A/N NEW REVIEWER! YAY Evil rain cloud YOU rule thanks so much for the review and the e-mail and our nice msn chat, I promise I'll log back in to msn again soon, and as always thank you nevermoretheraven. Now fair warning I'm changing HUGE things up about which Robin was first, this is fan fiction after all, still no idea where the story is going as I make plans and begin writing the story takes me in a different direction, OH yes before I forget. Thanks to my wonderful beta RedRoomFlare. You rock fee! hugs oh between the dotted lines is a flash back although that's apparent in the story.

Slade paced the floor irritated to put it mildly. His workers were behind schedule and that monstrosity of his Cinderblock was supposed to be put back together by now. The warehouse being empty at the moment Slade took out his aggression on a near by pillar. Shattering it with a single punch he grunted in annoyance and sat back on his "throne" as it were. In all actuality it was just an old chair that had been set on a platform so he could over see operations. He began drumming his fingers on the arm of the chair.

"I will have my revenge" He thought out loud.


"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING JASON YOU COULD HAVE KILLED SOMEONE" Batman yelled annoyed at his young apprentice

"I WAS DOING MY JOB! IT'S NOT MY FAULT" the youth felt cornered and he would not stand there and take it.

Batman's eyes narrowed on his first sidekick the usually stoic man was infuriated to say the least, Alfred had attempted to come in and smooth the situation out but a sharp glare from the caped man and the ever faithful butler turned heel and went about tidying up the cave, the dark knight lowered his voice to a dangerous tone

"You were careless, you nearly got that little girl killed, and now you wont take responsibility, I don't know what's gotten into you lately Todd"

Jason Todd was seething he had tried something on his own and it worked perfectly, well almost perfectly, If the joker hadn't thrown that crowbar at that kid then his plan would have worked, in his opinion the bat just couldn't take the fact that maybe a teen was becoming his equal a cocky grin formed on the teens face.

"You're scared aren't you? Your scared I'll take your place and Gotham will forget about their precious bat" His voice was almost taunting his master Batman's eyes widened then narrowed at his apprentice

"What?" his voice was incredulous and a bit harsher than he would have intended normally "you have a lot to learn young man, we'll talk about this later" The Caped crusader turned to leave.

"Just what I thought, I've had enough of taking orders!" His voice was daring the Coweled man to try anything. When batman didn't turn around the youth saw his chance and he charged at the taller man. Batman dodged easily his senses being trained over many years but the young man wouldn't give up Bruce tried reasoning and talking with the misguided teen, Joker had put the seeds of doubt in his young charges head. Jason however would have none of it, He charged the tall man once again and was dodged again only reflexively the bat had grabbed and thrown the youth unfortunately for both of them Robin hit the corner of a piece of machinery head on the next thing the young man knew he was waking up in his bed eye bandaged a concerned Bruce Wayne watching over him

"Thank God your awake we were worried"

"Get out of here and leave me alone" The young boy growled in a tone that would eventually become his trademark -

"Oh yes I shall have my revenge Batman, I'll take that young pup Nightwing as my apprentice then lure you in and right before your eyes I'll crush him" Slade slammed his fist down on the chair arm emphasizing his point to the empty building

It was Night again and the tower was silent. save for the faint snore or two coming from the rooms of the various inhabitants. Two were awake however Raven, who couldn't sleep of late due to the growing evil presence she sensed across town. She knew of course exactly what it was, or who it was to be more exact. The fact she was needed to wake the beast was tormenting her. She never understood why he would haunt her as he did, he had lots of children what made her so special? She sighed and resumed cleaning the tower something nagging at the back of her mind. She mumbled to herself trying to bring it out as she cleaned silently. She was so occupied that she didn't realize she was being watched.

He watched Raven as she cleaned; being a creature of the night he was used to the being up in the wee hours of the morning. He leaned heavily on the door frame. He was pretty well hidden in the shadows, as the only light the young demoness had on was a small lamp in the far corner. Apparently she was as accustomed to the dark as he was. He regarded the small woman so unaware of his presence, he found this odd,Nightwing had told him several times how the empath could simply sense someone in the room. She must be extremely preoccupied to not. He of course knew why Raven was needed for the awakening. He had researched everything about Trigon when he found out Slade was involved in helping bring the demon back. Raven was unique amongst her siblings. None of the others had her exact powers or the ability to control them as she had learned to do. He broke out of his thoughts as he saw Raven write a brief note and begin to walk off. He could pretty much guess what she was doing

"Where do you think you're going?"

His voice startled her and a magazine flew off of the coffee table in response.

"Don't sneak up on me" She didn't bother turning, she knew the disapproval that would be written on his face

"He'll find you if you run, you know that don't you?"

Her head dropped visibly despite the dim light she sighed and let silence surround them for a few seconds

"If I stay, my friends will get hurt, and I cant bear for that to happen. I already put them through enough two years ago. Don't bother trying to stop me. I'm leaving all I have to do is stay gone until after the next full moon"

"He'll find you, you know that as well as I do"

"Yes I know and that's why I'm not running. I'm attacking before he is fully regenerated" Without another word Raven opened a portal and stepped through. Her eyes glowed white as a hand grabbed her wrist "Listen up Batman! if you don't wanna go flying then I suggest you let go!"

"Raven you can't go I cant lose you"

She blinked her eyes returning to normal. Her portal closed as she stepped out.


A/N bad place to stop I know, I know and i'm sorry about that really i am but thats where inspiration went out th e window for the timne being! and I'm staying true to my word trust me this will not end up a romance fic, despite how it looks right about now, Please read and review and thanks for reading!