Disclaimer: Now, you know I don't own either InuYasha or YuGiOh, cause if I did, you know that they would be wearing loincloths and feeding me grapes.
A/N: This is taking place somewhere in the middle of the shard hunt, but after Battle City. The way that Bakura and Ryou talk to each other is mostly inspired by Lizeth's writings. check her out! It's amazing!
/Yami talking to Ryou/
/Ryou talking to Yami/
Kagome's inner thoughts.
"Whadda mean you're going back?" InuYasha bellowed. "You just got here!"
"If by 'just got here' you mean 'haven't been to my realm in a month' then yes I did just get here, but I have to go again," Kagome yelled back, easily matching the ferocity in his voice.
They were all sitting by the fire waiting patiently for the day to start. The stars were out and the blooming flowers' scent drifted along the wind. It even reached them out in the middle of the forest. It could possibly be called romantic if it weren't for the verbal wrestling match that was taking place.
"And so it starts again," Miroku mumbled.
"Wonder how long it will last this time?" said Sango.
"Probably the same as last time," Shippo chimed in.
"YOU'RE NOT HELPING!" InuYasha snapped at the trio. He then directed his attention toward Kagome. "We just started a jewel shard hunt! You can't leave now!"
"I'm sorry! But I really have to go! I just have a pile of school work that's getting bigger, my grandfather is still making up ridiculous excuses for my absence, I miss my family, not to mention my friends," Kagome gushed, not quite realizing how much she was talking. "I just have to go home! Besides, it's not up to you when I get to leave, it's my own decision."
For once in InuYasha's life, he was speechless. "Fine," he said quietly. "Go."
Kagome was scared by the stoic tone of his voice. "What?" she squeaked, surprised. "Just like that?"
InuYasha glared at her. "What! A second ago you were practically crying. If it's really that important to you, just leave."
"Are you feeling alright, InuYasha?" Shippo asked bringing a hand to the half-demon's forehead. "Do you have a fever?"
"Will you get offa me, runt? It's obviously pointless to argue with Kagome since she's just gonna leave anyway. Why bother?"
"That settles it then!" Miroku declared hoping to clear the air. "Kagome will leave in the morning! Now, Lady Kagome-"
"Be sure to be careful when you go back to your time," Miroku warned.
"It'll be fine, Miroku!" Kagome reassured. "I'll be sure not to tangle with any evil spirits while I'm home, ok? I'll just take it easy, finish my work, and then come back here! Don't you worry!"
"One more thing, Kagome," Shippo said quietly. "Be sure to bring back lot's of Ninja food!"
"I won't disappoint!" Kagome said, grabbing Shippo and pulling him close. "I'll bring all of your favorite foods!"
"Let's get to bed," Sango advised. "You have an early morning, Kagome, and we have to figure out what to do while you're away."
"How long are you gonna be gone, anyway?" Shippo asked looking up from his perch on Kagome's lap.
"Any where from a few days to a week," Kagome said smiling.
"Here we go again," Miroku started.
"Well, this is interesting," Ryou muttered out loud. "Only ten minutes on the premises and all ready I'm in the principle's office."
/I know./ Yami Bakura drawled. /I thought we were gonna be here in 30 seconds flat./
/This is just a rare treat for you, isn't it?/ Ryou said slightly annoyed.
/Don't test me, or I will make you do something that is not only embarrassing, but also permanent./
Ryou, while having this internal conflict, was completely oblivious to the gray haired secretary that was standing above him. She had been standing there saying his name for nearly 30 seconds.
"Mr. Bakura!" the sharp-eyed woman screeched.
Ryou's head instantly snapped up, as his eyes came upon her face. "Oh, hello," he stammered.
"Did you not hear me saying your name? I practically shouted it 10 times, at least."
"Ummm," Ryou's tongue just didn't seem to work. "Sorry, I was kinda talking to myself."
"Well, the principal will see you now," she told him looking at him sternly.
"Uhhhhhh, thanks."
/Smooth./ Yami Bakura heckled.
Ryou got up very slowly, and followed the signs to the associate principal's office. He quickly checked the name above the door before knocking.
"Come in," a booming voice from within called.
"Mr. Sterling?" Ryou poked his head into the small office. "You wanted to see me, sir?"
Inside the small office, a very large bald man sat at a tiny desk. It was almost comical seeing his large girth obviously struggling against the strain of the small oak desk. He had a jolly face with rosy read cheeks and small round glasses, and to top it all off, he sported a large sandy colored mustache.
"Mr….Bakura," Principal Sterling said after checking the name on the small manila folder he had in his large ruddy hands. "We see that you have just transferred here from Domino High. I am your personal principal covering names A through F and I want to personally welcome you to our school. I try to put the 'pal' back in principal."
/Oooooh. Please let me kill him./
/Behave, Yami./
/Just a little maiming? Please?/
"Your first hour class is…" he paused as he read from the folder, "Math, with Mr. Takanishi. His class has already started, but Ms. Ivra out there will give you a pass." Mr. Sterling stood up and handed Ryou his schedule. "Again, let me welcome you to our school."
Ryou stood up, bowed, and walked over to the grey-haired secretary in the main office. She gave him a pass and directions to his first class.
/This is going to be a fun year,/ Yami Bakura snarled. /Do we really have to spend all this time with these stupid mortals?/
/Not this year, Yami./Ryou warned. /We are going to stay at this school for as long as possible. I actually like it here. I don't want to leave another school, again./
/Don't bitch to me, weakling. We didn't have to leave those schools, you chose to./
/You didn't leave me any choice! There was no way we could have stayed!/
/Be a man for once in your life! Besides, the fire was your idea./
/Quiet, we're here./
Ryou stuck his head inside the classroom. "Ummmm. Mr. Takanishi? I'm Ryou Bakura. I just transferred here." He handed his pass to the middle aged man and took in his appearance. Mr. Takanishi was a calm, skinny man who wore small round wire framed glasses and had a horrible comb-over; The instant Yami Bakura saw him, he burst out laughing.
/Look at that headpiece!/ Yami Bakura howled. /He looks like a Japanese Donald Trump! Except a lot more dumpy!/
/Quiet, Yami./
"Ahhh, yes, Mr. Bakura," the short Japanese math teacher said. "We've been expecting you. You can go and sit next to Kagome." He pointed to an empty seat next to a sleeping girl. "Kagome," he said, a little louder. "KAGOME!"
The pretty Japanese girl awoke with a start. "Yes, sir! I'm awake sir!"
Ryou made his way over to the girl and sat down. "Uhhh, hi," he said to her. "I'm Ryou."
Kagome stared at him.
/She looks like she's in shock./
"So….do you like this class?" Ryou asked her.
Kagome continued to stare at him with her mouth hanging open a little.
/Do you think you should slap her a little?/
"Is Mr. Takanishi a nice teacher?"
Kagome's eyes began to twitch.
/Does she speak English?/
"Are you Kagome?" he said looking at her with a weird gleam in his eye.
Kagome, awakened by the sound of her name, answered, "Yes. Yes, I am, and you are?"
"I'm Ryou, I just moved here."
"Ok," was all that Kagome could say and she turned her eyes forward.
He has white hair! Like a demon! She thought to herself. Strange though, I don't sense any demon aura around him. There is that strange, almost evil glow in his eyes though. I'm pretty sure he's not a demon. He's actually kind of cute. But the hair!
Kagome looked up at the new boy. Despite the snowy locks, he seemed to be a regular guy. Kagome couldn't see his ears, but she was pretty sure they weren't pointy. He did seem sad though. Not a tears-tears-crying kind of sad, but a quiet-i-don't-wanna-talk-about-it sad. She was, in fact, so caught up in trying to pinpoint the type of sad Ryou had, she didn't notice the teacher calling her name.
"KAGOME!" Mr. Takanishi bellowed coming to stand beside her desk. "Are you listening to me?"
"Sorry, sir," Kagome stammered. "I was just kinda talking to myself."
Ryou looked up with wide eyed amazement.
/Wow./ Yami Bakura said dryly. /She's as big a freak as you are./
TBC. By the way, I'm doing this as a three-reviews to continue sort of thing. That way, I can tell if someone wants to read it and I should continue, or if I should just stop and burn the entire thing in a trashcan by the park. So please, READ AND REVIEW! Tell me anything! All forms of criticism accepted, even flames! we've all flamed a few ppl, c'mon now.