I don't own the Thunderbirds or any of the recognisable characters from the series. Anyone you don't is my own creation.
Sorry for the large gaps between updates, will try harder, university loves giving me work.
Thanks to Zeilfanaat for reviewing and to all this story's patient readers. Hope you enjoy the new chapter
These Are The Times
Chapter 19
Penny For Your Thoughts?
Alyssa slipped quietly into her and Erin's room a short while later under the pretence of a headache. John's Grandma was cooking, slicing and dicing vegetables whilst Kyrano prepared a pumpkin and Parker finished the drying up. The rest of our guests were mostly crowding awkwardly on and around the sofa, chairs crowded round the small unit intent on either the game or having a conversation. Erin, John and myself were posing on the window box as it really wasn't big enough for three to sit normally.
"Here" Erin offered me a large glass of homemade bucks fizz, three parts cheap white wine, one part economy orange juice. She had made a jug up that morning which she had rescued from the fridge a short while ago, before Alan saw it and thought it was orangeade.
I took a large sip, it didn't taste half bad. I held the temptation to drain the entire glass and looked to Mrs Tracey who was going to town on some parsnips. Pink suddenly invaded my view.
"Hello John" Penny's high class accent rolled out the syllables deliberately, ensuring attention.
"Hello Penny" John replied politely, but nothing that would encourage conversation. Undaunted Penny made a move to shuffle onto a hard cushioned edge of the window box next to John. Erin and I moved along, though it didn't really help.
The aristocrat smoothed a hand lovingly over the faded suede edge she had been given then sat down with a little more fuss than necessary and showing a little more leg than honestly needed.
At twenty three the young Miss Creighton-Ward was in full flower of her beauty, glossy blond hair, fresh clear skin and healthy curves, if just barely. The desire to be skinny permeated every layer of society.
"So John" she drawled, "I hear you are quite the expert in network pathways, tell me what draws you to the world of physics and wires?"
"It's intricate something I can get lost in" Hint non withstanding Penny pressed on.
"Really? Parker simply set up my wireless router and now I can arrange appointments anywhere in the house, in a time where things can be done without lengthy cables why do you seek to bury yourself in miles of the stuff?"
"Routers are end of the line, in order to co-ordinate signals, make sure they get to where they're supposed to be but the information still has to be channelled through something, plus its much easier to monitor a wired pathway, just follow the cable, with wireless everything is more mobile, nothing is tethered like it used to be." John's answers bordered on robotic. He got those questions every time someone new started at the music shop.
"Well mine is the only house for miles, I think I'm okay, especially after the fuss it took to upgrade the line to broadband. I do so love checking my letters without having to leave the comfort of my own boudoir" John choked slightly at that comment as did Erin and I.
"Must be nice having the network to yourself, we share it with everyone on this floor" Erin attempted to give John some support. Penny reacted.
"Really? John how come you do not have your own internet connection?" She seemed genuinely surprised.
"Its included in the rent, it's faster than anything we could otherwise afford"
Penny's mouth formed an 'Oh'
"Well that's nice" she covered the momentary fish expression quickly.
"It works out" Erin offered offhandedly.
Not wanting to seem rude I kept my attention vaguely on Penny. She didn't really interest me, too much high class caviar and swanky living. I prefer fish sticks and this little place, anyday. Couldn't she go bother Scott? He might actually find her mildly interesting. I'd rather listen to one of Erin's animal rants or have Lyssie talk about dNTPs and Taq. Sure I like science and all that but I can't for the life of me get a handle on all these Primers Lyssie bangs on about from time to time.
I remembered to nod and make vague conversation with Penny, well she talked I smiled and went 'Yeah?', 'Really?" and 'You're kidding?'. If she noticed this substitute for an actual conversation then she didn't say anything as she graphically described her last trip to St Tropez.
Too sunny for my taste but her favourite destination, haven of the young, beautiful and dense. Seriously when father dragged me on holiday there a few years ago the most intelligent person I encountered there was a waiter saving up to go study media. Maybe I'm biased but it's not exactly rocket science. Or even Sports Psychology.
That might be a bit cruel.
Oh hang on she's looking at me expectantly.
Think Fast.
Not helping.
Think faster.
"Don't worry John darling I don't expect you to answer that"
"Uh, would you mind directing me to the restroom?"
"Sure" I said almost too enthusiastic to find an exit. "Over there, door with the poster of a cat on it" I point in the general direction, only an idiot could miss the adorable kitty on the door. Smiling, somehow it seemed a little too 'thank you darrrrrrrrrrrrling' she relinquished her five inches of window box space which was then quickly occupied as the three of us stretched out.
Erin and Tyler both shook their heads.
"I wouldn't spend anytime alone with her Johnny, she might try and eat you whole"
"Shut up Tyler" I responded lightly. I could handle Penny, besides why would I want to date a society queen when I could date a scientist or a mathematician or a doctor, someone who at least has a vague idea what I'm talking about when I mention quantum theory or relativity.
Lyssie reappeared, a little more colour in her cheeks. She heads straight for the fridge, removing a bottle of water and sits on the floor to the left of Erin's legs.
"Feeling better?" Erin asks
"Yeah" Lyssie said with a small, natural smile bringing the water to her lips.
Around us the rest of the family milled about. Dad Virgil and Gordon were watching the game. Alan and TinTin were giggling in the corner. Kyrano Scott and Grandma were in the kitchen, Parker waiting patiently just outside the bathroom for his lady to return.
It was like thanksgiving back home.