I, sadly, don't own Thunderbirds. Carlton and Gerry Anderson do. I'm not making any money off of this. Ect. Ect.

Chapter seven yea! I really had fun writing this one, I hope y'all enjoy reading it! (and, as always, please review!)

Now, on to reviews:

Girl-Detective: Hope you like this plan too!

nebula2: I can't make it too easy for dear Virg, that wouldn't be any fun.

Pepsemaxke: You'll find out a bit of what is going to happen in this chappie. Enjoy!

darius10: Here's what Virgil is up to!

Fellowriverrat: Thanks for reading! I hope you "get caught up" in this chapter. Here's some more for Here's some more for ya!

Capt. Cow: Here's some more for ya!

Zeilfanaat: Virgil always came across as a resourceful kind of guy, so a little thing like Brains shouldn't stop him! Glad you enjoyed that last chapter :)

Moonlightbear: Thanks for reviewing, here's some more "interesting" stuff!

Timber: Enjoy this chapter!

Crystal: No spiders this chapter but some just as fun!

Virgil's POV

I walked into the, for once, empty kitchen. Alan had taken Grandma, Tin-Tin and Kyrano to the mainland to do some shopping. Gordon and Scott were scuba diving off the promontory and father was nowhere to be found. He's probably talking to Brains in the lab, so I'm safe. For now. I strode over to the large walk-in freezer and found what I needed, two pints of ice cream, one was Ben and Jerry's Phish Food and the other was Cherry Garcia. I pulled the tops off of both and picked up the Cherry Garcia. After that I retrieved a large spoon from a drawer and shoved a large spoon-full of Cherry Garcia into my mouth. "You'd better not let Gordon see you eating his ice cream" said a very familiar voice behind me.

"AADMPH" I said, hiding the Cherry Garcia before swallowing and repeating "Dad"

"He won't be very happy if you eat the last of the Phish Food" Father said, looking at me suspiciously.

"I'm not" I said. You think I'd actually eat this stuff? "There's another pint still in the freezer" I lied.

"Alright" said Dad, walking to the freezer and grabbing a pint of his own ice cream"I'll be in my study working if you need me" he said as I handed him a spoon"Thanks"

"No problem dad" I said, as he left.

Whew, that was close. At least he didn't see the other ice cream. Now for a little recipe of my own, first I need something that looks like chocolate ice cream. I rummaged through the fridge, finally finding something that looked vaguely chocolaty-brown. I held the bowl of cooked liver at arms length, making a face. Errg, do I really want to make him eat this? Yeah. I do. I put the bowl on the counter and grinned. Then I headed back to the refrigerator, and grabbed a jar of mayonnaise. This looks close enough to marshmallow cream to fool anyone. I also took out an almost empty jar of pickles. From the pantry I took a box of cornstarch and some food coloring. I surveyed the items on the counter as I moved the open pint of Phish Food to the windowsill. It should melt nicely there.

I took out the blender and put a small saucepan on the stove. Before I poured the pickle juice into the saucepan I ate the last two pickles. Let that heat for a bit, while I fix the 'chocolate ice cream.' I dumped the liver into the blender, oops better put a top on that before I end up with liver puree all over, and turned it on. Hmm, still looks a little gray, maybe if I add some coco powder. I added the coco and turned the blender on again, much better. I turned to the stove where the pickle juice was simmering, and smelling awful, I added a little cornstarch, stirring constantly. As the 'pickle gravy' thickened I added a bit of yellow and a drop of red food coloring, turning it a rich caramel color.

Turning the heat down on the stove I examined the half-melted ice cream on the windowsill. Looks good, I'd better get those out before they melt too. I spooned it into a colander in the sink and ran cold water over it, dissolving the ice cream and leaving behind a handful of fudge fish. I left the colander to drain and looked at my nicely thick 'pickle gravy' Virgil, you are, without a doubt, 'the best' I rinsed out the empty ice cream jar and dried it. Then I laid out a sheet of aluminum foil on the counter and dumped the gloppy liver-coco puree onto it. I smoothed it out with two spatulas, put the 'pickle gravy' in a pasty bag, and the mayonnaise in another. I then artfully dribbled mayonnaise and 'pickle gravy' onto the puree, sprinkling the fudge fish I had saved onto it too. As I finished I grabbed the spatulas again and carefully squished everything together.

I put the new batch of 'ice cream' into the Phish Food container, smoothed the top, and stuck the 'ice cream' into the freezer. That should be set just in time for John's homecoming party tomorrow. Two down and four to go. Enjoy Gordo!
