Disclaimers: I do not own any Harry Potter character.

Pairing: SBRL and HPDM

Genre: Romance/Angst/Fantasy

Author: My first take on a Harry Potter fic, actually I fancied the idea of making it just Sirius x Remus but I couldn't resist adding Draco x Harry. Please note that this fic is AU and contains slash, OOC characters, courtesans and brothels and that kind of stuff. Flames will be ignored and constructive criticisms will be valued, thank you.


Prologue - A Curse and A Blessing

12 years.

The hunting down of half-breeds such as Remus Lupin has been legal for about 12 years now; and the role that was forced upon them in the Wizarding world was one that is considered the foulest business of the lot. Taken from what they considered as home and was thrust into a world of scornfulness, their ethereal human counterpart nothing but mere whores.

Immense beauty and an enticing aura bestowed upon their lot as no other normal human is regarded as a curse of their kind. Perfection is not accepted, but condemned. Purity is not valued, but taken; made impure. The rise and fall of such creatures is in the hands of humankind; until all is left of such grace is nothing but death; a fallen angel in the hands of Man's discrimination.

Vile as demons, half-breeds are nothing but made to sell their inhuman bodies

In a place not quite far from the hustle and bustle of towns was a territory considered an extension of the prison Azkaban, a place of heathens - half-breeds. In its walls lies the tragic fate of men who were feared by many. Also in its walls, Remus Lupin and Draco Malfoy reside.

The moon was bright that night, sending a curtain of light through the small, barred, only window of a cell. Raising exquisite golden orbs towards the source of warmth, the tawny-haired man was thankful that the full moon would not arrive for another week, or he would have to go through another painful transformation. Even though for that night he is free from having customers because of his state, it was something he dreaded - a cycle proof of the wretched life he is living.

He tries to push such thoughts away from his head. Work was to be done. The night is still young and customers would arrive by the dozen once more; scrutinizing, choosing which seemed best of the throng of people. The wealthy would choose the most beautiful – such as Remus and Draco - among them, as they are the only ones capable of affording such angelic beings, damned they may be. Whilst most seemed to prefer submissive-looking ones, which doesn't require much work from their side… often they were the ones sent to the aristocrats; but there is no use in escaping, because when caught, it is an automatic Kiss from the Dementors of Azkaban.

Across the cell the young, beautiful blonde vampire didn't utter a word. It was one of the things Remus admired of him; the pale boy was just silent, going in doing his task to serve pleasure for wealthy lusting Wizards and returning afterwards straight to sleep through the entire morning and afternoon. Draco hated the sun as much as Remus hated the moon - quite an irony, in fact that the two had been companions for 12 years of hell… He oftentimes felt pity for the boy, as sometimes he has to feed on rat's blood to suffice his thirst, even though rarely some of his customers would comply to be donors – those who still has heart or those who are just simply masochists. Remus' musings were abruptly cut by the discussion going on right outside their cell.

"Ah, another night Mr. Fudge? How about a newly prey werewolf? She's just been brought in by Crabbe."

Remus narrowed his eyes as Draco raised his head, deep seductive silver eyes traveled through Remus' questioningly before turning to the Minister talking with Avery, one of the superiors of the brothel.

"Not quite Avery, Dumbledore would be furious again once he finds out; as he had clearly stated that he and I would part ways once I indulge in these games again."

A laugh from the brute, "Surely, the Minister of Magic is not under an old man?"

"Ah, definitely not. I am here in business. Another one had been killed, a Vampire this time, they say." Said Fudge, handing Avery a copy of the Daily Prophet. "These Slayers," he tapped the moving photo, "Black and Potter are surely not being discreet about these… murders. 10 have been reported, and no one's been taking actions. Even the Aurors are not stopping him, and I myself am too busy to deal with it. Who would blame him, though, after what happened 12 years ago… the incident that started this… craze"

"I would not think of it as a craze, Fudge," retorted Avery, "If Black and his godson continues slaying these whores then the pleasures and lust of men," he gave Fudge a pointed look, "will end."

"Point taken, Avery," said Fudge as he took a glance at his pocket watch. "Well then there is a hearing I have to attend, I trust you will convey this news to Crouch."

And with that, he Apparated, leaving Avery staring at the front page of the Daily Prophet with a snarl on his face. After scanning his eyes down the article, he discarded it by throwing it through Remus' cell, and it fell down on Draco's feet, who merely glanced at it curiously. Remus was the one who picked it up. In the photograph was a man, visibly a Vampire because of the fang protruding down his lower lip. He had that peaceful look in his eyes and there was a deep gaping hole in his chest.

Headline says: Sirius Black and Harry Potter Strikes Again

Sirius Black and Harry Potter…

Both half-breeds looked at each other, both understood without having to know. These two Slayers will soon reach them, murder them and forever free them of the hell they are in.

A curse and a blessing.

To Be Continued…

Author: I'm thinking it's actually more of angst than fantasy… what do you think? Well anyway, I've never really watched Buffy, so any relation of this fic to that is nothing intended. Reviews will be greatly appreciated, thank you.