Hey guys…I know this chapter is short but it's also the last…I should have two different sequels up in a few days…and to Lychee Arika and Miki you have the baby at the end of the ninth month and Alex is at the beginning on her seventh so I counted it as basically three months…

Disclaimer: I don't own Degrassi or any of the characters…even though I do wish I owned Mike Lobel…lol j/k…

(Jay's Point of View)

Alex was having the baby…she was really having our baby…I was going to strangle Emma the next time I saw her. Alex looked like she was in so much pain and I couldn't even do anything to help ease it…I felt so helpless. When Layla came out she was beautiful, she had dark hair like her mom and she was so tiny. She looked like she could fit in the palm of my hand. Right after Alex had finally been able to push Layla out she told me that she loved me…

"I love you to Lexxi" and then I heard the machines that she was hooked up to start beeping and Alex looked like she blacked out. Suddenly I was being pushed out of the room and one of the nurses took Layla away. What was happening? Was Alex okay? Was it Layla? What went wrong? I walked into the waiting room where Ellie and Season were sitting, waiting for the news on the baby and Alex.

"Jay what happened?" Ellie was immediately at my sides asking question but I just shrugged and stared at the ground. "Jay, Is she okay?"

"I don't know El, I honestly don't know" I collapsed into a nearby chair and wiped at my cheeks, but the tears were still there. What if something happened to them? I couldn't lose Alex let alone my daughter…

(Ellie's Point of View)

Why were the doctors taking so long? Was there something wrong? Jay looked like he was about to start sobbing any moment and I wanted to tell him that it was going to be okay and that nothing was going to happen but part of me wasn't sure that everything would turn out okay. It's been about a half and hour since Jay has been out here and we were sitting in complete silence. None of us know what to say to each other. I was farther along then Alex…she shouldn't have gone into labor.

What the hell was she thinking, getting into a fight with Emma? I don't know what I'll do if something happens to her…she's like my best friend, ever since Ash stopped talking to me once she found out that I was pregnant. Of all people why does it have to be Alex? she is such an amazing person once you get to know her and now she's in here…I just don't get why it had to be her? Why couldn't this have happened to me? I wouldn't have been in as much danger if it was me…but why her?

(Sean's Point of View)

Now that I look back I feel horrible for basically telling Alex to leave mine and Ellie's house. I know that I was never really that nice to her but it was just the relationship that we had…we had always acted like we hated each other and we had our little arguments but she was like a sister to me. Jay must be going through hell right now. He really does love her and I know that she loves him. That's why Emma was so pissed off…you can see in Jay's eyes that he doesn't love Emma the way he loves Alex and it just made her so jealous that she wanted revenge on Alex or something.

I never thought I would see the day that Jay would cry but now as he was before me I wished that I could help him…I put my hand on his shoulder to let him know that I was there for him…the hospital seemed like such an uninviting place…and it made me feel so unwelcome, with the older nurses giving Ellie dirty looks and the doctors rushing by trying to get to their patients.

(Jay's Point of View)

I had been sitting still for too long so I decided to go for a walk around and try to take my mind off Alex and Layla. Except it wasn't working so well…why did Emma have to go after Alex? and my little daughter? As I was walking around the halls I saw all the happy families sitting in their rooms with their new little babies and I felt jealous. I wanted that to be me and Alex…I didn't want it to be me outside waiting to here news of what's going on and her in there with them doing god knows what. I was so frustrated I ended up punching the wall and the nurse came out and yelled at me. But instead of standing there and listening to what she had to say I just walked away. I got a cup of coffee and decided to go back and see what Sean and Ellie were doing. The walk around hadn't really helped anything and I had only been gone for maybe 15 minutes…the doctors still hadn't said anything…it's been almost an hour and I'm going crazy. What the hell was going on in there…and then he came out…Dr. Houston came over to where me and Ellie were…

"Jay?" he asked as he looked between me and Sean. I lifted my head a little to let him know that I was Jay. "Jay we have some news on Alex and your daughter…" he looked at me with an emotionless mask that I guess he had to use and I didn't know what to expect…good or bad news…

The End

Alright guys that's it for this fic…make sure to look for the sequels…and thanks to everyone that reviews…I appreciate it…
