I wonder why no one writes ZAGR fics, or at least not as much (everything is slashy). So in honor of a special friend who complains about it more than I do, I've decided to write one more ZAGR fic. I'm not sure how my skills will do in this one but I hope you will enjoy it. It's been several months, so I might be rusted again.
Author Notes: I don't own Invader Zim, or its Characters. In this fic the people are fictional (some might be mine!). If characters seem OOC then I apologize. Doomo arigato!
CH 1 – Heading to Irk (Gaz Takes a Stand)
All lights were out tonight, the city had gone into total blackout. Every dwelling lined outside the street was pitched black, which was expected, all except for one house. One home that didn't even look like a residence, but a spaceship, or so thought the young man that lived a few blocks down.
"He's in there....he's planning something...." he muttered to himself
He watched, staring intently at the strange home of his rival Zim. The place was lit like a candle but did anyone care? No. The people of this planet were unaware, they always were and always have been, and thus they always will be. He concluded this thought, reached for a soda can nearby, and took a sip.
"As long as I'm here he won't take over." The man breathed, his mind was dazed at old memories that bothered him so, only to have his thoughts shattered by a young woman stealing his drink.
"You're such a pain Dib, just give up spying on Zim. He's not planning anything." She spoke harshly at her brother and drained the rest of his drink down her throat.
Dib glanced at his sister, remembering that 7 years ago she was a 10 year old pain in the ass, now she was a 17 year old pain in the ass that looked beautiful. Sure it was weird that he thought she was hot, but how can anyone deny?
Her violet hair had small tints of black, it shown brightly and hung at her waist. The clothing was dark and still gothic; a plain black shirt except for the purple crossbones on it, long purple stockings reached her thighs that were hidden by a black skirt.
Her earrings were silver loops, and she still carried her skull necklace. Lastly her eyes, they were dark brown, with hints of purple and green. Any man would fall for her, had it not been for her hatred to all of mankind.
"Take a picture it'll last longer" she sneered and shoved the empty can into Dib's stomach. He grunted and turned his attention back to the house outside.
"That alien is up to something, he's been acting weird"
"Weirder than you? That's rich"
"Why do you always seem to defend him Gaz?"
"I'm not"
"Yes you are. It's like you have the hots for him or..."
That was something he'd regret to say, because before he could finish his sister had him by the throat, up in the air like a toy. She squeezed, and to her pleasure the sounds of his cartilage snapping was heaven to her ears.
"I don't LIKE anyone or anything. Especially your weird friend" she spoke low to strike terror into him.
"Please...stop" Dib choked out, he would've blacked out if she hadn't dropped him and smiled proudly at her strength.
Dib took several breaths then looked quickly back outside. He squinted, trying to see clearly, and gasped.
If he had heard it he wouldn't have believed it. He watched as Zim put several bags into his so called voot cruiser. Dib rubbed his eyes.
"Gaz can you believe this? He's actually leaving!!"
Gaz crossed her arms and shrugged
"Maybe he got tired of you" she twirled her chain in her fingers and looked at the ground sadly.
"This is too good to be true! I've gotta give him a goodbye!" he grabbed his long coat and ran outside, followed not as quickly by Gaz.
As Dib neared his enemy he stopped dead in his tracks 10 feet away from Zim. He took in the new look of this alien. He was styled in a more humane look. Black baggy jeans and a plain maroon shirt with the Irken symbol on his back in purple. He wore several rings on his fingers, and lastly he was tall, very tall. Dib's grin widened and he began walking slowly.
"Where you going Zim?" he asked politely, with a hint of enjoyment.
Zim threw the bag into the voot and sighed.
"Home" he replied simply, his back turned to him.
Gaz caught up and stared at Zim, half pissed, half uncaring, and half uncertainty
"Stupid green idiot" she mumbled
"I heard that" Zim smiled without them noticing. He slammed the door and turned to them, his fake human eyes were not on; he gazed at the two with his blazing red stare.
"I'm going back to Irk, I seem to have an uncompleted course. Have no doubt that I will return." He brought his fist to his chest and grinned solemnly, "I still have lots to learn here in Earth if I ever hope to achieve a normal life. I also want to experience Christmas again, it might turn out differently..."
"Wait, aren't you going to take over Earth?" Dib's voice was high out of confusion.
Zim looked at Dib with a raised eyebrow and scoffed.
"No, I don't want to take over Earth."
Dib felt as if he was in Mysterious Mysteries. He keeled over and laughed til it hurt.
"OH MAN! Zim you come up with the greatest jokes!" He wiped a tear from his eyes and smirked.
"Human I am not lying I do not wish to take over this planet!" Zim's voice rose and Gaz put a finger to her lips, motioning him to calm down.
Dib regained his composure and his eyes went wide.
"No shit?"
Zim looked confused, "I shit you not."
Dib's mouth hung open, "So why are you going to Irk?"
Zim sighed again at Dib's stupidity
"How can anyone with such a large head have no brain? I am going to Irk to finish my courses. To which I will come back and live on Earth like a normal human boy....man...thing" he waved his hand unenthusiastically.
"Then you are on our side?" Dib smiled questioningly
"I suppose, but that does not mean we are on good terms"
Dib threw his arms in the air, "Then I have a favor Zim!"
Zim looked at Dib incredulously but nodded. Dib inhaled.
"Tell me all about what you see at your planet. I want to know everything!"
"F that!" Zim threw up the middle finger to which Dib just backed away from. Gaz smirked, she enjoyed watching Zim go bad ass.
"One, I am not about to betray my people just for you and two, I'm not in the mood to help you. Now excuse me while I gather the rest of my stuff." He jogged back to his house.
"Shoot and I thought I would finally learn about Zim and the Irkens." He kicked a stone and began walking home.
"I'll do it."
Dib turned and looked at Gaz
'I said I'll do it. I'll go hide in Zim's voot dressed as an Irken and get the info for you." She said it so simply like it was cake.
Dib smiled, "Uh no thanks Gaz, I'd rather not let you"
"Quit being dumb, give me that disguise you were working on and I'll go" She outstretched her arm toward him waiting; he just stood there in disbelief.
"Gaz this is dangerous, I can't risk you going to some planet you might get massacred or something!"
"Oh my god do you ever shut up" She reached into his pocket and grabbed the belt that would change her appearance
"SHUT UP!" she put the belt on snugly around her waist, "Now I'll come back with Zim and tell you everything, see ya" she jumped in the back of the voot hidden well under the bags.
"Ugh..Gaz..." He would've pulledher out if Zim hadn't appeared and put the last of his possessions in.
"I'm off. See you in a few months Dib, tell your sister I said bye as well" he whistled for Gir, who bounded happily towards Zim.
"Gir you are to stay here and guard the vicinity. Do not let anyone in..."Zim paused then replied, "...do not let anyone in except for Dib" he placed a gloved hand on Dib's shoulder.
"Say what?" Dib looked at Zim in shock
"You have fun now" Zim smiled and went into his voot
"Goodbye Masta ZIM!! I take gewd care of piggy and kangaroo!" Gir screeched and jumped on Dib's head.
Zim gave the peace sign and blasted off into the sky. Dib watched at the figure became a faint dot. He wasn't sure what was going on. First Gaz goes against his wishes, even though that was common. Now Zim was being nice and NOT taking over Earth.
"I have a feeling they're hiding something from me. WHY AM I ALWAYS LEFT IN THE DARK!?" he screamed at the night sky. Then he sighed and headed home.
"I hope nothing happens to Gaz..." he muttered quietly.
End! Plz reveiw and send some comments/hints/tips. All tips and stuff will be acknoledged in my Authors Notes. Until next chapter, see ya!