Author: Utada Kumi

Alrighty, here's another fan fiction of mine. This one is again RikkuxPaine. (I'm way obsessed about the coupling.) This is in Rikku's Point of view. There's also a bit of Gippal's point of view. All I have to say is, SUFFER GIPPAL! MWHAHAHA! (Cough, cough) Ok… on to the story.

Warning: This story contains Yuri/ Shoujo-ai (Girl love.) So if you're against it or simply don't like it then don't read. You've been warned.

Disclaimer: The FFX-2 characters belong to Square, not to me. That's where the 'fan' in fan fiction comes from, doesn't it?

Note: Everything in italics is thoughts of a character.

DIE! – Chapter 5

The young Al Bhed's eyes flickered open to see a blurry shape. It was poking at her shoulder. A faint "Rikku?" could be heard from the shape. The confused Al Bhed girl shook her head. What was once a blurry shape and faint voice became fully clear and both the shape and voice belonged to none other than Gippal.

"Uh? Oh good morning Gippal." said Rikku who had totally forgotten about the last time she was awake.

"Err… Cid's girl it's not morning." Gippal reply while trying very hard not to peak at the girl's now only half covered breasts.

"What! Not morning?... Wait where am I?" said the confused blond girl.

She scratched her head and noticed she had a bit of a hangover. It felt like if it was the end of it. She looked down at herself and saw what Gippal was actually staring at and that's when it all came back to her. Her scattered clothes, the shower running, her hangover and… Gippal! A sudden change in Rikku's expression made Gippal shiver.

Sooo… he thinks he can just get away with it without a scratch? We'll see about that.

"Oh Gippal?" said Rikku in a fake sweet innocent voice as she pulled the blanket over her breasts.

"Yes?" replied Gippal

Rikku answered by whapping him with the pillow which was used not to long ago to rest her head on.

"Ouch!" What was that for?" said Gippal as he tried to recover from the hit.

"What was that for? You dare even ask that after what you did to me! Oui'na tayt! (You're dead!)

Rikku grabbed the other pillow and started whapping Gippal like crazy while Gippal tried to make some words come out between hits.

After about 2 or 3 minutes of non-stop whapping Rikku felt her arms go weak and she let go of the pillow. Gippal was rather relieved that the thief's strength had left her. Rikku looked at him with strong hate in her eyes.

"You are SOOO lucky that I am popped!" said the Al Bhed girl while trying to sound scary which failed.

"Erm.. yeah .. ouch. You see I for once I didn't do anything. I found you like this." said Gippal while holding his head.

Rikku looked at the guy with disbelief. "Yeah right… don't try to lie."

"But I ain't lying." For once it was true and for once he wasn't lying… yet she wouldn't believe him.

Rikku again looked at him in disbelief but she shrugged it off. But for sure she was mad at Gippal, she was going to give him the silent treatment. It was the best she could do to pay him back. It would drive the guy nuts.

So she quietly wrapped the blanket around her still holding it with one hand to make sure it wouldn't drop off and she managed to get on her feet even though she wasn't very solid on them. She then looked at Gippal and pointed towards the direction of the exiting door.

The guy looked at her like if he didn't get what she meant but he did, he sure did. He could tell things wouldn't be pretty between them for a while. His head went down and he headed towards the door while Rikku opened it for him.

I guess I deserve this… after all the lies and the mean things I've did… no wait! What I am thinking about? She has no right to..

His thoughts were interrupted by a kick in the butt and he landed outside the room on the front neighbour's door. He heard the door shut hard behind him and he sighed. All he hoped now what that there wasn't anyone home in the room that the door he slammed into belonged to. He was indeed right to be scared, just then the door opened and he fell unto this very big guy. The kind of guy that could break you in half with a single finger. The young male Al Bhed gulped and back off.

"Sorry! Very sorry… he, he.. I'll be going now…" He said while slowly backing off. The big guy gave him a punch in the stomach and Gippal went flying off as far as he could go until he would hit an obstacle. Then the door closed with a slam.

Rikku who had heard everything fell kind of sorry for the guy but she shook her head and told herself that he deserved it.

I'm going to take a good warm shower to take my mind off of this.

About half an hour later, the last water drops of water from the shower head could be heard dripping and hitting the shower's bottom. Rikku stretched and grabbed the first piece of her scattered clothes she could see.

"That felt good" she said to herself.

It only took the thief about 4 minutes to get dressed fully. She was now fixing her scarf since it wasn't equal length on both sides. As she did that she glanced at the time.

"Hmm…. Uh? Shoot! Yunie's get-together has already started! I almost forgot about that! I better hurry up and get over there before calls the cops to find me." Said the Al Bhed as she made sure that she had everything that belonged to her… and a few things that didn't.

Once she had doubled checked quickly the girl rushed to the door and went down to drop the key at the administration's desk as quickly as she could. She was glad to hear that the room had already been paid for. She then exited the building and rushed up and down the streets to get where the get-together was supposed to be held.

End of Chapter 5

I want to thank you all for the reviews… I'm really surprised that my story as crappy as it is, had so much reviews… Of course not all of them were good but heck I told you 1000 times before I ain't good at writing but I did try to make this chapter a tad longer… And I am so sorry for those of you who really like my story and were waiting for something to come sooner… Also I know I must have about one million mistakes in this, but I won't go editing them unless it's a crucial mistake. Anyway, review if you like to. I ain't forcing you to.