Disclaimer: I don't own anything from the books, but anything new and not in the books I'm proud to say is mine. Unless I don't like it or think it is stupid, but didn't know what else to put. Then it is up for sale.

Chapter 2:

New Mysteries

It was late. They were very confused and tired. So much had happened in such a short time. Hermione was gone and Malfoy and his cronies had past last year's exams only to return this year to everyone's dismay. The last thing anyone wanted to do was talk with Professor Dumbledore.

"Go on, Harry, knock. You've been here the most often."

Ron leaned over and gave Harry a push on the shoulder. Harry stumbled forward. He glanced at Ron and Neville on either side of him before timidly raising his arm and knocking.

"Come in." The dreaded two words were heard from the other side of the door.

Harry slowly pushed open the door and stepped inside, the other two one step, (or was it two?) behind him. Dumbledore was sitting at his desk, hands folded calmly in front of him. To the boys' surprise, Draco Malfoy sat in one of four armchairs, looking just as tired as the rest of them.

"Please sit," said Dumbledore, pointing to the other 3 empty chairs in front of the desk. The three sat down simultaneously, exchanging glances.

"Lemon drop?" They shook their heads.

"Very well then, said Dumbledore popping one in his mouth. " You are probably all wondering why you have been called here. No, you are not in trouble. You have been chosen for something very special. It is a very rare opportunity, but it is also very dangerous. The Ministry of Magic has need of you four. In order to assist them, though, you will be forced to separate yourselves from everyone except for a selected few. Your lives will be in danger and there is a 75 chance that not all, if any, of you will return.

Unfortunately, I am not able to inform you of what you will need to do until you agree to it. You must trust your gut and tell me yes or no before I can share everything."

It took a few minutes of silence for the boys to realize what their Headmaster was saying. Malfoy was the first to break the silence.

"Why us?" was all he said, but it was the one thing running though all four minds.

"I believe each of you had a sort of nightmare last night. All of you awoke at exactly 11:50 p.m. terrified to death and soaked in sweat. You each had the feeling that you weren't the only one who experienced the nightmare which is true. It felt incredibly real like being inside a thought from a pensive. It was like no other dream any of you had experienced with the exception of Harry who had the similar thing happen during the summer before your 4th year. None of you have any recollection of the contents of the nightmare. All you know is that it was horrifying and gave you a feeling that you never wish to have again: 'helplessness' and 'fear' brought to a whole new level and intertwined."

"How do you know all that?" asked Malfoy, angry and in awe at the same time. "There is no way you could have known that. I haven't said anything about it and even if you were watching me there is no possible way you could have known how I was feeling!"

"Mr. Malfoy, I can assure that you are not being spied on by me. About 18 years ago, 4 men awoke with the same feeling. They, too, had no idea what had awoken them. They got together and researched and experimented until they came to a conclusion. Of course they were not able to come up with a whole answer, but it was just enough to take action. After years of research, they came to believe that there was another world by itself. There was supposedly just one link between our world and this other one. In this other world lived one woman so powerful that she could bring easy victory to whoever came into her presence. She was more powerful than any creature on earth. By coming into her presence, though, she became one's slave which is how the first side to find her gained instant victory. She was under an incredibly strong magic forcing her to obey her masters every command.

Now she was a member of this very famous, very powerful family in charge of this world. You might remember the Galandels from History of Magic class. Many members of the family traveled to earth to do great things. Living on earth had its downfall, though. Every member living on earth lost all memory of their relatives on their home world. In fact they forgot about the world all together. It is very depressing really. But I'm getting off subject.

Anyway, one muggle found the gateway and the other world. In the other world, he found the woman and fell deeply in love with her. Because she loved him in return and they married, she was not his slave. Now when the men first discovered all this new information, the woman was expecting a child. Three of the men decided to go out and search for this other world and in it this special woman. The fourth man knew he could not leave. I was the fourth man. I just couldn't bear to leave Hogwarts and all its residents to go on this dangerous journey.

My partners left exactly 16 years ago yesterday. I continued on with my life. We lost touch after the first three months. They were always on my mind. In the middle of August a year after they had left, I heard Professor Trelawney's prophecy on Lord Voldermort's fate. For some reason I knew that the woman's family would have something to do with the victory. With that thought I started to research again.

The first thing I calculated was about how old the child would have been at that time. It was probably about your age, or around the age of one. After a long and painfully slow process of collecting information, I had all I need to know. Both the woman and her husband had died. Their child, a girl, had disappeared. The family had died out.

I also found out the where-abouts of my friends. Unfortunately, they had died not long after we lost contact. I don't know why or how, but I have a feeling that your nightmare was same one I had received 18 years ago. It is too bad I never did find out what the nightmare was about. I am positive that it is the missing puzzle piece. Nothing we can do about that though.

I also have reason to believe that the daughter has returned and Lord Voldermort has come across some of the information we possess. This means that we must act quickly. If he reaches the girl before we do, the world as we know it is through."

The four boys just sat there, jaws dropped. Everything was explained so quickly. None of them were sure any of it had processed.

"I know this is a lot to process but I find that the easiest way to tell this kind of horrid news is to say it quickly and all at once. I must know if you are up to this challenge before you leave. I will of course give you some moments to process and ponder this info. Please take as long as necessary.

A long silence followed. None of the boys moved a muscle. They were still trying to figure out what Dumbledore was talking about. This was going to take a while.

A/N: Well there you go! One more chapter added! I'm pleased to say that I've already started the next chapter! I hope you're pleased! Just let me know by clicking that little blue button at the bottom and reviewing! Luv ya! PEACE