Disclaimer: I, Nightstorm7 do not own the Lion King 1 or 2 or any of the original characters.

A/N: This is a continuation from the 2nd movie "Lion King 2: Simba's Pride"

Aza: Daughter of Scar

"Simba, look at the stars. The kings of the past are up there, watching over us. If you ever need me, I'll be there for you, watching from those stars." His father's voice echoed in his head. He looked up at the night sky. The stars shone brightly.

"Father…" he murmured. He was old now. Years of youth had slowly faded. Lately, visions of Scar and Zera haunted his dreams. He relived the moments of his father falling into the herd of wildabeast, and Kiara risking her life to save Zera. He felt the flood of emotions he had felt rushed through him from time to time.

"Simba," an elderly voice croaked from behind him. He turned to see the family friend Rafiki. He leaned heavily on his walking stick, as made his way slowly through the savanna grasses. The old baboon had been there for Simba since he was born. "What troubles you?" The lion shook his head, rustling his reddish-brown mane.

"Nothing important," he replied tiredly.

"Think harder. Things are more than what they seem." Simba sighed. It seemed at times that Rafiki knew everything.

"I'm worried, about Kiara and Kovu, and I have nightmares about Scar and Zera and…" Rafiki nodded.

"You are afraid of dying?" he asked. Simba, taken aback by the frank question, stepped back in surprise.

"Yes…yes I suppose it's that," he stumbled over his words.

"Do not fear. You will join Mufasa in the skies, and be able to watch over your daughter and everything that happens here," he said wisely. Simba nodded. Of course Rafiki is right. I have nothing to worry about. He thought. But why do I feel so lost…

A loud snarl interrupted his thoughts. He looked up sharply. Rafiki had gone, and there was no one in sight.

"Who's there?" he asked loudly. When no one answered, he quickened his pace to Pride Rock. A roars and snarls erupted from the grass ahead of him, and he slunk around to se what was the matter.

"You're nothing but a waste of fur!" Simba heard someone – a lion? – spit. As he neared the clearing, he saw one of the lionesses he knew to be Aza towering over the smaller lioness named Taja, who cowered in the grass.

"I-I didn't mean to! I-it was just a m-mistake I swear it!" she begged in her soft, submissive voice.

"I don't care!" she snarled viciously. "You should never have asked Halima! You know she is Kiara's right hand!" She began to pace back and forth, like Simba had seen his uncle Scar do. "I'm surrounded by idiots!" she growled, vexed. She's one of Zera's lot! She must be the one they say is Scar's daughter! "—I gave you simple instructions! Only tell a few lionesses! Including Homa! Now Kiara will find out!" She roared in frustration.

Simba crept silently away. Once he was far enough, he bounded back home. Once there, he quickly related the story to Nala, his mate, and she in turn rounded up some lionesses including Kiara, and Halima, whom Aza had mentioned in her fury. Homa, the other lioness Aza had mentioned, slunk around the corners of the lion's den with a few others. I can't worry about them now! Taja's life is at stake! With that, he bounded towards the clearing where he had first seen Aza and Taja. They didn't seem to have lingered for long. Zazu, Simba's majordomo, flew up above, scanning for the two lionesses.

"There they are sire!" he squawked. The lions followed Zazu to the edge of the Pride Lands.

"The Elephant Graveyard," whispered Nala worriedly. Simba recalled the time long ago when he and Nala had almost been devoured by the hyenas. Thanks to Mufasa, they were still alive.

"Are the hyenas still there?" asked a lioness anxiously.

"No," growled a lioness named Katani. She was known for being one of Zera's lot, but had changed and was now one of the closest friends with Kiara and Nala. She had been there with her brother Nuka before he died.

Without hesitation, the lions charged in, in search of their comrades. They were about to abandon their search, when a moan rose from inside one of the caves. The group walked in cautiously. The moan came again, startling the search party.

"Who's there?" bellowed Katani.

"It's me! Help!"

"Who's me?" asked Kiara.

"It's Taja! Help I'm hurt!"

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