Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans nor the song "Tangled Up In Me."

A/N: I know this LONG over due but I figured, better late than never. I hope that it well worth the wait and that I'll be able to update the remainder chapters quicker than I did this one. For those of you are reading my other story "Not Part of the Plan" I hope to get that story going once again. I unfortunately lost my muse in writing and hope to get over this gigantic writing block. Well leave me a review (no flames please). Thank you!!

Tangled Up In Me

I'm the one that's honking at you cuz I left late again

Raven impatiently tapped the steering wheel in front of her. Taking a quick glance at her watch, the purple hair girl groaned. It was not a good day and it wasn't even 8:00 AM.

Her alarm didn't go off, all thanks to the power outage that happened during the night. She had fifteen minutes to get change and get to school on time.

Finally turning into the parking lot, Raven was about to let out a sigh of relief. That is until she realized wasn't going anywhere. Stopped right in front of her was a guy on a motorcycle talking to someone on the sidewalk. Looking at her watch, Raven growled in frustration. 7:53 AM. Seven minutes and the bell would ring. She hated being in a rush.

"That's it," muttered Raven, after thirty seconds of waiting.


The motorcyclist looked over his shoulder and Raven could only say as well as think one thing. "Robin."

x x x

Robin scratched the back of his neck, a nervous grin on his face as he moved his motorcycle on the side. "You're definitely making some impression on her," Victor said with a small grin.

"No kidding," muttered Robin as she simply drove off to finding a parking space.

"I still don't see why you want to be her friend. She hasn't really shown much interest in becoming yours," commented Victor as he played with the football in his hands.

"She isn't that bad," defended Robin, his eyes scanned the parking lot for her.

"Whatever," Victor said, as he glanced at his watch for the time. "Five minutes till the bell rings. I have to grab my books from my locker still. You want me to wait till you park your bike?"

"No, you can go on ahead," replied Robin as he started his motorcycle and with that Victor jogged off.

x x x

Combing her fingers through her hair, Raven weaved quickly through the parking lot. 'Crap, five minutes,' Raven thought, as she glanced at the time. She gazed off toward the entrance of the school; the crowds of students were slowly thinning out.

"Hey Raven!" a voice called out from behind.

Recognizing the voice in an instant, Raven shut her eyes in contemplation. She really couldn't afford to be late. Letting out a sigh of defeat, she spun around and paused for a second. "Sorry, about earlier Robin." Her feet never missed a beat, as she continued to walk.

"Don't," he quickly retorted, as he jogged to catch up with her. "My fault, I should know better than to cause traffic."

Raven gave a slight nod, "Right." Tucking her hair behind her ear, she spun back around. 'Four minutes in counting.'

Taking long strides, Robin smirked, "Do you always walk this fast?" He was still a few steps behind.

"Only when I don't want to be late," Raven replied, keeping her pace. It only too more steps before Robin was right in step with her. A smile played on his face. "What?" She questioned, feeling uneasy under his gaze, blue eyes freely exposed and all.

"Nothing," said Robin as he tore his eyes away from her. "Oh, do you want to have lunch with us today?"

"Um," Raven hesitated. It was only the second day of school and yet he was still insisted in getting to know her.

Stepping a few steps ahead, Robin turned, blocking Raven for walking. "I still owe you a bottle of water and I'll even throw in a free lunch," he widely smiled.

"Robin, we're going to be late," Raven stated, ignoring the topic at hand. She side stepped to get passed Robin, only to have Robin follow. 'Two minutes in counting.' Purple orbs scanned the campus and realized that they were the only ones still outside.

"So just say 'yes'," insisted Robin, feeling a tad bit guilty for keeping her.

"Fine," Raven signed in defeat. "But, I swear if I'm late to homeroom—"

"You'll kill me," Robin quickly finished.

"Exactly," replied Raven in all seriousness.

"Well, we can't let that happen," smiled Robin, causing Raven to wonder how she ever got involved with a guy like him.

'One minute left.'

Suddenly Raven felt a warm hand close around her left. Before her mind could even process, before she could even react, she felt a light but quick tug.

"Come on, otherwise we will be late!" chuckled Robin and with those words. He started to run, pulling Raven right behind him.

"Robin," warned Raven, nearly tripping from being off balance. "If—"

"I make you fall. You'll kill me, I know," Robin said with a smirk as he glanced over his shoulder. She looked a bit surprised that he was able to finish her sentence and he would have loved to continue their conversation but if he didn't get her to class in the next 40 seconds there would be no future conversations to continue.

x x x

to be continued