Alright, this is the final chapter. Farewell everybody! I'm thinking of making a sequel, as I already have the plot in mind. I'll just have to get down on it some day, I guess. In the meantime, I guess I'll just cruise around, looking for inspirations, finishing old stories and writing new ones. I wanted to write down every reviewer's name in here at first, but there was a possibility of me having new reviewers in the last chapter, so I just let it be. (Hey, I love that song. By the Beatles, right?)

Crap, my code sucked, almost everyone who read my chapter knew what it was. But I made it myself, so you know why it's so bad. (Starts to cry) But whatever.

There are a lot of people on this website that I admire, but the list was so long I could only cut it short or else it would have wasted such a terribly good amount of space. PyroKid, anime-obsession260, SN 1987A, LaDyPaRaNoiD, Seraphim Wings . . .The list just keeps going on.


" Wow! Look at that!"

" Candy floss! I want candy floss!"

" Hey! The roller coaster ride!"

Conan sighed as he watched the three of them fan out (S umiko couldn't come, she was going somewhere with her parents.), leaving the poor professor running after them, huffing and puffing at the extra need of exercise. He remembered being this crazy over the rides, the candyfloss, and even that weird Barney figurine that Ayumi was pointing at. But he was almost a full grown adult now, and it just made him want to bang his head against something extremely hard. Haibara saw him and smirking. " What's wrong, Kudo?" she asked. " All of a sudden you don't feel like reminiscing anymore?"

" Dumbass." Conan said. " I've been here for over a million times straight, and I have to say I'm sick of this place."

Haibara shrugged, grinning. " Oh well, it's be fun, anyway. Come to think of it, I never really got to appreciate the full excitement of the theme park since I was young. I guess I'll try to have fun now."

" Speaking of which," Conan said, raising his eyebrows at Ayumi ahead, who was hugging the Barney figurine that the professor had gotten her. " What kind of tricks do you think she could do to you here? Come up with strategies fast! I know you don't like to ploy against a girl much younger than you, but if you don't use your full capabilities yet, she'll do something!"


" Bad!" he went on.

" Okay then," she said sarcastically. Then her face softened as she watched Ayumi laugh, holding Mitsuhiko's hand, dragging him towards the bumper cars. The smile was real. No fake lines twitching on her cheeks. A sincere smile. " But I don't think there will be any happenings today."

Conan raised his eyebrows.

" What?" he asked.

" And besides," she said, hands in pockets. " Have you cracked the code yet?"

" Not yet." He mumbled. " But I will."

She smiled.

" I really hope so. Nice bag, by the way."

" Thanks." He grinned.

" Co-chan!" Ayumi called out. " Haibara-san!"

Haibara smiled as Conan sighed.

" Coming." They said, walking over to them.


Soon it was time for dinner, and the six of them plopped down into the restaurant just below the huge tower. " That was fun!" Genta exclaimed cleverly, rubbing his sore behind. Mitsuhiko laughed, remembering that he was the main cause of Genta's pain, where he rammed the bumper car right into the back seat of Genta's car for more than 10 times straight. Haibara looked at her watch.

" It's almost seven." She said quietly. " The fireworks start at ten."

" Yeah." Ayumi agreed, waving her hand furiously in the air to get the waitress's attention. " We'd better hurry up and finish our food so we can go on some more rides before it starts—ah, yes. I would like the bento special."

" And that would be?" the waitress asked.

" Meal number five." She answered promptly.

" Same for me." Mitsuhiko said.

" Me too." The professor said, licking his chops.

" I'll have the unagi don." Genta said, grinning at the menu. " With tempura and takoyaki on the side."

" As scary as ever," Conan muttered, and Haibara smiled.

" I'll have Meal number four," Conan mumbled. " Tempura udon."

" Same here, I guess." Haibara said.

The waitress smiled and turned around, walking away.

The professor yawned, rubbing his eyes.

" Tired already?" Genta asked mockingly.

" No." the professor said, dabbing his face with the towel. Haibara raised her eyebrows at him for a moment before sighing. " Whatever." She sighed, stepping off her chair. " I'm going to the washroom."

Haibara had already disappeared through the doors of the ladies when Ayumi too hopped off her chair. " Me too." She said.

' Damn!'

" Er-me too," Conan said. Then he stopped, realizing how bad this looked for him. Genta and Mitsuhiko were looking at him with raised eyebrows, and he turned around, grinning sheepishly. " Er-hehe?" he laughed off.

" You're sick, Conan." Mitsuhiko said.

" Sick." Genta repeated.

" No, it's not what you think," Conan said, but it was all in vain, Mitsuhiko and Genta almost pouncing on his with questions, talking extremely weird things like 'taking away the hottest girl in school was not enough, and instead had to take away Ayumi too,' and ' Trying to be a pimp.' And some weird stuff about a red-haired guy called Archie Andrews.

Ayumi sneaked away, walking into the washroom. Haibara had her back turned, facing the towels, but Ayumi sensed that Haibara knew she was there. Haibara blinked, not turning around. " Hello, Ayumi." She said tonelessly. Ayumi said nothing but softly shut the door behind her.

" Do you really love Conan?" Ayumi asked.

Haibara paused for a moment.

" What?" she asked.

" I mean, sure, you act like you love him." Ayumi went on, hands in her pockets. " But you could have won an Academy Award if you wanted to. But there's a certain gap between you and him, and I just find that suspicious."

Haibara turned around, wiping her wet hands.

" So what if I wasn't?" she asked.

Ayumi bit her lip.


" Are you in love with Conan?" she remembered asking.

The rain splattered on their clothes.

Haibara had turned around.


" Then," Ayumi said, blushing. " Then I would be in trouble."

A huge amount of her wished Haibara would agree that there was nothing between her and Conan, that it was all just an act and a lie, like she suspected. Haibara turned away. " I'm sorry." Haibara said.

" But I love him."

Time stopped right there and then as Ayumi just stared at Haibara's back, an unknown tear falling down from her eye. " You," she stuttered. " You love him."

Haibara didn't answer.

" But you can't love him." Ayumi persisted. " You promised to me last time."

" That was years ago." Haibara said. " Now is the present."

Ayumi didn't say anything, her mouth opening and shut stupidly.

Haibara didn't turn around for some time, but when she finally did, she noticed that Ayumi was gone. Haibara nodded softly. " Yeah." She said, wrenching the door open. " Yeah."


" Egoistical dog!"

" Concubine!"

" Cheat!"

" Scam!"

Conan sighed as the name-calling continued, biting into his tempura, slurping up the soup. He noticed Haibara sit down beside him and he blinked. " Where's Ayumi?" he asked. Haibara just looked at him before getting down to her noodles. Conan's head whipped to the dark crowd. " She must have ran through the back door." Haibara said matter-of-factly. Haibara watched Mitsuhiko through the corner of her eye, watching him look at the door and her many times.

Then he nodded confidently to himself.

" I'm going to look for her!" he called out.

" Me too!" Genta said, but was stopped by Haibara.

" No." she said, smiling softly. " Let him go alone. Besides-won't you be able to eat your meal AND his AND Ayumi's this way?"

It was amazing how his worried frown turned into a splitting grin.

" You're good." Conan said to Haibara as Genta chomped his way through.

" It's gift," she replied.


Mitsuhiko found her, rubbing her eyes in a dark alley just behind the restaurant. The scene looked so familiar that it scared him. It was like when he got rejected by Haibara, how he felt, and what he did. Just locked himself up in a room or a place and just let the tears fall

" Hey." He said, sitting beside her. She flinched, but didn't move away. " Looks like you got rejected by Conan finally huh?" he asked, almost to himself, but Ayumi's trembling body was the answer to him. He smiled sadly and nodded. " I know how that feels." He said. Ayumi looked up.

" When Haibara said to me she loved Conan," he said. " My heart almost broke into two. It was terrible. It was worst than being punched in the stomach by Genta after you steal his lunch."

" You stole his lunch?" Ayumi gasped.

" Yeah." He said. " A dare."


Then the two of them started to laugh. They laughed so hard that tears started to run down their eyes. Two cleaners just inside the kitchen heard them, both shivering with fright. " So the rumors are true," one said to the other, crouching low. " Yeah." The other one said, trembling. " The crying and the laughing ghosts are finally back to haunt us again," It was only that when the two ladies burst into tears.

Ayumi wiped her eyes, Mitsuhiko smiling at her. " You're beautiful when you laugh." He said. She blushed and smiled back.

" Thanks."

There was silence for a moment.

" Do you think we'll ever get over them?" he asked her.

She looked at him from the corner of her eye before smiling. " I think I already have." She whispered, her hand softly touching his. He blushed, looking at her. Then he grinned, face as red as the sun.

" Yeah," he replied. " Me too."


Mitsuhiko and Ayumi returned, smiles on their faces. " Hey." Mitsuhiko said to them. The others looked up at them and grinned. " Yeah." The professor said. " We should go soon, there's almost no more time left. It's still only eight, but I think we should just get it going before the tram ride starts."

" I think it would be a better idea to go to the ferris wheel." The waitress said, smiling broadly at them. " It's more relaxing after a large meal."

The others agreed, and everyone but Haibara and Ayumi were left on the empty table. Haibara looked up at her, but was shocked to find a smiling Ayumi. " I'm okay." She said. " I can live without Conan. Mitsuhiko's been really nice to me, and I'll guess I'll try to go out with someone else for a change. You can have him if you want." Haibara's eyes widened with astonishment.

Then she smiled.

" How kind of you." She said, turning her back to Ayumi.

" So are you two really together?"

Haibara turned around, facing Ayumi's accusing and nonchalant expression. But there was nothing else. She didn't seem to want to have that against her. But Haibara just nodded. " Yeah. We are." She said.

Ayumi frowned at her as she watched Haibara leave.

" Dumbass." She muttered under her breath. " Looks like you're not that good of an actor after all."


The three just stared at Genta.

" What?" he asked.

But that was almost like an understatement, whatever it was. They had brought Genta to an eating competition, in which they would win two tickets to the Ferris wheel if he won any other two competitors. But there was nobody else who dared to go up to Genta, so the owner just said that if Genta could eat more than five bowls of whatever food he gave him, he would give the tickets to him.

Five bowls.


All in all, Genta ate two hamburgers, a hot dog, three bags of potato chips, five mint sweets, a chocolate bar, three bowls of ramen, two slices of eel, two cups of ice-cream, a banana, half a durian, two ice mangos, a sundae, two extra large cups of lemonade and a whole bowl of tempura.

The owner realized his mouth was still hanging open, and immediately shut it. " Er," he said cleverly. " You win. Now if all of you would put your names in the bowl, I would choose two names out of the pile, and I would get two names out, and those two would be the two who get to go on."

" Huh?" the professor said. " Why can't we just choose ourselves?"

" I don't know." The owner said, shrugging. " It's just a rule I guess."

" That's dumb!" Genta said. " Why can't I just go on?"

" In your current condition, you'll either throw up or be mistaken of a pregnant lady and would not be allowed up there. And besides, won't that be more fun and relaxing?" The professor looked helplessly at the three outraged kids.

" Whatever." Conan said.

" Indeed it sounds interesting." Haibara said, flipping the pages of her magazine.

Mitsuhiko and Ayumi looked at each other.

" Fine." Ayumi said.

" Same here." Mitsuhiko said.

" Fantastic." The owner said. " Now if you would all just put your names on these slips of paper,"

Conan raised his eyebrows.

" What?" Haibara asked.

" Nothing." He said, looking away.


The owner crumpled the pieces of paper and split them into two bundles, three in each hand of his, and dropped both plies into two separate bowls. They all looked at each other with raised eyebrows. Conan blinked as he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket, and pulled it out. Haibara looked over his shoulder. " Who was it?" she asked, as he opened the message.

" It's Heiji." He said. " He says Merry Christmas."

" Say it back." She said, shrugging. " It's rude not to."

" Right." He said, and typed steadily back. He was halfway through the message when he noticed Haibara's eyes boring through his back, staring at the way he typed. He stopped and she looked up at him to meet his gaze. He blushed but shook himself together. " What's wrong?" he asked. " Why are you looking at my message in such a-er-weird way?"

" You use dictionary for your keypad type." She said quietly.

" What?'

" You use dictionary."

" Oh? Oh yeah. I find it easier to type."

She smirked.

" No wonder you couldn't solve my riddle." She muttered.

" What?" he asked.

" Nothing," she said offhandly. " Nothing."

" Ah," the owner said. " It's-Conan and Haibara."

They all looked at the two of them, and Haibara just looked at Conan. Conan blinked. Then he got it. " Oh." He said, grinning. " I guess,"

" No fair!" Genta exclaimed. " Why do they get to go on? I ate all the food!"

" And that's bad WHY?" Mitsuhiko asked sarcastically.

Ayumi turned around and smiled at Conan and Haibara. " Okay then," she said, grinning. " I guess it's you two."

Haibara's eyes widened.

She smiled back.

" Yeah." She said. " Thanks."

Conan raised his eyebrows and leaned towards Haibara. " Oi, Haibara. You don't think she could be plotting this, do you?" he whispered.

Haibara caught a glimpse of Ayumi.

" No." she said softly. " I don't think so."

The owner was grinning from ear to ear, opening the door to one of the carriages while Haibara hopped in, sitting down on one of the seats. Conan, blushing, went right in and sat down opposite of her. The owner slammed the door shut and locked it from the front. " Have a good time!" he said, smiling.

" Thanks." Conan said.

Ayumi smiled as she watched them go higher and higher.

" Have a nice ride," she whispered, her hand softly unscrewing the emergency hold button on the ride. " Co-chan."

The owner saw this.

He just grinned.

The ride had went all the way up to the top, when Ayumi slammed the emergency button shut, and the ride halted in mid air. Haibara gasped as she jolted forward, falling in Conan's arms. Conan yanked open the window, looking down. " Hey!" he yelled. " What's wrong?"

" Sorry!" the owner yelled back. " But the emergency brake's been yanked out! I'll have to wait until some people have to come and repair it to come back up here!"


" What?" Conan yelled. " I can't hear you!"

" I'll SMS you then!" the owner yelled back.

" You'll what-a-what me?"

" SMS!"

" Eminem has what?"

" What? M M what?"

" What?"

" Hold on!"

The professor handed the owner a phone, and the owner furiously typed in the message and sent it to Conan's phone. Conan with raised eyebrows, opened it. After reading it, he sighed and sank down into his seat. Haibara dusted herself. " What did he say?" she asked.

" We'll have to stay here for a while." Conan said, sighing.

Downstairs, Ayumi smiled.

" Now it's all up to you two now," Ayumi whispered. " Conan and Ai-chan."

" But are you really okay with this?" Genta asked. " You wanted to destroy her life, not bring her closer to Conan! Plus, the ten-step is not done yet!"

Ayumi thought for a while, and nodded.

" Nine steps of hate. Why not let the final step help them out?" She grinned and leaned against the pillar. " Now it's all up to them."

" Mmm," Mitsuhiko said.


Haibara yawned.

It was about an hour already, and still there was nobody to help them. The professor and the others had long gone away to play with their games already. Conan watched her from the top of his book, before groaning and snapping the book shut. " I guess I'd better just stop wasting time." He said, dropping it beside him. Haibara raised her eyebrows at him.

" What was that again?" she asked.

He smiled at her and reached into the bag he was carrying and dropped a box onto her lap. " Merry Christmas." He said, grinning. " What you always wanted." Her eyes widened as she looked at from the box to him, her hands shivering as she opened the box, and almost dropped it in shock and excitement. It was the dress. The dress that she and him had an agreement. She knew that she had said to him that he would have to give it to her in the end, but she never expected to-

" Oh my God, Kudo," she whispered, her hands softly threading through the delicate fabric. He let a soft grin escape through his lips watching her. She was just so beautiful when she smiled.

So damn beautiful.

" Thank you, K,"

" Call me Shinichi." He said, raising a hand to cut into her sentence. " Kudo Shinichi."

She grinned.

" Very well," she said, closing the box cover. " Thank you. Shinichi."


The owner looked at his watch and sighed.

" What bloody late bloomers." He muttered, typing a message to Shinichi's phone. " Wouldn't you just hurry up and get over it? I'm getting cold."

Conan and Haibara just sat there for a moment, and Conan raised his eyebrows at her. " Don't you have a Christmas present for me too?" he asked jokingly.

Just as she was about to reply, she heard the buzz of his handphone. Irritatibly, he looked at the message. " He says the rescue squad will be here soon. And it's almost ten now. Thanks a lot."

She smirked.

Conan typed back to the owner a reply, when he noticed something. The numbers on the pad were arranged with numbers, and with three letters, a number was in its place. (-) A number-

His eyes flicked open.

Haibara watched him.

(444) would use three times of (4). The first 4 would be (G). The second would be (H). The third would be (I). So the first letter was I. He typed on furiously, and Haibara just watched him, smiling.

' I knew you would get it, Kudo-kun.'

His eyes widened as he saw it, and he looked up at Haibara.

" Haibara," he whispered.

I LOVE YOU TOO. (444) (555)(666)(888)(33) (999)(666)(88) (8)(666)(666)

He was about to say something when he heard the soft thud of the box he gave her on the floor, her arms wrapped around his neck, her soft lips pressed against his. His eyes widened at the foreign tastes when a small smile appeared on his lips and he kissed her back, wrapping his arms around her tight waist.

His tongue prodded at her lips, and she moaned and gratefully granted success, opening her lips just wide enough for his tongue to slither into. His hands left her waist, one raising up to run through her soft hair, the other dropping down to gently caress her thigh. She whimpered soundly, feeling him pull her closer towards him, rocking her soundly.

The feeling was indescribable. She had kissed before, yes, but this was different. This was love. It was such a delicate and beautiful word, a word totally not suitable for a traitor or a murderer like her, but as she was held in Conan's arms, it just filled her with warmth and happiness at the word. After what seemed like forever, she pulled away, licked her wet lips, savoring the taste.

He just stared at her.

" Hai?"

The bonfires behind Haibara shot up into the sky, beatifically filling the sky.,

Haibara smiled at him.

" Merry Christmas, Kudo Shinichi."

His eyes widened.

Then, blushing, he grinned.

" Yeah. Merry Christmas."

" Hello!" came a bright voice from the carriage door, and they both jumped. It was the owner. He pulled open the door. " Okay, I'll let you down from here. Now if you would just hold onto me, everything will be alright."

Haibara was about to follow when she felt Conan grab her hand.

She turned, confused.

" Nice going, Kaito." Conan said, smirking.

The owner raised his eyebrows.

" What?" he asked.

" It was rather smart of you that you were almost everywhere me and Haibara went." Conan said, winking at a shocked Haibara. The owner flinched. " It surprised me when Sumiko didn't come at all for the last few times, or didn't act most of the time. YOU were Sumiko. That was how you knew what most of the things were going on. You were also the owner downstairs. Haibara and my names were one three sheets on each of your hands already. All you had to do were to swap the six sheets on your hands with the six sheets they gave you, and it would be definite for the two of us to get up there. But the thing is why. Am I not right? KID?"

The owner smirked and ripped off his mask, grinning at them as he sat by the door of the carriage in the air.

Haibara's eyes widened.

" YOU were the waiter who told me about him!"

" Bingo." He said. " It was also me who returned your clothes for you. Ayumi and I sneaked in when you left, and when I finally got out of Ayumi's attention because of Mitsuhiko's suspicious movements, I stole it back."

Haibara smirked.

" Nicely done."

" Thank you," Kaito said, bowing.

Conan raised his eyebrows at Kaito.

" Don't tell me-the empty theatre-you were the ticket lady?"

" Yeah." He said, grinning. " I told the other people all the tickets were sold out."

" And you were also the waitress who asked us to go to the Ferris wheel."

" Excellent." Kaito said, ready to fly off.

" But why do all that?" Conan asked, and he stopped.

He turned around.

Then he smirked, winking at Haibara.

" I think we all know the answer to that, don't we?" He bent low and flew off into the night, smiling softly. " Merry Christmas, Detective-san."

Haibara and Conan looked at each other.

They both shrugged.


" Nice dress, Haibara." Genta and Mitsuhiko said, blushing.

She smiled and nodded; grinning at Conan who was looking away, face red. " Aren't you going to say anything about it?" she asked. He raised his eyebrows and coughed unnecessarily. " It was me who bought it for you." He said. " And I didn't even get a bloody thing back in return."

" As a matter of fact I did." She said, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a present, dropping it on Conan's lap.

Conan just stared at it.

Ayumi peered over. " What is it?" she asked.

Haibara smiled and said nothing, watching Conan open it.

" It's a Charlie Chaplin movie! Haibara!" he gasped, slamming it on the table, grabbing Haibara into his arms into a huge bear hug. " Ack!" Haibara yelled. " Can't breathe! Air!"

He let her go, grinning from ear to ear.

" But what's so good about this anyway?" Ayumi asked with raised eyebrows, picking it up.

Conan snatched it away from her, offended.

" Isn't that Hitler?" Mitsuhiko asked.

" It's Charlie Chaplin!" Conan yelled.

" Charlie whatlin?" Genta asked.

" Why is it in black and white?" Sumiko asked.

The professor and Haibara hid their laughs behind their towels.

" I will have you know that Charlie Chaplin was a breakthrough and still one of the most famous shows even after sound came into movies." Conan ranted on angrily at the lack of interest of his friends. " There were over ten new movies that appeared into the theatre,"

" At the sixth running of Charlie Chaplin's newest movie, and he still trashed all of them flat, even with a movie with no sound and was still black and white." Came someone's voice from the back.

Kudo Shinichi.

" Ka!" Conan gasped, but Kaito clamped his hand over Conan's mouth. " Shh." He said, grinning. " Your dark-skinned friend and professor asked me to come over to pose as you, as they were afraid you would hurt your ex-girl-friend's feelings."

Conan glanced at Heiji and the professor who gave them thumbs-up signs.

He smirked.

" Thanks anyway." He said. " I guess I won't call the cops on you just for once."

" Too kind." Kaito said, smiling. He grinned at Haibara. " Nice dress." He said.

" Too kind." Haibara said, mimicking him perfectly.

He grinned and walked off to greet Heiji.

" Hello everybody!" yelled Sonoko into the microphone. " Please welcome-Ran and Yorokobi!"

Ran looked beautiful as she walked in with her new husband, blushing as he gave her a kiss, but beamed anyway. Kaito waved at her and she brightened up, yanking at her husband's shirt, pointing at him. Conan gave a small smile. Strange. He never believed he would ever let someone else other than him to marry Ran. He laughed as Kogoro brought over Yorokobi to a side, his face dark, ready to give him the ' father' talk. There was no need.

The guy seemed nice.

He looked over at Haibara, and leaned over and kissed her lightly on the cheek.

She blushed and looked at him in surprise.

" What was that for?" she asked.

" Nothing," he said, grinning. " I love you, that's all."

Fort once, no sarcastic remark escaped her lips.

" I love you too."

Conan lifted the glass of water to his lips.

It was true the war between them and Ayumi had ended.

The aftermath was simple. No deaths or guns, or the signing of a treaty. Just the remains of a past torn friendship lasted. And as he watched Kogoro walk up the stage to make his speech, he laughed along with the rest.

He slid his hand into Haibara's.

She didn't flinch.

And there his hand stayed.

Not all wars had to end in tears and pain after all.


Did you all enjoy the story from the beginning to the end? I hope you all did! Now that you're all happy and satisfied, please take my poll kindly, and I will be very happy if you all go to my author's profile page and click on the website. Please take the time to vote, I would appreciate it so very much. Hopefully some people will vote for Ayumi, I hope I didn't make her TOO hateful. (Laughs). Good luck to Haibara! God Bless her. Thank you all of my fellow readers and reviews. It was an honor to write for you.

Now I must move on for sequels, other stories, or perhaps even further genres. Please look forward for my other stories. Thank you.


Haibara Ai-Thank you Haibara! You were the pillar of support for my story, with your sarcasm and tactics. But I guess everybody knows that she didn't fight seriously with Ayumi. Maybe I'll explain more about what Vermouth and her did to each other in their own war in my sequel. She's my favourite character, if most of you haven't guessed it yet. Thanks Haibara, for the help.

Edogawa Conan-Humph. Looks like he had enough money to buy the dress for Haibara after all. Conning dog. But he got the ' Hitler' movie from her in the end, so I guess he's happy. Good luck with Haibara! I must try to give some struggles in their relationship in the sequel. I'm thinking of making them get in a fight, and who comes to the rescue? But that's not certain. Don't really think that might fit though. But whatever. What comes around goes around.

Ayumi Yoshida-Yes, the brilliance of a twelve-year old. I guess the picture of Conan in her room's being replaced by Mitsuhiko now, right? (Laughs) She was a problem, because I didn't really like Ayumi in the first place. But she's still a kid after all, like Haibara and Conan said.

Genta, Mitsuhiko and Sumiko-What can I say about these three? I merely used them as helpers of the brilliant mastermind, Ayumi. But they helped along well, and especially to Mitsuhiko, the worst spy in the word, but the only thing that helped Ayumi get over Conan.

Kaito Kid and the Professor-Did anyone guess he was there? Did anyone know I was secretly using him from the start? (Thank you, thank you.) I wanted him to be the professor, but I wanted the professor to have his own appearances too. I like the professor a lot. He was a slice of humor for many parts of the story, but the problem is that until now, I still don't know his name. (Sweatdrops)

Kogoro, Ran and Eri- There goes Ran. It may not seem it, but I like Kogoro a lot. I hated him to crap in the first book, but as the story went on, he's actually a very nice person, who loves and cares for his family a lot. And he's a good shot too. (Hahahaha) He's definitely in my top 10. Eri's cool too, and Ran kicks ass. This family is really cool. Too bad for the exclusion of Conan, or else this family could be the next Incredibles.