A Random Story with a Random Title

A Kingdom.Writer Origional


Notes: I was bored?

'Sunglasses... check.' Sora mentally noted. He tried to act all cool and place the glasses on his face but only ended up poking himself in the eye, "Ouch." He looked around the corner and saw no-one. Well, duh- no one was home... but Sora- having the attention span of a small rodent had forgotten what his mother had said when she left.

Sora jumped back in the room, with his glasses on the right way and looked at his target, one of those spinny-really-comfortable-teachers-always-have-them-office-chairs. He ran up to it and jumped on the seat trying to stay standing but... well, Sora isnt very coordinated...

Sora screamed a very girly scream and fell flat on his back. He shook his head and then jolted up and looked angrily at the chair, "This time, its personal!"

Meanwhile, Riku and Kairi had been goofing off at the beach near Sora's home. Kairi sighed and looked at her power-ranger watch, "I have to go now... I have to babysit Sora today."

Riku groaned as a protest, "But we were gonna go stalk Whitney Houston next! That is our favorite game!"

Kairi nodded, "I know, but you remember last time Sora was left by himself- right?"

Riku tilted his head and the screen got all blurry as he entered a flash back. Riku screamed another girly scream, "IM MELTING!!!!!!!"

Kairi rolled her eyes, "IT'S A FLASHBACK YOU IDIOT!"

"Oh yeah. Ok." Riku nodded and concentrated at what he was remembering.

Hello, and welcome to the twilight zone...

Kairi hit Riku in the face, "I don't wanna see the inside of your brain- just the flashback! This is hopeless." Kairi pulled a remote out of her hat, which... just popped on her head when I typed this and pushed a button which shows the flashback.

Sora ran down his hall in his socks and a spider-man outfit. He runs up to the railing and steps up onto it, "TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!" He shot out his hand like he were spider-man and jumped off the reeeeeeeeealy big drop. As he was falling he flapped his wings an- when did Sora get wings?

Anyway. Sora fell and finally hit the ground and broke an arm. After that he was really confused and thought he was in a fire so he thought that water would make it all go away. So he ran up the stairs and turned on the bath.

Go forward 12 hours and Kairi and Riku decide to see what Sora is into. They open the door and tons of water pour down on them. After both manage to get up from under the man-made current they see Sora paddling a canoe down his stairs, still in his spider-man outfit, "Aloha, me hardies! Come to seek out ol' Nessie have ye?"

Riku shuddered as he remembered that day, "He still thinks he is living on Gilligan's island..."

Kairi sighed, "I know. So Whitney will have to wait."

What will happen next? Will there be a repeat of the spider-man incident? REVIEW I BEG OF YOU! this i smy first 'funny' story so be nice. Keep in mind I am new. TY!