We ran as fast as we could. We had heard tales of this foul guard of Caerbannog. It is a foul thing. We had also heard of it's bane, the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch and the priest who kept it in his keeping, Brother Maynard, but the grenade was used and Maynard was devoured by the monster in Caerbannog.
Anyways, enough about the priest! We ran and ran and ran. We reached a small monastery in a forest. I went to the door and knocked three times.
"Hello?" I called. I looked behind me. The rabbit was approaching. I knocked again. Behind me, the rabbit was killing many of my companions. Finally, the door creaked open.
"Hi," came a timid voice, "Who are you?"
"I am Sir Not Really a Sir I Just Use Sir To Act Like A Knight," I said, "Who are you?"
"I am Another Monk from scene 31. I read the instructions of how to use the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch to Arthur and his knights."
"Do you know of any other ancient relic that would be useful to attack the evil rabbit?"
"Please come in and choose from our selection of weapons and gadgetry." The timid monk opened the door all the way and led me in.
"Oh, shut up you stupid audience. I can't believe you even saw that movie. It sucked."
Back to the story. So then, I stepped inside, and there was Arthur and his knights. He made me a knight so I became Sir Finally a Sir and-
WAIT!!!! Sorry. I skipped a small portion of the story. Actually, a fairly large chunk of it.
I stepped inside and I saw many small, golden boxes with elaborate carvings and engravings on them. As Another Monk passed each box, he mumbled the name of each relic. "Sniper of St. Sergio…Rifle of St. Rafael…Pistol of St. Paul…Jesus' Jacuzzi…Bomb of St. Bob…Atomic Bomb of St. Adam…Nuclear Missile of St. Nick…Fart of St. Flatulent.. Bullet of St. Bernard. Wait! The Fart of St. Flatulent! It kills all living things within twenty feet of the detonator's behind.
"What happens to the detonator?" I asked.
"He usually suffocates on the fart and dies, but that's not important," Another Monk paused, "Brothers!"
A melodic "Yes?" rang through the monastery.
"We are using the Fart of St. Flatulent."
The monks began singing in unison, "Piea Jesu Domine, Dona Eis Requiem."
They slowly walked to the relic box as they chanted. When all of the monks arrived, they left the monastery to find my companions battling the rabbit. "Brother," I began, "Read the instructions for the use of this relic."
Another Monk picked up the Appendices of the Bible Book and began reading, "At the battle of Tours, the little known St. Flatulent let out a nasty toot and killed off many Saracens. Charles Martel was able to capture the stench in a jar and sell it on eBay. The product description was thus: When thou faceth an enemy, bad, drinketh thy fart of St. Flatulent amidst the battle field and wait. Whenst you feeleth a fart coming up, let it pass through. Let the trumpet of war be sounded and destroyeth thy enemy. Now, it will take seven seconds for the fart to be released. Clench thy buns for seven seconds, then releaseth. The pressure shall make thy fart deadlier. Do not clench for eight seconds, for that will causeth a nuclear explosion. Do not hold six seconds for it will not be strong enough. Seven shall be the number of the counting and the number of the counting shall be seven. Nine and five are definitely unacceptable! After thou counteth to seven (being the seventh number), release your buns and let fly the deadly stench."
I pulled aside the captain of the quest (whom I did not particularly favor) and told him to drink the "elixir of life." I handed him the fart and he drank it.
"Now step away to the rabbit and clench your lower set of cheeks," I said.
"One…Two…Three…Four…Five…Six…Seven. Now release," I yelled. He was too late. He was blown to pieces and so was the rabbit. Another monk, my remaining companions, and the other monks ran into the monastery to wait for the stench to leave.
After an hour or two, Another Monk came to me, the new captain, and said, "You must leave now." We packed our things and left. We followed a small forest road through a thick forest. It seemed like we were going in circles. We realized we weren't when we were greeted by the worst sound in the world: