Okay, everyone. For the people who have been reading "Angels", sorry about the wait. I got stuck at one point, and realized I wanted to put this story up first, seeing as how it deals with the beginning of Z, as opposed to the end, where angels starts. The events in this story will lead into Angels, and will definitely flow right into it. This story, as I said, starts within the first moments of DragonBallZ, except with one twist. I feel that Vegeta would not have sent Raditz to retrieve Kakkarot by force. As you will see in the short little monologue that I gave him, he needs allies. Anyone if it will help defeat Frieza, and bonus points if it is a fellow Sayian. Remember, Vegeta has pride in nothing as much as he does in Sayian ability. So this deviation of the DBZ timeline will take that into consideration.
HE WILL PAY! Vegeta stormed into his chamber, various items falling off of the shelves from his power alone. A very reliable source had just confirmed information that he had suspected for years. The planet Vegeta, his homeworld, had been destroyed by Frieza, the evil warlord. Now that he was certain, it was time to take action. But first, he needed allies...
Goku smiled. His son was getting so big. It felt like only yesterday when he had defeated Piccolo at the world martial arts tournament. Right after the fight he had gotten married, and not long after, his wife Chi Chi gave birth to his son, Gohan. They were finally settling down into a routine life, and it seemed that the bliss would go on undisturbed forever. But Goku knew better. So everyday he furthered his martial arts training, striving to be the perfect fighter. Half of his reason was to protect the world, but deep down, the real reason was the thrill he got from the fight. If he was not a warrior, then he was nothing. It was what defined him, and it came as naturally as eating to him. While he understood his nature, he did not understand why....
Piccolo sat brooding near a waterfall, hovering in the lotus position as close as he could to the raging waters. He had been training, pushing his demonic body to the max for one sole purpose. The death of Goku. Goku had killed his father, and then humilated him in the 23 Tenkaichi Budokai five years earlier. Piccolo had claimed he was fighting to conquer the world, but that thought did not pique his interest. He did not have a reason for living, save the death of his rival. But the evil Goku had spared his life, even given him a magical bean that restored his health. The bane of your existence was supposed to harm you, not heal you. The event had left Piccolo slightly flustered. No one had ever been nice to him before. Not only that, but he hadn't expected so much opposition that day. Goku defeated him, and by a very narrow margin, but there were others. Namely, a short fighter named Krillin had actually shown the potential to keep up with the green skinned fighter. If he had continued his training along with the rest of Goku's friends, then Piccolo's chances of killing Goku were slim indeed. Perhaps it was time to find a new purpose....
Krillin couldn't wait. Today he was going to get to see his best friend for the first time in years. After Goku had gotten married, he seemed to drop off the face of the earth. One day he had shown up at the Kame house, making a date to visit. Krillin had been out getting grocieries, and was very unhappy about missing him. But how exciting! He wondered how strong Goku had gotten over the years. He had run into Tienshinhan at one point, and he saw Yamcha on a regular basis. To Krillin's great suprise, neither of his friends were as strong as he. While Yamcha was living in the city with Bulma, Tienshinhan was being chased around by Launch. They were both distracted by women. Krillin, however, diligintly trained on his island. Maybe with Goku living with Chi Chi, Krillin would have a chance at the next Budokai. As Krillin waited outside for his best friend to show up, he had no idea what would be in store for him in the future...
Up above, a spaceship was hurtling toward Earth, and the lives of the strongest on Earth were all going to take a drastic turn...
Nothing major, just setting the stage. Next chapter is where the real turn happens, as Raditz will meet his brother. Stay tuned, and let me know what you think!