Hi! Well, this is my first fanfic ever! Please review it and tell me what you think! And no, Usagi and Mamoru don't know each other's secret identities right now.

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or any of the related characters. I wouldn't be writing this if I did!

Key: blah -Usagi thinking
blah -flashbacks

Usagi turned and quickly walked down the street, her face burning with rage. How dare he mock me! He stops me in the street just so that he can mock me now?! That baka is gonna get what's coming to him one of these days! I can't be held responsible for my actions now!

"Hey, Usagi! Wait up!" Mamoru called.
"What is it?" she snapped, not wanting to talk to this man who was constantly making fun of her.
"Oh, I see. A little crabby, today, are we?" He teased, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I was having a good day until you came along, thank you very much," she retorted.
"Oh, were you? I'm so sorry, little Odango Atama. I didn't realize that you so hated me," he said, pulling a mock-sad face.
"Okay, Odango. Just as soon as you stop hating me," he laughed.
She glowered angrily at him and stomped off to the sound of his laughter.

Upon recalling the memory of their recent meeting, Usagi started to cry. Why must I always be so mean to him? And why does he always have to taunt me?! I really would just like to be friends, but he just makes me angry! Why can't he be more like Tuxedo Kamen? The thought of the handsome masked man who always had a nack for saving Sailor Moon made her cry even harder. He was handsome, suave, debonaire, and kind. At least, she thought he was probably kind, although he had never actually spoken to her. He just rescued her and disappeared. But she had stared deeply into his beautiful stormy blue-purple eyes before, and she couldn't believe that they could hold any danger to her. Oh, sure, it wasn't that Mamoru wasn't good looking. Quite the contrary. He had the body of Adonis, a lovely face with beautiful high cheekbones and a chiseled jaw, gorgeous dark eyes, and the most beautiful silky black hair that came down to just above his eyes. The only problem with Mamoru, in fact, was the fact that he was a rude and inconsiterate baka. At least as far as Usagi was concerned. She shook her head to try and rid herself of these thoughts.

"Usagi! Hey, wait!" a familiar voice called. Usagi smiled when she heard it. Ami. She turned around.
"Hey, Ami! What's up?" She greeted.
"Have you been crying?" The blue haired girl asked immediately after looking at Usagi's face. Usagi's hands flew up to her cheeks.
"Oh, it's just that baka Mamoru again. Honestly, Ami, that man is so frustrating!" Usagi confided.
"You know, you two really should learn to get along."
"I've tried! But he just has a nack for making me angry!" Along with weak in the knees
"Oh well. We'd better hurry or we're going to be late!" Ami exclaimed, looking at her watch. The girls started to run, and barely made it to class before the bell rang.

Later that day...

"Odango! Hold on!" Not again...
"Baka-san, I thought I told you to leave me alone," Usagi started.
"I know, but I just want to apologize if I made you angry today," The handsome young man said. Usagi looked him in the eye. She kept looking. Then she realized she was staring. She quickly broke her gaze and spat, "You? Apologize? Since when have you been nice to me? I'm used to it, you know."
"I know, and for that I'm sorry. I want to make it up to you. Would you let me take you out to dinner tonight? My treat. Anywhere you want to go," He winked. Usagi was stunned.
"You want to take me out for dinner? Well, if you're paying, alright," She said, hesitantly.
"Alright, I'll pick you up around 7 o'clock, okay? Later, Odango," He smiled and quickly walked away before she could yell at him for calling her by her most hated nickname.

Mamoru asked me out to dinner! What's gotten into him? I don't remember him ever being nice to me! Is this some sort of trick? If it is...he's gonna be in pain. Oh well. At least he's paying!

"You know, Mamoru, maybe you should try being nice to Usagi once in a while," Motoki chided.
"But it's so much fun to see her angry! Besides, she always calls me a baka. I'm in college with a 4.0!" Mamoru replied.
"Well maybe she just calls you that because you call her Odango Atama."
"Yes, that would be logical. But she's so cute when she's mad," Mamoru laughed.
"Sounds like you've got a crush, Mamoru," Motoki smiled at his friend.
"Oh, come on, Motoki. Me? Have a crush on Usagi? She's only 16!" Mamoru's face went white at the thought.
"Alright, alright! I was only joking!" Motoki put his hands up in defense.
That was a close one, Mamoru thought, but he's right. I do have a crush on her. She's beautiful! With those gorgeous ice blue eyes and satiny golden hair...Whoops! I'm drooling...

What did you think? I'm gonna add more really soon! Please review this, though! I really hope you liked it! well, thank you, and see you soon!