I don't own DBZ or any of its characters, and I don't own the SDF-1 or the show it is in
A/N- I know I said a week but I just decide to start sooner, I hope you like this please review
Tournament Madness 3
"Welcome to the Tournament of champions, this is the greatest tournament of all time; here we will have the greatest fighters from around the world. They will be the great saiyans, humans, and other aliens. How did we get all these people to come, easy I tell you, we made a deal with the Supreme Kai himself to allow this tournament to take place. Also we made a deal with the Namekians, so that no matter who wins this tournament, they will get three wishes on the Namekian Dragonballs," The announcer loudly over the speakers of the world marital arts tournament.
In the HFIL locker room
"Lord Freeza, what should I do with my wishes?" Ginyu asked, "I mean if we find a way to win."
"You don't have to worry I will win Ginyu," Freeza said laugh, "and get to be up some monkeys."
"No Freeza it will be I who wins," Cells said smirking.
"Well will see about that you over grown bug," Freeza said.
"Fools, don't they realize that I will win I am immortal," Garlic Jr said smirking.
In the Hero's locker
"Why did you human waste ever decide to come, you know you can't hope to stand up to us," Vegeta said smirking, "But I will have fun kicking you buts, and I will finally beat Goku."
"Well don't underestimate us humans, we have some nice tricks up our selves," Tien said with a smile.
"Sure three eye say what you want, humans are inferior fighters," Vegeta replied.
"We will see about that one, Prince," Yamcha said smiling, "Hey Tien nice seeing you here."
"Yeah, this is going to be fun," Tien said,
"Yeah just not for you two clowns," Vegeta said.
"All right now, alright now let us welcome our fighters, they are the best, and don't worry everyone is protected by a shield nothing can get thought, it comes right from the SDF-1, it can block anything," the announcer said as the fighters entered," Here they are the champs of the universe."
Round 1 you can predict winners if you want to, just review them
1Vegeta Goku Gohan Kid Buu
16 King PiccoloCrain Hermit Blue Roshi
9 Olibu Dabura 20 Garlic Jr 8 17 18 16 King Cold
5 Teen Gohan Goten Slug Kid Brolly
12 Kami Torbie Nail King Vegeta
4 Freeza GT Goten GT Trunks Trunks
13 Bardock Kid Goku Kid Krillin Radditz
3 Brolli Pikon Cooler Cell
14Angila Turles Toma Paragus
6 Tien Krillin Spice Ginyu
11 Recoome Burter Kami Tao
7 Yamcha Uub Jiece Sauza
10 Supreme Kai Pan King Kai Zarbon
2Mirai Trunks Buu Piccolo Super Buu
15Nappa Yajirobe Silver Zangya