Disclaimer:I don't own Shaman King and niether do you... unless you do...in which caseI'm a multimillionaire that's married to Viggo Mortensen. (both highly unlikely)
Yay, my 'special' chapter is out... it's not very long but fans of 'beeeep' will love this chapter. (No cheating you have to read it from the beginning)
I watched him storm back into the castle. I walked back to the tree where we had sat and kicked it out of anger.
"I am worthless...Nobody cares about me,"
I pulled the crest out of my pocket and looked at it fondly for a second but the look turned into a angry one. I threw the delicate crest angrily.
"And I don't care about you Ren."
The crest never hit the ground though... someone caught it.
"Careful, you might break something."
I expected Ren was the one who caught the crest but the voice was different... softer, calmer.
"W-who are you?"
A soft chuckle came from the darkness.
"That doesn't matter... you're feeling alone, I want to help you."
"I don't need your help... people just drag you down... people like-"
I stopped abruptly realizing that I had no clue who this person was.
"People like who? People like Ren?"
"How did you who I am, or Ren? Who are you?"
The person in the shadows laughed again but with more malice. I backed away this person was dangerous.
"Y-you can't help me I'm sorry."
I turned quickly to walk away but the person seized my arm roughly. I turned to free myself but stopped. Frozen.
"N-no you're dead..."
He exhaled demonically.
"No... I'm afraid death doesn't come easily to me... or rather I won't let it."
He couldn't be alive not him, not Hao Asakura.
"W-what do you want?"
The tone of his voice changed again to a crazed serious voice.
"I never said I wanted anything... I just said I wanted to help you."
I couldn't help but being interested in his offer but I had heard about Hao Asakura he wasn't renown for kindness.
"I don't need your help and like I said, you can't help me."
I turned around again. I expected him to catch my arm again but he didn't. What he did was worse.
"I'll take you away from here Pirika."
I stopped. He could help me, taking me away could fix everything... but at what price?
"Why would you help me? Why are you even here?"
"I overheard your fight with Ren-sama and thought I'd help you. I can't say I've ever had my heart broken but it seems painful."
The emphasis he put on 'sama' made it click.
"You're after the throne aren't you?"
That demonic smile returned to his face.
"What if I am? Not that it has anything to do with you... or even if it does. Isn't your freedom more important Pirika?"
My heart raced. He wanted me to hurt Ren... was it worth it? Did I care about Ren still? What if... I did... No, I was just a part of his plan but even if I was only that it, was my duty to be obedient to him.
"My loyalty to Ren-sama is more important than anything. I won't go with you."
A frown etched his features it wasn't a sad one it was more disappointed.
"That's a shame, I was hoping you'd come easily."
Whatever he meant by that I didn't want to know. I think finding out was inescapable though.
"The thing is Pirika you are coming wether you like it or not. How much pain this requires of you is another matter. It's still your choice."
"Why do you want me?"
He raised a eyebrow skeptically.
"Our dear Ren-sama only has one fiancee, however false the marrige is."
"How did you know? You've been here the whole time haven't you?"
"And if I have? You're powerless to reason here Pirika and you're also out of time."
"I still won't go with you. Not if I have a choice."
I turned my back on him which in the future I would regard as my first mistake. I felt his arm around my waist holding me back. He held a white cloth to my mouth, I was drugged immediately darkness had already started to enclose around me. The last thing he said was all I could hear.
"But you don't have a choice."
Oh. My. God. I'm in love with my own story by this point... it's still Ren x Pirika but I had to throw Hao in there he always adds potential for chaos... or not. You never know it's up to me. You SHOULD REVIEW anyways though. (There has to be chaos though it's boring without it. XD)