Revised 12/07

Disclaimer: I do not own Spirited Away.

Forbidden Memories

The bell, that governed the hours of school, screeched.



Doors slammed open. Corridors that had seconds before been deserted now swarmed with herds of students. The blonde popular femme fatales squawked and gaggled together. The boys swaggered like baboons trying to impress them. The wanabees sighed with desire. Such was at it had always been. No one noticed the little, brown haired girl disappear through the school doors with not even a sound to mark her passing.

At least she hoped no one had noticed. Sadly for Chihiro, she was mistaken. Heartless snickering and barely muffled guffaws accompanied by the hostile patter of feet were enough to inform her of that. Clutching her folder to her chest, Chihiro bowed her head and walked a little faster, mouth gritted into a grim line. Maybe they would go away? If she ignored them they would lose interest, wouldn't they? It was wishful thinking but at eleven years old Chihiro couldn't give up all hope; something had to keep her going.

There was nothing wrong with her. She was not ugly; many had called her pretty. But she was alone. There had once been a time when the door to popularity had been held-open to walk through. But she had turned it down. She didn't want friends she had to mould herself to suit. She would not lie.

A particularly loud snort from behind jerked Chihiro rudely back to reality. They were getting closer. Should she run? They would only follow.

And then the real torture began. The mocking torment, the disdainful retorts.

"So Chihiro, or would you rather I called you Sen today?" sneered the voice, dripping scorn.

She didn't answer, just squeezed her fists tight, lengthened her stride and kept on walking. They wanted her to react. She wouldn't let them get to her. However instead of solitude, she gained only a roar of laughter.

Chihiro's lips trembled. She would not cry. It would only be worse if she did. Not far to go now. The little blue house where she and her parents lived, beckoned welcome from its perch on top of the hill. If she could only bare it a little longer, if they didn't push her over the edge.

"Oh look, I'm hurt," drawled the voice. "Does little Chihiro not want to talk to me? Maybe one of your friends will instead, hmm? Well why don't we call them and see. Spirits, oh little spirits. Are you ignoring me too? Don't you want to talk?"

The crowd laughed again, each grunt rending at Chihiro's heart. They could think what they liked. It was all true. She was certain, no matter how much they ridiculed her for it. There were times of course, like this one, when she questioned her faith. The story did sound outrageous. But there was proof. Not enough for them. But enough for her faith. The hair tie.

Every time her conviction wavered she had but to look at it and memories flooded back, through the weave of love made by those she could call friends. They were real. Even if she might never see them again.

Lost in thought Chihiro hadn't noticed the falling silence. Now she did. And it was heavy. Not a snicker not a giggle yet the evening stretched taut. Had they gone? Had they left her? She should have known better than that. A small stirring of the wind was the only warning.

"Boo!" Directly beside her ear.

Chihiro shrieked. The folder she'd clutched so tenderly to her breast clattered to the ground, the contents spilling out.

She dropped to the ground, scrabbling to gather her belongings. She couldn't possibly let anyone see! But it was too late.

"Well well. What have we hear?"

The precious papers were snatched from her clutches. Each page grew torn and ragged in the bully's claws. One by one, after they had been scrutinised and mocked, the sheets were flung into the air for the wind to do its will.

"No," Chihiro moaned, though she didn't dare move. Tears welled again beyond the horizon of her eyes. How could they be so cruel? She never hurt them. But this was how they always treated people who were different. Those that refused to follow their trends. She was not the first to suffer under their whipping.

The papers scattered in the breeze. If she hurried she could catch them. But Chihiro knew it would be worse for her if she did. They would love that. To see her run and jump like a monkey in a cage. Better to pretend to submit.She bowed her head.

"Tch tch tch. I should have known. What a pretty little dragon you've drawn again and again. Your friend Haku? Well where is he now."

Spit landed on Chihiro's clothes. She would not look up. Would not look her tormentor in the eye. She had made that mistake before. They didn't take kindly to those who stood up to them.

"You little freak," sneered the voice.

Don't react.

"When will you realise that Haku doesn't exist? It's all in your crazy little-"


The bully raised his eyebrows.

Chihiro clenched her fists at her sides, every muscle tense. She glared through a curtain of hair. "You leave Haku alone. I won't let-"

With more strength than she knew she possessed, Chihiro shoved the bully to the floor. Had she stayed long enough she would have been him land in a convenient puddle leaving him awash with brown scum. None deserved it more.

But it is never the good that have the last laugh. It was lucky for Chihiro that she didn't wait to see the consequences of her actions. Instead she ran. Ran as fast as she could.

"After her!" Pounding feet followed soon after. So many just to catch one little girl. Chihiro had the head start.

On and on, Chihiro let her feet carry her. The suburbs melted into woods. Trees whipped by on either side. Roots sprang up underfoot. Yet they did not impede her progress. Her pursuers cursed clearly not having as much luck.

Chihiro vaulted a statue. Its leering petrified features tattooed onto her mind as she streaked past. Its expression was all together too familiar. Foreboding began to bubble within.

For good reason. A colossal wall towered ahead, a narrow tunnel the only way through. She stopped. Dare she go through? She wanted to, oh how she wanted too. But…

Assailants sprang from the forest behind her in a shower of leaves. Chihiro squealed and propelled herself into the dark vortex of wishes and fairytales. Wind wrapped around her and sucked her in. She steadied herself on the wall. Vibrations crawled up her fingertips as though caused by something thundering far below.

On and on, on and on. No longer just to escape it was more than that. She had to know, had to see. Just one last time. The familiar landscape rushed by in a blur that Chihiro never once realised was caused by her own streaming tears. She was amongst the buildings now. She could hear no one following. The town's folk never came here.

The clatter of her feet on cobbles was replaced by the hollow thud of wood. Chihiro faltered, panting, almost brought to her knees. The wind blew gently now, caressing clothes and hair, leaving behind a deep silence. The sort of silence that makes you certain that there is something waiting just beyond your hearing. Watching. That makes you sure you are not alone.

Chihiro did not need to look to know where her feet had led her. The bathhouse of her dreams and nightmares. It fluffed its feathers like a brooding mother hen. The home of the one she longed for, all living now in a memory.

A swish from behind. Chihiro wasn't sure whether she felt or heard it, but she was sure it was there. She whirled around, hopes born in a whisper.


But there was no one there, except the murmurings of a train rattling by somewhere far away.