Readers: WOOP!!!!

Me: Indeed, this is the long awaited, spectacular, wonderful, any other good adjectives you want to use, sequel to Revenge of the Darkness!

Readers: (claps)

Me: Okay, our cast for the day consists of Kairi, Riku, Sora, Donald, Goofy, King Mickey, Fire, Crystal, and all those other names I don't feel like typing. Oh yeah, then there's my beta reader, Digitaldreamer.

Digitaldreamer: …erm…boo yah?

Readers: (more clapping)

Me: Well, you all should have read Revenge of the Darkness. If you haven't you need to get your ass over there right now and read it before this one. You won't get anything unless you do.

Digitaldreamer: If you don't, have fun being confused!

Sora: (walks in room)

Me: Everybody, meet my boyfriend! Isn't he cute?! (glomps)

Sora: O.O For the last time, Wish, I'M NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND!

Me: Don't worry, readers, he is. He just doesn't know it yet. (wink)

Digitaldreamer: (whacks Wish over head with mallet) How many times do have to tell you, Wish!? Thou shall not flirt with canon characters!

All: (sweatdrop)

Me: Okay people, it's chapter time. Please keep all hands, feet and wings inside your seat at all times and do not exit until the words come to a complete stop.

Sora: Yeah! Everybody put your hands in the air!

Riku: (hits Sora with a toaster)

Me: Okay, Riku, I'd hurt you too but you're too sexy too hurt (drools).

Digitaldreamer: (sighs and bashes head against wall)

Riku: The girls dig me.

Sora: Grrr....

Digitaldreamer: Wonderful job Wish, they're going to act terribly out of character again and try to kill each other.

Me: Umm.... okay, before we have mass chaos break out, why don't you go and read the chapter ;;.

Disney Castle

It was actually a pretty nice day out; no clouds casting their dark shadows, no wind to blow away sweet daydreams; no natural disaster to disrupt the daily lives of innocent people; and best of all, no villains to spread darkness along with destruction and evil, none to shatter the life of an innocent teenager who's been swept into a different world to become somewhat of a reluctant hero.... yup, nothing like this was happening today.... the keyword here is today.

Said teenager was currently walking away from a classroom, bag swung over his shoulder containing several books on Worlds' Cultures, laws, etiquette.... the works, The teen had a mature look although he was really anything but that. His once boyish features had been replaced by more handsome features, although his beautiful blue crystal eyes remained the same, something like a window to show what was going on inside of his head. He had visited the village across from the castle once or twice and had gotten an earring placed in, giving him a sort of punkish look. He wore black baggy jeans along with a red shirt with the kanji symbol for peace on it enscripted in silver ink. On his jeans he wore an overly large belt that really wasn't used for holding up his pants but more for style, seeing as the belt came below his hips; there was also chains jangling from these jeans.

On top of this he wore a black leather vest with chain hanging and looping around his shoulders. Upon his back were folded, silvery-white wings that shimmered, even in the pitch black, and still shone as brightly as they did when he first received them a long time ago. Three years, to be exact. That's right.... the teenager had been away from his home for three years. Three long, lonely years spent away from his friends with only their letters for company, to comfort his sore heart that had endured so much. They were separated three years ago, they wrote over the three years, they remained millions of miles away for three years. As was the life of Sora.

Sora wasn't exactly normal, and if it weren't for the wings you would have thought he was. But kept hidden, ready to appear when it was called, was a mysterious weapon called the Keyblade. You all know what a Keyblade is, so I won't go into much description. But Sora wasn't the first owner of the Keyblade; that would be his best friend, Riku, who currently resided on Destiny Islands with Kairi. Both were extremely unique. Riku was the original Keyblade master, but never got it when he chose darkness over light. He locked himself behind the door to the darkness along with King Mickey four years ago, and he was found and rescued when Sora, Donald and Goofy found them.

Kairi was a girl, now seventeen and going on eighteen very soon, who had appeared on Destiny Islands when she was very young. Little did they know that she was a princess of heart, and she was now currently excelling in the branch of magic. She was also deeply in love with Sora, as he was with her. She now wears Sora's crown necklace, Sora wearing her oathkeeper.

It was three years ago that Malificent, Oogie Boogie, Jafar, Hades, Hook and Jafar had kidnapped Sora and taken Sora to Hollow Bastion where they attempted to bring him to their side with unheard of torturing, giving Sora scars that would never heal, physically and emotionally. It was three years ago that he used his true power as the King to vanquish them once and for all. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that Sora is the future King?

When Sora was fifteen he found that he was the future King and needed to stay at the Castle. Reluctant at first, Sora eventually agreed in order to protect the worlds that would be under his control when he reached the age of twenty. Sora stayed at the Castle, convincing his friends to go back to Destiny Islands, so they would be happy.

A lot had happened over the three years they had been separated; Sora was actually getting smarter, even though he was still the goofball he always was. It was even hard for Professor Stewlart, his teacher, to say that he wasn't proud of the boy. Sora liked to keep on a happy face to cheer the others up and to keep away awkward questions. But this was all a mask of what he was really feeling.

There hadn't been a single night when Sora was not visited by his horrible memories of the past, of all his pain, betrayal, of his death, of fear.... His insides burned with anger and fear, things that nobody had ever experienced before. It was hard to keep on going every day, but he always had those special days of the week when someone from the Realm of Trial brought him his letters. It wasn't much, but it was working. But not for long. Soon, these things would not be enough.

"Can I get you anything, your highness?"

Sora sighed and turned to one of the maids, the people who asked him the same question at least twice a day, just in hopes of hearing the boy talk back. "Nope, not a thing," Sora replied. "And for the last tome, can you please call me Sora?"

"Of course, your highness," the girl said with a curtsey. Sora just rolled his eyes and continued walking, leaving behind the flustered girl, around his age; many of them already had crushes on the handsome King, and Sora found this just plain annoying. He loved Kairi. K-A-I-R-I. When would they get it through their heads?


A energetic yellow dog came bounding around the corner and leapt on top on the young Keybearer.

"Hey Pluto," Sora said as Pluto licked his face happily. "Whacha got there?" Sora picked up the note Pluto had dropped when he started licking Sora's face.

Pushing the dog off of him gently, he sat up and ripped open the envelope with the King's emblem, a sticker shaped like the mouse's head. He unfolded the note and read:

Sora, meet me in the Throne Room at 5 'o' clock. I need ta tell ya

King Mickey

"Wonder what this is all about," Sora muttered as he scratched Pluto behind his ears. "I already got lessons from him this week." Once a week, Sora met with King Mickey and usually had to follow him around, just to get an idea of what Sora would be doing in a few years time. Sometimes it was kind of boring, but other times he helped sort out law disturbances in other worlds, deal with a few rouge heartless that showed up every here and there, and do some inspections.

But something was nagging at the back of Sora's brain. A few months ago, Sora got his usual letters from Destiny Islands and cut class to go and read them. He chose to stay hidden in the Gummi Launch Room, and when he entered he saw a door he had never seen before. When he tried to open it, Daisy came out and her eyes went BIG. First she started yelling at him for cutting class AGAIN, and then Sora asked what was going to in the room. She told him nothing. Sora got a small peek in there when the door opened and saw workers hunched over something huge, something blue and black.

Maybe he's gonna tell me what's in there, Sora thought as he looked at his watch given to him from Stewlart. The old duck, tired of Sora being late and using the excuse of not knowing the time, gave him a digital watch so he would know the exact time. If Stewlart had thought this would cut off his lateness, he was sadly mistaken because Sora found other ways.

Sora and Pluto walked down the hall towards the Throne Room, which would take a good ten minutes to get to. Sora decided to stop off at his room to drop off his books first, so he made a left and traveled up a few flights of stairs. He took out a key in his pocket and opened the door to his room.

His room was actually quite nice; the others tried to make it nice for him. It had white walls and a beige carpet. There was a large, king sized bed in the corner (Me: Get it, 'King' sized? Ha, I crack me up) covered in rich red comforters. There were paintings on the walls, most involving fighting pictures, such as people fighting with swords. There was an oak side table next to Sora's bed with a clock on it; Sora was glad he rarely had to use the alarm since classes started at nine and Sora usually woke up before then.

There were two practice swords with blunt blades hanging on a shelf; Sora used them when he found somebody in the village that could hold a sword without dropping it; Sora never lost, which brought up his ego just a TINY bit. Sora never used his Keyblade except when sparring with Donald and Goofy. Both duck and dog had to team up to provide an almost challenge for Sora. But sometimes, King Mickey found some time to spar with Sora. They both used Keyblades and it was here that Sora's ego was brought down; King Mickey won most of the time.

"You gotta bring down that ego of yours," King Mickey would say, grinning. "Just because I'm a mouse, doesn't mean I'm easy to beat."

That was a bit of an understatement, Sora thought. His closet was filled with clothes from the palace tailors, and pretty much matched those of his clothes back on Destiny Islands, except for the pants. Sora had grown out of the old ones with the inflated bottoms and now stuck with heavy jeans.

Sora threw down his bag on the freshly made bed. Sora sighed and looked around; even though the room was cleaner, it didn't compare with his old room back at Destiny Islands. Yeah, it was cramped, but you had an amazing view of the ocean, and he kind of liked the messiness; it made it feel like home. His room at Disney Castle reminded him of a hotel room; no matter how messy he made it, the damn maids would come in and clean in. Sora had a strong suspicion that the girls thought of Sora's messiness as a way to keep them coming back.

There was loud barking from the doorway and Sora turned around to see Pluto sitting there with his tail wagging, waiting for the boy to finish his reminiscing.

"Oops, sorry Pluto, " Sora said apologetically. He stepped out the door and closed the door behind him.

They walked back down the stairs, took a right, and then headed up a flight of stairs, making a right on top of these. Pluto disappeared for a few minutes and came back with a stick in his mouth. Chuckling slightly, Sora took the stick and threw it ahead of him in the hallway as he walked. Pluto scampered to get it, then came back and Sora threw it again.

They continued to walk like this for another five minutes until Sora finally reached the Throne Room. Checking his watch, he saw that it was only 4:40. "Wow," Sora whispered. "I'm actually early for once in my life."

Deciding he didn't feel like waiting for nearly half an hour in some large room, Sora began to wander off to find his friends Donald and Goofy to kill the time.

He didn't think Donald would approve of his wandering around the Castle when he should be waiting in the Throne Room, he looked for Goofy instead. Sora smirked; he knew exactly where his dog friend would be on a day like this. He traveled to the Castle doors and pushed them open.

He walked across the fresh green grass of the Court Yard towards a small area enclosed by a hedge wall with a small opening in it that only two people knew of. And sure enough, Sora heard snores coming from the inside.

Sora got down on his hands and needs and crawled through a small opening in the bushes to find Goofy, Royal Knight, Commander of the Roval Army.... sleeping.

"And they say I'm lazy," Sora said as he snorted. He gave his friend a gentle shove on the shoulder. Goofy yawned loudly and shook his head.

"Heya Sora, good evenin'," Goofy said cheerfully.

"Hey Goofy," Sora said as he too sat down on the soft grass.

"What brings you here?" Goofy asked.

"I'm supposed to meet King Mickey at five," Sora replied. "But I didn't feel like waiting for twenty minutes, so I came to find you."

"Ya better not be late," Goofy warned.

"I won't," Sora said, wiping away the bother. "Hey, you wouldn't happen to know what he wants to tell me, would you?"

"Nope, can't tell ya," Goofy said, shaking his head. "It's a surprise!"

Sora rolled his eyes "C'mon, I won't tell him you told me!"

"Nope, it's a secret! Hyuk!" Goofy said with his little laugh at the end.

They lay in the sunshine for a few minutes before Goofy asked, "Hey Sora, do ya know what day it is?"

"Err... yeah, Thursday," Sora replied quizzicly.

But Goofy shook his head. "Nah, I guess you've been too busy ta notice. Garwsh Sora, you must be workin' too hard not to notice this."

"What?" Sora asked.

"WHERE IS HE?!" The two heard Donald yell. Peeking through the bushes, Sora saw Donald run up to a gardener and ask "Have you seen Sora lately? He's supposed to be in the Throne Room!"

Sora yelped and looked at his watch: 5:02. "Sorry, Goofy gotta go!" Sora said. And he darted out through the bushes and ran full speed towards the Castle.

Donald started, "Where have you..." but was cut off as Sora whizzed right past him at top speed and sent the duck spinning in circles.

Panting, Sora stopped and said, "What the hell am I doing?" He opened his wings and flew the rest of the way, over all the things spread out among the gardens instead of trying to run around them. People gasped in awe and pointed at him as he flew past,

He dipped a bit lower and literally flew through the doors as the guards opened it for him. Sora made a right and flapped up until he reached a few floors above it. He dropped to the ground and ran through the door to see King Mickey waiting impatiently for him.

"I'm..... here...." Sora panted as he rested his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

"You're late," King Mickey informed him.

Sora glared at him. "I was early before!"

King Mickey said, "It doesn't matter. I have to tell you something.... I think you're going to like this."

Sora raised an eyebrow curiously. "You're firing Stewlart?"

"Nope, not that," King Mickey informed him.

"I heard that!" an angry voice sad behind them. Professor Stewlart walked into the room, Donald, Goofy, Queen Minnie and Daisy following him.

"Some day...." Sora murmured.

"We've got a surprise for you," Queen Minnie said.

Sora blinked. "Errr.... why?"

"Don't you know what day it is?" Donald asked.

"Goofy asked me the same thing," Sora said, nodding his head towards the Knight. "I have no clue what any of you are talking about." It was times like these that Sora became uncomfortably aware he was the only human in the room.

"You've been too busy to even notice," Daisy said sadly.

"Notice what?" Sora asked, exasperated.

"You know that room Daisy told ya' to stay out of?" King Mickey asked Sora. He nodded. "Well, what's in there is a new kind of gummi ship. We've been developing it for years, ever since you came here."

Sora blinked. "A new kind? Whad'ya mean?"

"Well," King Mickey said, "this ship has a special power. The way it works is the more it charges, the less dense the ship and anything in it becomes. It gets so weightless that eventually, when the engine kicks in it will blast just like a regular gummi ship, only since it weighs only one fifth of what it used to, it goes five times faster, and the barriers sort of detect it as a small shock, which is usually what holds up the barrier."

Sora just blinked. "Okay, can you go through that a bit slower? With words I can understand?"

Sora saw King Mickey's eyes dart behind Sora, and then he grinned.

Sora was extremely confused. "What is going..." But he stopped.

A pair of hands had covered his eyes, and a mature, yet extremely familiar voice asked, "Guess who?"

The hands removed themselves and Sora turned around very slowly. What he saw made his heart practically burst. His mouth dropped open and his eyes widened, and filled with small tears of happiness all at the same time. He wasn't sure if he was just seeing things or not, but they looked wonderfully solid. He had dreamed of this moment for the past three years, and now he was just too shocked to say anything. Two figures stood there, both smiling happily at him. "Happy Birthday," the two said in unison, both grinning from ear to ear.

Kairi and Riku were standing right in front of him.


Digitaldreamer: (sits there in happy shock)

Me: (whisper whisper) Oh my fucking god, that was the best ending to a chapter I have ever written!

Kairi: (whisper whisper) Finally, me and Riku are in the story.

Sora: (whisper whisper) Hey Wish?

Me: (whisper whisper) Yeah?

Sora: (whisper whisper) Why are we whispering?

Riku: (whisper) And hiding in a tent made out of blankets and pillows?

Me: (whisper) I'm hiding from my beta reader.

Kairi: (whisper) Why?

Me: (whisper) She's gonna hurt me. She already says I'm a work-o-holic and I just finished a chapter yesterday.

Sora: (whisper) I don't think you're a work-o-holic .

Me: (whisper) Thanks! (hugs)

Riku: (whisper) Umm..... when can we get out of here?

Me: (whisper) I haven't figured that part out yet.

Digitaldreamer: (pops up in tent) (whisper whisper) I like to whisper too!

All: (sweatdrop)

Me: (whisper) Well, people, I hope you liked the first chapter of Flickering Light! I was literally jumping with joy when I wrote the end part.... I love writing happy stuff, and this chapter was a lot of fun to write. Please tell me how you like the story so far in a review. By the way, since my writing isn't improving, I'll be taking a break for a while. Sorry. Bye!

Digitaldreamer: (follows Wish out of chapter)…you're so damn lucky that was too cute for me to kill you