Hello! Yes, it is I, and I'm back with the last chapter of The Elevator Game. I'm sad to see this one go, but there's a surprise ending (not in the story, at my ending note) so, read on to find out.

Thanks to my reviewers! You made this story the best!

Goth Child of Zyon, DannyPhantomLover, Unlikely-to-bear-it, Faith's melody, venusgal100, PhantomAlchemist, Nickelback-Danny-Phantom-Lover (x2), Kybo, WiltedrOes, Fantastic Bouncy Girl (x2), JadeRabbyt, Gryfffinrose, Penguin, R6, hearts, DragonGirl, Dannysgf08, randomfan, Just me and myself, Dooley, ChibiSess, Dr. Daragon, wishing for rain, Osparrow, LaBOBuren, rikagirls, Grey Raven North, purrbaby101, A.Nonymous (x2), bluish black dolphin, via, Anne Camp aka Obi-Quiet, cakereut12, Rainstorm Amaya

You guys make all this totally worth it!

Reviewer Rewards and Story Summary will be posted soon. I have a lot of reviews on this one so I don't know when. Also, all the stupid mistakes that I made, will be fixed too. (Chapter one, chapter two, chapter seven)

So, I bring you the final chapter of The Elevator Game!

Chapter Eight


"Give me your hand," Danny said, reaching down.

"No, you'll let go," Dash yelled, his face turning red with the exertion of trying to hold on. He was swinging dangerously, and he wasn't sure how much longer he would be able to keep holding on.

"Why would I do that?" he asked. "Look, I promise I won't let go."

"You promise?" he called.

"Yes. Just give me your hand," he said. He reached down and the jock desperately let go of one edge and grasped his hand with the other.

Using all his strength, Danny pulled backwards….

"Danny, Dash, hold on, Tucker went to get help," Valerie called to them from the floor opening. "Just hold on guys."

Danny pulled again and Dash's torso appeared onto the ceiling, and he used his free hand to pull himself up. They both dropped to the top, breathing heavily.

Purple eyes met fierce blue ones.

"Thanks," he said sincerely, looking away.

"No problem," he replied.

Another echo of thunder and electricity above them. The elevator shook violently and both cautiously crept to their feet.

"Let's say we save the gratitude for later and get off this thing," Dash suggested.

"Sounds good," Danny agreed, looking up.

Remaining behind a little, Danny watched as Dash climbed upwards onto the floor and into safety. He was about to follow, when there was another crash of lightning.

He looked up as sparks flew down on top of him and noticed something. One of the wires holding the elevator had just snapped. The next thing he knew, the elevator was dropping….

"Danny!" Sam shouted.

He jumped over to the side, but it was too late. The large capsule fell, and there was a loud boom of thunder.

His last resort was to grab onto the free wires, and he leaped off the other side and grabbed onto them, holding on for dear life. But something pulled him down, hitting him, and forcing him to fall.

There was a great crash from below as the elevator finally smashed into the ground below. Sparks of energy drifted upwards and smoke followed.

And then there was silence.

"Danny?" Sam yelled, leaning out from the opening. She looked where she had seen him last and there was nothing there. She coughed in the smoke, waiting for it to clear. "Danny! Answer me!"

"Somebody help!" Tucker shouted loud.

"Hold on!" Sam yelled, tears pouring down her cheeks. God, how could this have happened? She couldn't imagine what it would have been like for them to not even be in there…when… How close to death had they actually come? And now there was more?

"Paulina, go get help, there has to be someone," Dash demanded.

"Oh my god…" Valerie said. "Please tell me…please tell me he isn't…"

"No, shut up! He's not," Sam yelled, bursting into tears. "He's not." She peered down the elevator shaft, into an icy darkness below. "He's not… God, please tell me he's not."

"He fell, I watched him fall, and something hit him. It must have been the elevator wiring," Paulina said.

"You shut your mouth right now!" Sam yelled. "He didn't fall. He jumped onto the wiring. He had to have climbed up—"

"Sam, snap out of it. You're losing it, wherever Danny is, he needs help," Valerie said, shaking her. She felt something cold brush the top of her head and shivered.

"But he's not. He can't be dead, he saved them, he saved them," she said.

"Snap out of it!" Valerie shouted.

"Why is everyone freaking out?" a voice said.

A shadow walked towards them out of the dark room, and they saw a pair of vivid blue eyes before seeing the familiar black hair.

"Danny?" Sam asked.

"What?" he asked.

"How did you get from there," Dash asked, pointing to the elevator shaft to where he stood, "to here?"

"I managed to jump onto the next floor as it was opening. Somebody heard the commotion we were making and decided to check it out," he said.

"So where are they now?" Valerie asked.

"Right there," Danny said, just as the door opened.

Several people walked in. At least fifteen; the three tour guides, Lancer, and parents of all six of them.

"There you are," two of them shouted at a time.

"Mom, dad!" Paulina cried, rushing over to them.

"Dad!" Valerie said, close behind.

Sam didn't care that her parents weren't there. She ran over to Danny and wrapped her arms around him tightly. Then when she pulled away, punched him as hard as she could on the shoulder.

"Ow," he said, laughing.

"Don't you ever do that again," she said. She saw dirt smears on his face. "What happened? You disappeared."

"I fell after I got hit by something. The next thing I knew, I was floating," he said.

She cocked her head, wiping a tear from her face. "Floating? As if your ghost powers are back?" she asked.

"Apparently. And very fortunately," he said. He ran a hand through his hair, shaking dust off the black strands.

"Don't scare me like that. I thought—" she began.

He put a finger to her lips. "Shh…. I'm here now. And we're out of the elevator," he said, looking around.

"Danny!" a voice yelled. A girl with long, wavy red hair ran towards them and he received another hug.

"I was so worried. They called all the parents when the storm started, and everyone at school had to go down in the basement because of the tornado sirens. When they finally let us out, the field trip students were stuck here, and six of them were trapped in an elevator and they couldn't get to you," Jazz said.

"Well, that explains a lot," he said.

"Hey Sam," she said.

"Hey sis," she greeted back, smiling.

"What?" she asked, confused.

Danny burst into laughter so Sam had to answer for him. "Don't you know that you're my sister now? Danny and I traded."

"Okay. I'm going to be over there now…." Jazz said, rolling her eyes. She walked over to the police officers standing around.

"Danny, Sam," Tucker said, coming over to them.

"You alright?" she asked.

"Great. I managed to see that really cool—"

"Tell me that while someone's life was in danger, you weren't checking out electronics," Sam guessed, groaning.

Tucker stared. "No. I waited until after I saw Danny change back from a ghost after he came up here."

"You saw me?" he asked.

"Dude. Think about it. It's been an hour since Valerie's weapon got you. Of course… I didn't come up with that until now and I was pretty freaked out, but then I remembered you're Danny Phantom," he said.

"Unfortunately, Valerie knows that now," Sam said, biting her lip.

"I had a feeling from the start," said a voice. They looked around and saw Valerie coming towards them. "All the times you disappeared, all the excuses Tucker and Sam were always making for you. It all adds up now. I just couldn't put my finger on why you looked so familiar," she said. "But…since you kept my secret, I don't see why I can't keep yours."

"You're serious?" Danny asked, his eyebrows raised.

"Very. However, this little truce we made. Still goes the same. May the best ghost hunter win. It's like a competition. If you get in my way though, the truce will be broken, and I will show you what my weapons and training can do," she said. With that she smiled over perkily and walked back over to her parents.

"Well…that was different," Sam said, searching for a clearer word. "But can you really trust her?"

"I kind of have to. Even though I don't know Valerie very well, I don't think she's the type of person who would go back on her word. Unlike some people," he muttered.

"Plasmius?" Sam guessed. "What are you going to do?"

"Danny!" Jazz said again, walking up to them.

"I'll figure out a way. Hey Jazz," he said quickly.

"By George it's Miss Intelligent Jazmine Alexandra Fenton," Tucker teased. Danny and Sam laughed again.

"Okay, what is going on?" Jazz asked, staring at them. "You are starting to freak me out." She caught sight of Danny. "What did you roll in?" She brushed more dust out of his hair.

"You stay in an elevator for three hours and see how you turn out," he retaliated, pushing her hand away.

"Come on," she said, laughing. "Let's get you guys home."


"You know what's really unfair?" Sam asked, closing her locker. It was the end of second hour, the next day. "Lancer shouldn't have given us any homework. We should get a day off after what happened."

"Yeah," Danny agreed. "Like that will ever happen."

"Where's Tucker?" she asked, staring around. "He's usually here by now."

"Don't know. He had computers last hour, he's probably still in there nerding out," he teased.

"What really sucks is that Dash didn't even acknowledge that you saved his life. You would think he'd be a little more grateful," she said.

"Oh well," he said. "I'm quite used to it by now."

"Danny?" Sam said suddenly. In surprise, he banged his head on the top of his locker, confused at her tone.

"What? What's wrong?" he asked.

She laughed. "Grace. I just wanted to tell you something."

"Oh, god, don't freak out on me like that," he said, massaging his head. "What about?"

"The whole thing yesterday. You know with my triple dare, and your dare and the whole thing—" she started.

"Sam, you're rambling. What do you want to tell me?" he asked, peering at her curiously.

"Never mind," she said, shrugging.

"Sam, you only ramble when you're nervous. What's going on?" he said.

"You know me too well," she said.

"You're my best friend, why shouldn't I know you?" he asked, blushing slightly. He dug around in his locker again.

"That's what I'm nervous about," she said.

He banged his head on his locker again, and came out staring at her, blue eyes locked on amethyst. "W-what do you mean?" he stammered.

"The whole thing with Ember. It made me think. And then in the elevator, when I kissed you, and you totally surprised me by kissing me back…"

"Is this going where I think it's going?" he asked.

"Sound glum about it why don't you," she said sarcastically.

"No, that's what I meant," he said hurriedly. "What I meant to say is—"

She stepped closer to him. "Danny, shut up." She kissed him, wrapping her arms around her neck and closed her eyes.

"Whoa! Major PDA!" said a voice.

Danny pulled away, annoyed at the interruption. "What do you want Jazz?" he asked.

"If I had known I was going to interrupt your make out session, I would have never come. But quite frankly, right now I'm pretty freaked out," she said.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked.

"What on earth is your friend going to do exactly?" she asked.

"Tucker?" Sam asked, staring back and forth. "What's wrong with Tucker?"

"I don't know. I've just heard rumors. Something about he's taking off his clothes or something, which is really gross."

"Eww…I hate rumors," she said.

"Uh…Sam?" Danny asked, a slight grin on his face.


"I don't think it's a rumor."

"How do you know?"

"It's third hour," he whispered.

Sam gasped. "Oh, my god, his dare."

"What dare?" Jazz asked.

Danny and Sam shared one glance, ignoring her, and smiled. Then took off running as fast as they could.

The End


Yeah, I know, I hate to end it like that. So that's why I'm not….

Remember that surprise I mentioned earlier? Well, here it is. This story completely took me by surprise by giving me the most reviews. I realized I couldn't end it right there….so that's why I'm giving you a sequel! As an appreciation. I didn't put it on my bio or mention it because I wanted to make it a surprise.

So, watch for the sequel, coming soon! And here's your sneak peek! Thanks to my lovely reviewers, I love you so much!

Freeze Out: A series of winter storms and blizzards turns scary when it disrupts a sophomore field trip. The bad part? After getting in trouble, Danny has to drive a separate van of "extras" to the trip to make up for it? The worst part? Dash, Paulina, and Valerie are stuck with Sam, Tucker, and Danny once again. Even worse? They get caught in the blizzard, get lost, and break down at the same time.

(This one's a tad bit more dramatic. Someone actually gets hurt in it)

Chapter Two (Valerie)

"Turn the ignition key moron," Dash snapped.

"Yeah, cause I haven't tried that," Danny retorted angrily, turning the key. The van made a whining noise but didn't start.

"So not only did you get us lost, but you screwed up the engine too?" Paulina said, her face worried.

"I didn't get us lost," Danny declared.

"No, that's right, you just lost the bus," I said.

"You try seeing through that," he yelled, pointing outside the window. Snow falling out there made a literal wall. I guess he had a point. But still, the point that I was stuck here with them again still annoyed me.

"So we're stuck here?" Dash asked.

"Yeah, unless you want to get out and push?" Sam asked, looking back from the passenger seat.

Already my evilness is working. Look out for Freeze Out, coming soon! Please R&R! I'm actually finished with two stories now. Record for me. Story Summary and Reviewer Rewards will be in two weeks.

Lateraina Wolf