escape again." (My friend)

"Many thanks, again, Brethor." Aragorn smiled, "I appreciate it."

"Ai, go off and get yourself killed, my king." The teen muttered with a glint in his eyes. Aragorn, refusing the challenge, just leveled him with a mock glare and applied his heal to Atlin, who immediately sprung forward, his swift stride easily taking them across the plains.

Brethor watched them go and then swung the gate back, his mind already moving ahead to what he was going to expect when a certain someone realized another certain someone was missing.


Fortunately for the young guard, the Queen was not the first one to realize that King Elessar was gone. Actually it was a young servant girl who went into the King's study, where he had fallen asleep, only to discover he was not there. Nor anywhere else in the castle or in the city for that matter.

Thus started the rumor that the King had vanished in thin air. Several versions sprung up, one explaining that the king had been killed and was lying in some ditch somewhere, horribly misshapen so no one had been able to recognize him. Another stated that the king had left, struck a deal with the evil that still roamed the world and was gone because the orcs were going to attack. A different rumor that had been concocted stated that the king was having an affair with Eowyn and he had been discovered and had to flee, lest he face the wrath of his peredhil wife.. The Queen immediately squashed that one. Along with the person who started it, although it was actually Eowyn who did the squashing.

"That is quite enough." Arwen thundered, her face one of marble as she stared down at the city from a raised platform, Eowyn and Faramir at her side. "The king has not died, has not sold out the city, and he has NOT had an affair." The shieldmaiden at her side cracked her knuckles as she looked around for anyone who appeared to disbelieve the Queen.

"Regardless of these incredulous rumors, you should be ashamed of yourselves." A voice said angrily from behind the royal. Arwen turned, her eyes wide. "Eldarion."

Her son walked past his mother and addressed the city, continuing his first statement. "You should be ashamed, daring to lose faith in your king. You embraced King Elessar with open arms, but the minute he faults, you wish to throw him away, like a discarded toy!" The prince, his face a boyish version of Aragorn's, with Arwen's eyes and fair complexion, was hardened into an impressive mask of barely retained fury.

"Eldarion, please-" Arwen started, but stopped when Faramir laid a hand on her shoulder. Leaning down, the steward whispered in her ear. "Leave him be, Queen. He has to do this, it is a trial for him. He has to stand up for the king, you can hear it in his voice. He is becoming a man, and this is just another hurdle."

Eowyn, frowning, muttered out of the side of her mouth, "If you ever say that to our son, I will murder you." The steward chuckled, his lips quirking into a slight smile. "Wouldn't dream of it, darling."

Arwen rolled her eyes slightly, these two always seemed to amaze her. "Faramir, maybe it would be a good idea to-" She stopped, her eyes wide when her son let his last statement hang in the air. She couldn't believe what she had just heard. A challenge. A challenge on any one who believed those horrid rumors and deemed the king unfit.

"Well?" Eldarion cried, his eyes searching the stunned crowd, "A moment ago you were all ready to believe anything you heard, what now?"

A single figure stepped forward, a hood thrown over his face. "Prince Eldarion."

Eowyn stiffened, recognizing the voice. She took an unconcious step forward, her husband glancing at her worriedly. "Eowyn?"

"Prince, may I speak?" At a nod from Eldarion, the figure jumped up onto the podium and turned, not to the prince, but to the crowd. "I, for one, believe that Prince Eldarion is right. How dare you, people of Gondor, expect to be great, if you cant even place your trust in your king? So what if King Elessar has gone on a little late night excursion? He is a man, and a ranger. He can take care of himself." A breeze tore the hood back, revealing the speaker.

"Plus, he wouldn't leave unless he knew his kingdom would be well protected and taken care of. Even a king needs a vacation, I should know." Eomer smiled, watching the people start, "In any case, I knew of this trip, for I was asked to come watch over things."

The prince and the Queen chuckled, over their initially shock at seeing the King of the Mark. Faramir gave is wife's shoulder a squeeze, seeing how her eyes lit up. She had missed her brother terribly.

"I believe we have done enough talking for one day." Arwen muttered, walking forward to stand next to her son and Eomer. "You are dismissed, you may return to your homes." As the people drifted off, the peredhil turned slowly, her eyes on Eomer who was hugging his sister tightly. As soon as her friend stepped back, she raised an eyebrow, "So, King Eomer, you knew about this?"

Chuckling worriedly, the dirty-blonde haired warrior began to back up slowly, "Ah, that is, well I...Help!" He yelped when Arwen began to jab her finger sharply into his chest, accenting each word. "You. Are. So. Dead." Eowyn and Faramir mocked to the tempo their Queen had started. Eldarion nodded, "I am sorry, Eomer, maybe I should have warned you before hand."

Arwen stopped, her eyes on her son, "Excuse me?"

It was to be a long day.


Aragorn stopped at dusk. Swinging down from Atlin, who nipped lightly at the king's shirt sleeve, eager to continue. "Not tonight, mellon-nin." He chuckled, "I am tired. We will start again at first light, though, alright?" (My friend)

The stallion snorted, as if to say 'it would have to do'. Walking farther off, the horse began to graze, the grass emerald green here due to the waterfall. Running a hand through his hair, Aragorn beheld the falls in awe. Crystal blue water splashed merrily into a wide, sunken basin that formed a small pond.

Stripping down he began lapping the pond, overjoyed at being able to finally get out of the palace. Its not like he hated it, its just, well, it wasn't the wild. It wasn't unpredictable, it didn't hold any threat, it just, wasn't what he was used to.

But, before he could truly feel like he belonged, there was one more thing to be done. Dripping wet, the former ranger retrieved a towel and dried off, hidden by the rocky formation that created a sort of cave. Slipping on a soft white shirt and pliable ebony breeches, Aragorn pulled something out of his pack. Shrugging it on, the human sighed in relief, fingering the frayed edges of the worn overcoat stained with the blood of past injuries, and the memories of such times.

Laying out his bedroll and setting it up inside the cave, the king laid down, and after a moment, was instantly asleep, his thoughts far away. Atlin, after a little more grazing, entered the cave and laid down next to his master, just as the sun disappeared from the sky.

Next time: A look at some past memories and an attack on everyone's favorite elven archer. Also appearances from Elladan and Elrohir. Yay! You knew I couldn't let them leave for Valinor just yet!

Well, not to bad, No cliffy, which is a good thing, no? Please, review for me, please! I promise you, you wont be disappointed in me! I have planned this all out, and even though it is not finished, I know what I am going to do! So just go and review, please? Alright then, till next time!