Ron had never really understood her, although not for lack of trying. Luna was unique in every sense of the word. He had never thought about her romantically until a chance encounter one day in winter. She had slipped on the ice as he walked by and accidentally dragged him with her. They both tried to stand up, but soon they were a mass of flailing and entangled limbs. It took him a moment to notice that she had stopped struggling and was instead looking at him.

"Well?" She said, snowflakes clinging to her eyelashes.

"Well, what?" He questioned.

A small smile played on her lips. "Well, aren't you going to kiss me?"

Luna bought a bouquet of roses and made a crown of flowers that she wore on their first date to Hogsmeade. She would take Ron's hand and dance through the hallways against his protests that there was no music.

"There is music, Ronald," she looked at him with those large, dreamy eyes. "You just can't hear it yet.

She wore hi-tops with her robes and went barefoot in muggle clothing. When she laughed her face lit up, and Ron was convinced that the sun lived in her smile. He knew he loved her after two dates, and told her everyday since. Hermione let her into the Gryffindor common room one night, and Luna woke him up just to show him the full moon.

"Do you believe in the Man-in-the-Moon?" He asked as they lay in the astronomy tower, staring at the night sky.

"No," she replied, "I've always seen a woman."

He quizzically looked at her out of the corner of his eye. "Why do you sound sad?"

She rolled onto her side and faced him. "Because she looks like she's crying." Luna explained quietly.

Luna was at his side during the final battle, taking down as many Death Eaters as he did. He caught her into his arms after Voldemort fell and refused to let her go, knowing that if she had died he would have too. At graduation Ron presented her with a crown of roses; entwined in the thorns was a small gold ring.

"Well?" He asked quietly, trying to keep the nervousness out of his voice.

"Well, what?" She asked him dreamily, her large eyes catching his.

His breath hitched and he blushed deep red. "Well, will you marry me?"

She was only afraid of two things, darkness and muggle cars. Darkness, she claimed laughingly, was evil. One night while visiting Harry in muggle England he learned why she was afraid of cars, she was hit by one.

Ronthen understoodwhy the Lady-in-the-Moon cried, she merely mourned the loss of a loved one. He visited Luna's grave on the first day it snowed, and for the first time in his life he could hear the music.