A/N: Wow, an entire year I had to wait until 5 people reviewed. Oh well, thanks for waiting patiently (I hope) and here we are again!

Btw, check out my forum on my website! It's all new!

Last time:

A pudgy yet tall man with a straw hat on was leaning against the wall.

"So that's about a low C…ok. We'll get a team for you in a few days..."

A Fated Meeting: Do the Wave!

The Sandaime eyed Team Seven quizzically. Naruto and Sakura were at it again, quarrelling like a couple, while Sasuke watched them keenly while keeping his deadpan expression. Kakashi faced forward, though his eyes betrayed his thoughts on the situation.

"Please, ojii-san? I can take it! At least a C!! D is below me, ojii-san!" Naruto complained. Sakura locked her arms around his neck again.

"Uresai, Naruto! You're so loud, can't you show our Hokage any respect?" She yelled, exasperated.

"Tsk, tsk," uttered Sasuke.

"Well, Naruto. I guess you can take a low C mission," the elderly Hokage finally said, grinning when he saw their mouths drop.

"You mean it?!" Naruto said. "You're the best! I won't let you down! That's my nindo!"

"I sincerely hope not, Naruto. And the same for you all as well. Watch out for them Kakashi."

"Of course," Kakashi said.

"Well," the Sandaime started. "Come in, Tazuna."

A pudgy man with a bottle of sake came in, and then stopped to glare at the team. As he eyed Sakura, he said, "These kids?! They can't honestly protect me!"

"What did you say, old man!" Naruto yelled at him, clenching his fists.

"Ooh, quite the temper, gaki," Tazuna said, turning to him.

"No one calls me gaki!"

"Maa, settle down, Naruto," Kakashi said, waving his hand. "And Tazuna." Tazuna turned to face him. "This team will make sure you're well guarded. And I am a jounin."

"I hope what you say is true," Tazuna responded. "Well, we leave tomorrow. Fare well, Hokage-sama." he bowed to the Hokage, and then left the room.

"Hey, jii-sama," Naruto began. "Where are we going?"

"To the Wave country," Sandaime responded.

"Outside…the village." He froze, which caused the rest of his team to wonder if he'd have a break down. Then he continued. "WHOO HOOO!"

Sakura sighed. "Naruto…"

Sasuke smirked.

"Maa…let's all pack up and meet in front of the gates tomorrow. Ja!" Kakashi said, and then disappeared in a cloud of leaves.


When Naruto was done packing, he went to walk to the store. He passed many stores, whose shopkeepers ignored him. 'At least they don't throw stuff at me anymore,' he mused. Suddenly, he ran into a little boy with a funny hat on.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" the boy said.

"Sorry! What's your name, gaki?"

"I'm no gaki! I'm the Hokage's grandson, Kohanamaru! Bow to my greatness! I will be the next Hokage!"

Naruto sighed. "You are weak! I am a genin now, see my hitai-ate! You want to be like me! I am closer to being the next Hokage than you are!"

Kohanamaru, though he was bratty, had some wits about him. "Well, train me!"

"Sure! You can be great, I can see it now…"

"Me too!" the boy said. "What's your name, onii-san?"

"Uzumaki Naruto!"

"Nice to meet you! You seem strong, so you can be my sensei! Besides, I don't know where my real sensei Ebisu-san went…"

"He's probably a closet pervert. Does he read books by a guy named Jiraiya?"

"Yeah…and he doesn't let me see them either. Do you know why?"

"Then he's a pervert! Those are disgusting adult books!"

"Eww gross! Do they have kissing in it?"

"Much more than that…" Naruto said, frowning.

"EWWWW! Hey…who's that behind you?"

Naruto and Kohanamaru looked to see a girl with pink hair arguing with a blond flower shop girl. They were too far away to hear them, but Naruto could guess.

"The blond girl is Ino, and the pink-headed one is Sakura-chan! Love of my life!"

"Ooh…so is she your…" He stuck out his pinky.

"I wish! But soon she will! For I am cool and powerful! And chicks always dig that!"

"You are wise, onii-chan! Can you teach me ninja stuff today?"

"Nah, I've gotta rest for my mission tomorrow after I buy some supplies! It's a big one, I get to leave the village!"

"Wow you must be super strong! But I will soon surpass you!"

"We'll see about that. Ja ne, gaki."

Naruto walked off as Kohanamaru screamed, "I AM NOT A GAKI!!!"


The next day, Team seven and Tazuna walked out of the village, each carrying small packs of supplies in their pockets.

"I am so ready for this!" Naruto yelled. Sakura and Sasuke nodded, energized from last night's rest. "Let's do this!"


"By the way Naruto, we're friends again." "Fine!" "Fine!" "Hmph!"