Summary: The perfect weapon, the perfect child, and you know why, not just because he was the best balder because he was strong and was oblivious to pain but because he was always born, reborn for Kai is forever dying and then reborn once more.

Disclaimer: Fat chance



"He's ready sir" stated the doctor as he looked at the monitor at his left and right, he then looked up to see a small tube to fit a babe inside with water.

On the one side of the tube were a computer and the other another tube with fluids inside.

The doctor got a clear from the Head of the operation who just nodded and flipped a red switch then the lights inside the tubes began to brighten.

The fluids in the tube began to drain and fill into the one next to it, the babe inside the tube began to grow, larger its body changing as a child does as it gets older.

You could soon tell the child was a young boy of four or five then the motion stopped and all light hit pause, there was an annoyed sound from behind the doctor and he looked around to see Voltaire glare angrily.

"What happened?"

The doctor looked back at the child to see all growth process cease and it clicked, the doctor flipped a green switch and the growth started again till he was a full grown five years old.

Completed the tube started to drain itself, and the child was taken out and laid on a steel table.

Someone wrapped a cloth around his waist and some doctors checked his health, Voltaire began to walk to the child who was unconsciousness.

The head doctor came up, his purple hair and his evil smirk was seen, he looked at the boy, "The growth scan worked Voltaire and so did the cloning".

"I realized that Boris now get him to the mansion and ready for his lessons to begin in two day's and Boris".

Boris had picked up at the wrapped up boy and turned to see Voltaire smile at himself, "Don't mess it up this time".

Boris nodded and carried on walking.

Voltaire looked around the laboratory and saw a smaller tube with a seventeen year old inside, fast asleep really and truly dead.

Voltaire smiled; nothing would stop him, especially when he can just restart the process all over again.

He was worried though because all of the clones had failed except this one and if he did operate as he was meant to there was a sixty percent that he would die before his seventeenth birthday juts like the original.

He laughed, but if that happened all he had to do was create another one and another one.

He put his hand onto the tube and motioned his hand across the child's face, so pure so innocent…but not for long.

Swiftly turning around with his cloak following he headed out the laboratory, as he stepped into the Russian air the sun began to rise.

Checking his watch he saw it was now five in the morning, 1st January, another day, another year another beginning.

He laughed again, saying, "Let the games begin".

Right someone kill me now this is the weirdest thing I've ever written and now I will carry on.