Title: Exasperation

Author: Eurothrashed

Feedback: Yes, please. E-mail in bio.

Disclaimer: My muse, who is an independent if minor deity, possessed them like whoa.

Rating: G

Summary: Island Snippet. 100 word drabble. The fire went out...


"Aye? What's wrong, love? We're not bein' invaded are we?"


"No pigmies or undead pirates a-knockin' on our door?"


"Then quit shakin' me, an' go back to bloody sleep."

"Jack, the fire went out."

"So it did."

"I'm cold."


"Well, can I sleep next to you?"

"Darling, all you had to do was ask."

"I just did."

"So you did."


"Well what, love?"

"Can I?"

"Can you what?"

"Sleep next to you."

"Don't rightly know. Can you?"

"May I, then?"

"May you what?"

"Sleep next to you!"

"Darling, all you had to do was ask."