Pandora's Box


Youkai Home: 1994

"Dad, Kagome and I are going upstairs!" 18 year old Inuyasha Youkai yelled to his father. As he ascended the stairs, a raven-haired, cocoa eyed Kagome Higurashi followed humbly but happily behind him.

"We're going to work on a history project Mr. Youkai." the 16 year old Kagome announced quietly but loud enough to be heard, to her best friends father.

"No molly-coddling, ya here!" Mr. Youkai bellowed back at his son in warning. Kagome blushed while Inuyasha just rolled his eyes at his fathers antics.

"Mind your own business old man!" Inuyasha declared rudely, earning an elbow in the gut from his female friend.

"Don't worry Mr. Youkai, we'll behave." Kagome said shyly, still a little flushed.

"It's not you I worry 'bout 'Gome. It's that boy you got with ya!" Mr. Youkai replied civilly.

Inuyasha just shook his head at this, not bothering to answer as he trudged up the stairs and around the corner to his bedroom with Kagome at his side.

As they got seated Inuyasha made no effort to take out his History text and merely sat there watching Kagome and waiting for her to notice he was not participating.

"Ready?" Kagome asked, looking quizzically at her friend upon seeing him without his textbook. When he didn't reply she confronted him gently, "I take it I'm not here to work on History? Am I? What's wrong Inuyasha?" Kagome asked, trying to keep the excitement out of her voice, and the giddy smile from her face. 'This is it,' she thought, 'finally he is going to ask me out! I hope I don't look overanxious!'

"Kag... I was... I was wondering..." Inuyasha stuttered, automatically referring back to his nickname for her.

"Yes Inuyasha..." Kagome all but whispered. She'd realized she'd had a crush on him since half way through grade 10. They had been friends for six years, since grade four. He had met her family, and her slightly elder twin sister Kikyo, all of who adored him. But then again, she couldn't imagine anyone not adoring him, he was perfect. His long silver hair which seemed to flow down his back, his adorable dog ears perched atop his head, his molten gold eyes that a girl could drown in, his charming and slightly teasing intellect, and his attuned predatory senses. His whole body it seemed was built for the hunt, muscled but lean, thick but not fat... Ah yes, definitely perfect, or at least as close as one human being could be. But now was not the time to think of such things, he was about to try to speak again.

"I... I was wondering if... I mean it's not like, you know... But... If you do... Do you... Ok, I'm just gonna come out and say it," he stumbled through the words awkwardly. 'This has to be important,' Kagome thought, 'he's never uncertain...'

"Kagome, do you... Do you know if Kikyo would be interested in going out with me?" Inuyasha said quickly.

It seemed as if Kagome's teenage world was crashing in around her... 'He couldn't have said... Kikyo?' she questioned herself in her mind, 'he... he barely knows her... KIKYO!?! But why...' she sobbed internally.

"Pardon? W-what was that Inuyasha?" she tried to keep the tremble from her voice, and tell the tears to hold. She would never let him see her weak. He despised weakness.

"I asked if you knew if Kikyo would be interested in going out with me... Like on a date... I've liked her for awhile, but I have never really gotten up the courage to ask her, you know how it is?" he smiled, gaining confidence.

Kagome took a moment to compose herself. It took all of her soul to do it, but finally she reached the point where she could choke out words without making a fool of herself.

"I'm..." she cleared her throat, "I'm sure, she'd l-love to... You're an okay guy..." she tried to tease with him.

"Oh, okay... Thank God, for a second there, I thought you would think it weird I had it for you're sister." he smiled again. 'Weird? You liking my sister... No, never... everyone else does, I don't see why you're any different...' she thought ruefully, 'Kikyo gets good grades, great friends, great guys... Everything... And it all comes so easily... I guess it was stupid of me to hope that you were different'

"Weird... Nah... Kikyo is a-a great gal..." she sniffled.

"Hey you ok?" he questioned upon hearing her slight congestion.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine, I... I must be coming down with something..." she replied 'Only suffering from a broken heart and wounded pride... why wouldn't I be ok?' she added in her thoughts. "Listen, I... I gotta get home. I'm not feelin' so good." she managed to squeak past the lump in her throat which was steadily growing larger.

"Yeah sure..." he said easily, now that the hard part was over. "Hey! Kag, thanks for your help, you're a pal..." he said as she walked away.

"... No problem..." she cried, but as she turned, Inuyasha could have sworn he saw one lone tear travel down her rosy cheeks... He immediately dismissed the idea, 'Yeah right. Kag cry, not likely...'

When Kagome got into her car, she wept, heart shattering sobs that racked her small frame. She called out in her sorrow and those within close proximity knew it was the anguished cry of a broken heart...