Jaazi: 'Mkay, this is a repost…the format wasn't the greatest, soooo I decided to redo the chapters. Anyway for those of you who don't know about Charmed, here's a brief summary:
Charmed: The charmed ones are three sister witches, who were prophesized to be the most powerful witches of all time. Each witch would have one of these powers, telekinesis, premonition, and the power to freeze things. The original charmed ones were Prue, Piper, and Phoebe, but Prue(the oldest) died. Soon afterward Piper and Phoebe found out about Paige their long lost little sister, who's half white lighter. The powers they each have are: Piper can freeze or blow things up. Phoebe can have premonitions, levitate, and is an empath(can feel other's emotions) and Paige can orb (teleport) and can orb objects.
Chapter One: What the hell is going on!
"Yuuuuuuugiiiiiii, I'm soooo bored." Yami was lounging on the living room couch, bored to tears. There was nothing on tv, nobody to duel with, absolutely nothing to do!
"Well, Yami we could go help Grandpa at the shop." Yugi told the whiny Pharaoh.
"Do we have to?" Yami was starting to sound like a five year old.
"Noooo…hey I've got an idea!" Yugi bounced off to the kitchen where the phone is located and started to dial.
"What are you doing, aibou?"
" I'm calling some Ryou and Malik to come over." Yugi replied cheerily. "WHAT! Tomb Robber and Tomb Keeper!" Yami screeched. Yugi. nodded and smiled.
Bakura Residence
"Hello, Ryou speaking," Ryou answered, in the background Bakura was yelling something from the kitchen.
"Ryou? It's me Yugi."
"Oh hi Yugi, how are you?"
"Ok but Yami was very bored so I wanted to invite you and Bakura over."
"RYOU! WHO'S ON THE PHONE?" Bakura hollered
"Hang on, Yugi. IT'S JUST YUGI!"
"Yugi, we'll be there in half an hour, kay?"
"Yay, see you soon." he hung up.
Ryou walked into the kitchen to find that Bakura just blew up the microwave. He sighed, dejectedly.
"Bakura, Yugi invited us over to his place and I said we'd be there in half an hour. Is that okay?"
"NO ! I WILL NOT GO SEE THE BAKA PHARAOH AND YOU Can't …make…me?" Bakura faltered.
Ryou was looking at him, his emerald eye were wide and watery. He sniffled a bit to get a better effect. "Must…resist…don't cave…in"
"FINE! I'll go just stop already!" Bakura scowled angrily.
"Thanks, yami!" Ryou cried gleefully as he hugged Bakura and ran upstairs to get ready. Luckily he left before he noticed Bakura's faint blush.
Ishtar residence
Malik and Marik were in the living room watching Charmed . The phone rang and each was waiting for the other to answer.
"MALIK IT'S FOR YOU!" Isis hollered.
Malik bounced into the kitchen and got the phone. Isis walked into the living room just as Marik let out a depressing sigh.
"Marik what's wrong?" she asked even though she had an idea of what it was. "Dark yami really really likes pretty pretty hikari mine." he answered, "Isis sister help dark yami?"
Isis didn't answer immediately. She fingered her millennium tauk and gave him a knowing smile
"No, but someone will. Don't worry." She patted his head and left. Malik came running back to Marik.
"C'mon, let's go to Yugi's. Hurry up yami." Malik shot out of the house dragging a very confused Marik behind.
Game Shop
Everyone had finally arrived and were sitting in the living room. As usual, Yami and Bakura were glaring at each other while their hikaris were trying to have a conversation. Malik and Marik were egging on Bakura and Yami. Needless to say, they weren't helping matters much.
Meanwhile in San Francisco
Paige was in the attic leafing through the Book of Shadows(1).All of a sudden the Book's pages started moving on their own and landed on a certain page.
"Piper, Phoebe! Get up here NOW!" she hollered for her older sisters. The two sisters raced upstairs.
"Paige what's wrong is it another demon attack?" Piper asked.
"Yeah, we still haven't figured out what the last demons were, we can't afford another attack from them." Phoebe pointed out.
"No. I was looking for the demons that attacked us. I mean, how many giant bug demons are there? But then the Book turned its pages to this," Paige pointed to the page titled Yin-Yang.
"It says 'Yin-Yang is neither angel or demon, but both. It has a light half and a dark half, that symbolizes a balance. These halves are together for eternity, if they separate or become imbalanced it's consequences are terrible. They can also fix any imbalances other than its own' Look it has a summoning spell." Paige looked at her sisters, "Should we try it?"
"Well, the Book turned there for a reason, right?" Phoebe asked.
"Paige, Phoebe, it has a dark side and we don't even know what it looks like! We can't just summon it, who knows what could happen!" Piper said reasonably.
"But it has a light side and it might know about the strange demon attacks." Paige argued
"Besides why else would the Book turn to this page?" Phoebe sided with Paige.
"Two against one, fine let me see the spell" Piper, Phoebe, and Paige gathered around the Book and started to chant.
"We call upon thee,
Of Dark and Light,
Come to us and help
Us with our plight"(2).
Game Shop
A purple black portal opened up out of nowhere.
"Bakura! Turn off your portal!" cried out Ryou.
"Ryou…that's not mine…" Bakura said, slightly nervous.
The portal sucked them all up. The yamis immediately grabbed on to their hikaris to protect them. They were getting shaken around like rag dolls when all of a sudden they landed very roughly.
Halliwell Manor
As soon as they finished chanting a huge portal opened up and spit out a bunch of teenaged boys. Very strange looking teenaged boys. There seemed to be three sets of twins, one brunette, and one blonde. They all landed in a tangled mess of arms and legs. They all stood managed to get themselves untangled. After the Charmed ones got over there shock two voices cried out…
(1) The Book of Shadows is the witches' book of spells. Its also kind of like an encyclopedia of magical beings. It has potion recipes too.
(2) I completely made that up, I don't know if there is a yinyang thing in the book, but in this fic it is. I know the spell is corny...you try coming up with one.
Jaazi: Well, there ya go. Chapter one reposted.
KK: Comments will be appreciated…
DJ: Tch, these two feed on reviews, it's disturbing.
Jaazi: No one asked you!