Hey everyone! Sorry that it took so long for me to come out with the next chapter of this story. For about 2 months I had about half of this chapter written, and it was just tonight that I found the inspiration to finish it (the chapter)! Anyways, thanks to heiress2thethrone, Vampiress-06, The Claustrophobic Psycho and VEGETA IS MY TYPE OF VEGETA for reviewing the last chapter!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Dragonball Z or any of its characters

Sitting on the ground, broken hearted and defeated once again, was Bulma Briefs. She was on her knees on the ice cold pavement just outside of the Ritz-Carlton, and she was miserable. Her heart felt as if a stake had been driven right through it.

It was easy to forget that Bulma cared once about Yamcha because of the way she felt around Vegeta. But regardless of how much she liked Vegeta, she was now feeling a painful depression that could not be explained. Her heart was beating at an unusually fast pace and she could not think. It was as if her entire world was spinning continually out of control and there was nothing she could do about it except sit back and watch.

She peered down at her fragile hands to find that they were shaking uncontrollably. The dried tear stains down her face didn't affect her much. She was so consumed in all of her pain that nothing else mattered. Didn't he get it? Why didn't Yamcha realize how much she did for him? She was the one who was there for him after the drug incident, she was the one who made sure he took his medicine, and she was the one who was looking out for his future. Not Marron.

For all Bulma cared, Marron could walk her slutty ass off the face of the planet. That bitch had a good way of ruining everything. First the Vegeta thing, and now this! When would it be enough for her? When would she just stop ruining Bulma's life? Little did Bulma know that Marron constantly asked herself the same question.

Looking around, Bulma glanced at the entrance of the gorgeous hotel from which she had just run from. She couldn't fathom how or why this happened. But the fact was that it did, and now she was sitting outside, alone. Bulma had never felt lonelier in her entire life then she did now. The way she saw it, no one really cared about her. The only reason they stuck around was because she was beautiful and had money. They didn't really care about what she had to offer to the world as a person. Everything in this town was so superficial.

A warm breeze greeted her face as she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. She was trying to calm herself down from what had just happened. She couldn't believe that she let everyone see her cry. Now Vegeta was probably never going to want to be with her. Now most likely he thought that she was weak and helpless. Crying over some idiot like Yamcha, she knew Vegeta would never understand.

The truth was that somewhere deep inside of her, she held an ounce of love for Yamcha. She was with him for four years, and it was her first serious relationship. When such a relationship ends traumatically, it damages a part of the person's soul that they cannot heal, for a while anyhow.

Bulma stumbled to her feet and ran her hands over her cheeks. She looked all around to see if anyone was there to help her. She felt as if she was going to pass out. The area around her was completely empty, with the exception of the cars and limos that filled the lot. Bulma was now deadened with all the pain that she felt, and started wandering aimlessly towards nothing at all.

It was almost as if she was wandering from the present, back into the past, where she and Yamcha first began. Then she thought to herself, What the hell happened to us?

Inside of the Ritz…

Vegeta growled deeply as he looked upon the pathetic sight. There was Yamcha, down on his knees, upset because he was caught. To Vegeta, it seemed that the only thing Yamcha felt remorseful about was the fact that he got caught.

Yamcha looked up to see an angry Vegeta glaring down at him. To be quite honest, everyone in the room was glaring at him at this point. Yamcha, being the coward he is, was still on his knees and trembling. He had no idea what he was supposed to do or say. How could he explain this? He had just gotten caught by Bulma, and there was no undoing this. He had really fucked up.

Vegeta then walked right up to Yamcha, got in his face and said,

"You're a pathetic piece of shit, you know that? Your weak ass is still sitting on the ground."

Yamcha hastily returned to his feet and replied,

"You fucking dick! You've been going after my girl—"

"She's not yours anymore. And she wants someone who isn't such a useless coward!"

"What the fuck did you just call me!"

"You're not only pathetic, but you're a complete dumbass as well, I said—"

"Man, if you keep talking, I am going to kick your ass, and then go get my girl back!"

"I'd like to see you try and hit me, you disgraceful waste of space."

Yamcha then took his hand back with exhilarating force and tried to punch Vegeta smack in the middle of his face, but Vegeta wasn't going to have any of that. Vegeta raised his hand to block punch weak punch, and then twisted his arm in an uncomfortable manner,

"Who's the little bitch now?" Vegeta said this with all of the zeal and confidence within his being.

Upon hearing this comment, the boys standing behind Vegeta started snickering. Krillen and Goku looked at each other with sheer amusement. For Raditz, this scene was bittersweet. He enjoyed seeing Yamcha getting reduced to nothing right before his eyes, but the fact was that he was the one who wanted to do it. He wanted to be kicking Yamcha's ass and getting Bulma in the end. Then he wondered, speaking of Bulma, where the hell is she?

He was quickly taken out of his trance when he heard a body being thrown to the ground. To his surprise, it was Vegeta on the ground with his hands were cupped over his genitals. Vegeta managed to keep the stern look on his face and coughed out,

"That was a cheap shot you motherfucker!"

"And who the hell said we were playing fair?"

Vegeta smirked at this moron's last comment. He then said,

"You're right."

Yamcha was completely stunned by this remark and didn't move or say anything. The fact was, he was too confused that his enemy actually agreed with him, to move. He was even too stunned to notice that Vegeta had conjured up enough strength to forcefully kick him in the balls. Yamcha then doubled over in pain and screamed out,

"You little fucker! What the FUCK is wrong with you?"

Vegeta let out a sadistic laugh and said,

"Aww, did I make the despicable little loser cry? I'm sorry about that, maybe you should go home and cry about it to your mommy."

Yamcha was now the one who was on the ground and he rolled over to the side. Then, in a flash, Vegeta lowered himself to Yamcha level and gave a destructive punch to his nose. Yamcha howled in extreme pain as he felt the bones in his shatter. Vegeta cackled, he then got back up on his feet, grinned at Yamcha and said,

"That was for the cheap shot."

Yamcha grimaced as he was publicly being humiliated. This was supposed to be a good night, and it turned out to be a horrible night and only getting worse. Vegeta then mockingly said,

"Oh don't be so upset; you just said we weren't playing fair! Nice one moron."

Tears were welling up in Yamcha's eyes. The pain was overwhelming him, and it felt as if there were a thousand needles in his nose, and someone was forcing them in with a hammer. Vegeta was now towering over Yamcha and he had a thoughtful look on his face. Then, he took his toned leg back and let it loose in a powerful kick to Yamcha's abdomen and said,

"That one is for Bulma!"

At this point, Yamcha was in an indescribable amount of pain as he lay helplessly on the floor. He was clutching on to his stomach as he kept coughing up mucus mixed with tiny amounts of blood. However, through all of this, he managed to choke out,

"I loved her…"

"Bullshit! If you had loved her, you never would have fucked around with this slut," Vegeta pointed incredulously at Marron.

From the corner, Marron observed this and almost wanted to help Yamcha. But the fact was, he was never there for her, and she was tired of helping him. She was debating whether or not to run to him and help him to his feet like she wanted to do, or just let the little bastard suffer, like he deserved.

Yamcha chuckled to himself. He then looked up at Vegeta, and said,

"You fucking hypocrite. You fucked around with Marron and then after that tried to get my girl. What makes you think that you're any better then me?"

Vegeta stopped everything. He looked around the ballroom to see that everyone was still staring at him, waiting for his next move/comment.

From the stage, Bunny and William were looking at each other in shock. Were they seriously witnessing the winner of the physical achievement award getting beaten to a bloody pulp? The answer was yes, they were.

Bunny was pissed off because her little bitch of a daughter, once again, stole her spotlight. Not necessarily for the most positive attention, but Bunny was pissed off because she wanted everyone's undivided attention, regardless of whether or not it was positive. She was the Queen Bee, and no one was going to take that from her. Not even her annoyingly beautiful daughter. Bulma would have hell to pay when she got home.

William on the other hand was feeling a little ounce of pride. This was before he realized that this incident would be in all of the newspapers the next day. Not only that, but it would make him and his family look bad. The grandson of West City's most influential realtor and business owner was beating the winner of the physical achievement award into oblivion. The thought of this angered William, and as he ran down from the stage to break up the fight, he sarcastically thought, Shauna did a quality job in raising my grandson.

At the Perish Park next to the Ritz…

Bulma was idly swinging up and down on the swing set as she got caught up in her own thoughts of her failed relationship. She thought to herself, Is it finally over? Was this it?

She had waited for this moment ever since Vegeta had arrived to West City, but now she was convinced that he would never want to be with someone as emotional and unstable as herself. She slowly let the swing slow down, as she kept to her thoughts. She had really wasted four years of her life on someone who couldn't give a shit less about her. And it finally hit her that all of the rumors were true. When she first heard them, she denied them saying that Yamcha would never do such a thing. But as the years passed and the amount of rumors grew, she just pretended not to hear them.

The swing came to a complete stop and she let a single tear roll down the side of her cheek. This was it. Never again was she going to be considered Yamcha's girl, and for some reason, she held sentimental value behind that. She never understood how he could continually lie to her face and tell her that he loved her when it was so obvious that he didn't. How could anyone say they love someone who they constantly cheated on?

Truthfully, all she wanted right now was unconditional love. She wanted some gorgeous prince to kiss her on the cheek and tell her that everything was going to be all right. But let's get real here; she knew that wasn't going to happen. So she continued to let herself sit on the swing and drown in her misery.

Now she was whimpering out of self pity. She just wanted to be loved. That's all. No one understood that. No one understood that she had issues of her own because everyone expected so much from her. It was almost as if she wasn't allowed to have problems because she was supposed to be the perfect one.

She sat there for a while thinking that she wouldn't like anything more than to be comforted by Vegeta. She wanted him to come out and gallantly rescue her from the hell that she was feeling. But she couldn't blame him for not wanting to come after her, she was easily broken. Who wants a girl who is like that? Bulma searched through her Lulu Guinness clutch for her cell phone. She was going to go home and lock her door. In fact, if she could, she was going to lock out the entire world.

As she took it out, she started to dial the taxi service's number with her delicate hands. She then gently placed the phone to her ear, and let it ring until someone spoke on the other line,

"Hello, West City Taxi, how may we help you?"

Bulma then softly spoke,

"Hi, I just need to a taxi to pick me up at the Ritz-Carlton in West City."

"Certainly miss, it will arrive in about 15 minutes!"

"Thank you." Bulma then gently closed her phone. She looked up at the stars and wished with all of her heart that things would get better. She then stood up from the swing set she was on and slowly composed herself. She didn't want to look like a blubbering idiot waiting outside of the Ritz. She wanted to play it off like this didn't matter to her at all. And that's what she intended to do. Then, she began her five minute journey towards the Ritz, where she would then wait for her cab.

Inside of the Ritz…

Vegeta was about to deliver another mind blowing punch into Yamcha's skull, when he felt himself being restrained by two rather strong arms. Vegeta quickly glance behind him to see that it was his grandfather with a less than happy look on his face. Vegeta then let out a sinister growl as he tried to break free from his grandfather's grip.

William was shocked by his grandson's resilience. He figured that his grandson must really have it out for this Yamcha kid. But it didn't matter, because he wasn't about to have his grandchild embarrass hisentire family. William then shouted at Vegeta,

"What the hell do you think your doing!"

A flash of fury passed through Vegeta's eyes as his grandfather continued to restrain him. The truth was, he could easily break free from his grandfather's grip, it was just he would hurt him if he did. And if he hurt his grandfather at a public event, he knew that the repercussions wouldn't be good for him, but especially for his mother. He personally didn't care about embarrassing William, but it was his mother he was thinking of. Vegeta then looked to the ground to see Yamcha's condition. Yamcha was still lying on the ground, beset with pain and Bunny was attempting to comfort him.

The only thoughts running through Yamcha's head were of his past. He couldn't see the scene that playing in front of him. Penetrating through these thoughts was the voice of Bunny.

"Yamcha honey? Are you okay?" Her tone was particularly high pitched and drawn out.

Yamcha looked up at Bunny only to be reminded of Bulma. He missed her and it had only been minutes since the disastrous event took place. However, the physical pain was becoming increasingly better, not as if it mattered. Either way, he felt as if he was going to regret this for a while. That stupid fucking new kid, he thought.

Vegeta glared at his opponent with great contempt. Who was Yamcha to now tell Vegeta that he was treating Bulma terribly? Truth be told, Vegeta was still feeling incredibly guilty over what had happened earlier that day. Not only that, but he felt a bit of pity for Marron. What did she get out of this? Absolutely nothing. She doesn't get Vegeta, but he knew she didn't care about that. What she cared about was getting Yamcha, and it didn't seem likely she would get him either.

The ballroom was dead silent and completely still. The glare of hatred emoting from Vegeta's dark eyes caused everyone in the ballroom to flinch. His intensity was quite frightening in his eyes alone, it was paralyzing. Not a soul wanted to move an inch, for the fear that Vegeta would become more angered than he already was.

Vegeta looked towards the door and no longer cared to be in this wretched ballroom. He wanted to find his princess and care for her in the way that she deserved, though he could never admit that out loud.

To everyone's disbelief, Vegeta sprinted towards the grand entrance without a word. Silently, everyone cleared the way for him. The spirit of the room was lost, and the people in the ballroom stood in what was considered an eerie silence.

Yamcha looked up from his position on the ground and grinned stupidly. He then shouted to dead air,

"Yeah, you run you little bitch!" He then let out a chortled laughter, and then looked to his comrades for a little support. However what he found was that everyone was still staring at the grand entrance of the hotel.

This infuriated Yamcha and as he tried to stand up, he shouted enraged, "What in the fucking hell is everyone looking at! That little pussy just ran from the fight! I won—who gives a flying shit where he went?"

After this comment, Goku, Raditz and Krillen looked at Yamcha in a mixture of fury, disbelief and pity. Raditz finally looked down at Yamcha and snapped,

"Dude, you lost—get over it!"

An irate Yamcha snapped back,

"Do you want to be next Raditz! Huh?" And as Yamcha tried getting up once again, Raditz let out a maniacal laugh. Raditz then responded,

"Do I want to be next? You are truly pathetic! Vegeta just kicked your ass, and you can't even get up! Even after attempting to get up twice and failing to get up twice, you still won't accept that you lost! So if you mean, do you want me to be the next to kick your ass, I think I'll pass."

Bunny interjected before the boys could continue their exchange by saying,

"Raditz, that's quite enough! It's clear to see that Yamcha's weakened state is making him go a bit—you know—delusional."

Yamcha was about to respond when the paramedics arrived and they started questioning him and Bunny on his condition.

Goku, Raditz and Krillen all looked at each other and started to head towards the grand entrance of the hotel. Chi-Chi and 18 noticed this and soon went after them.

The whole group left a shocked sea of people in the ballroom. It was truly a catastrophic event.

Outside of the Ritz…

Staring out into the seemingly never-ending parking lot, Bulma let out a soft sigh. She was feeling a numbing sensation coursing through her entire body. How, she wondered, was it possible to have such a wonderful night and such a horrible night all in the same night? It make no sense, she kept thinking.

Intensifying her stare, she was just anxiously awaiting her taxi. She seriously wanted this night to be over. Not only that, but she wanted to wake up tomorrow to find that this was just some really fucked up dream.

It wasn't the fact that she was surprised to find Yamcha cheating on her. In some sick way, she kind of knew. But she was just hoping that after the "incident", he would be able to see how much she did for him, and to stop taking her for granted.

Of course, that didn't happen. He just took her for granted even more. And unfortunately, it took this tragic affair to make her finally dump his stupid ass. She knew that she should have broken up with him after the night that Vegeta saved her and Yamcha was no where to be found.

As Bulma got caught up in her thoughts, she saw a pair of headlights glimmering in the distance. Slowly, she arose from the iron bench she was sitting on to greet the taxi that was going to take her away from all of this chaos.

The taxi slowed down as soon as it came closer to the front entrance of the gorgeous hotel. Bulma walked up to the taxi door and proceeded to open it. Before she got in, she looked at the Ritz-Carlton that gave her a night of bliss and a night of misery.

Elegantly, she started into the cab with one delicate leg at a time as she forced her way into the tiny backseat area.

From a far distance, Vegeta saw his blue-eyed princess force herself into a cheap-looking taxi cab. He tried shouting,

"Woman!" But it appeared that she couldn't hear him, so he tried running closer and shouting, "Woman—er—Bulma! Come back here, I want to—"

But it was too late. She had gotten into the cab and the driver had already sped off. He was left alone in front of the most beautiful hotel he had ever been to.

Goku came running out first, and saw that Vegeta was alone, and looking into the distance—devastated. Though Goku knew that Vegeta would never admit it, Bulma really had an affect on him.

Vegeta sensed someone coming up behind him, but he didn't have the energy to tell them to fuck off. Goku slowly placed his hand on Vegeta's shoulder. Vegeta turned to see who it was and saw that it was Goku. Goku gave him a pitiful smile that made him want to punch him in the face. However, instead of punching him in the face, he shrugged away from Goku's hand, let out an irate grunt and stormed off towards his car.

Chi-chi, 18, Krillen and Raditz soon caught up to Goku, and saw that Vegeta was storming off towards his car. Chi-chi was the first to speak,

"Well what's his problem?"

Goku turned to look at her and responded,

"Just a bad night."

Chi-chi then took Goku's hand in her own and whispered in his ear,

"It was really sweet of you to try and help him."

She then pulled away and Goku gave her a saddened smile. She knew that he was unhappy because for some reason, he had befriended Vegeta, and cared about how he felt. No matter how shitty Vegeta was to Goku, he was loyal to him, and it blew Chi-chi's mind. But like she said, she also found it rather sweet.

The gang just stood in front of the marvelous hotel staring off into the distance, wondering how things between Bulma and Vegeta were going to pan out.

Inside of the Taxi Cab…

As the colorful lights of the city were dazzling across the glass windows of the taxi, Bulma couldn't make herself appreciate their beauty. She was so consumed in her pain, that she that nothing could be beautiful.

The cab was slowing down considerably and she was assuming that they were nearing her house. The cab driver turned around as the car came to a complete stop. He asked in a loud—kind of obnoxious—british accent,

"Briefs residence?"

She looked at him and responded with a soft,


He then continued on,

"Well, all righty then! That'll be $22.50 from you! But I'm sure you can easily afford it considering—"

Getting annoyed quickly by his incessant blabbering handed him a $50 bill and said coolly,

"Keep the change."

And as she was getting out of the cab, the driver just looked at her in disbelief. As she was continuing down her walk way, the cab driver shouted after her,

"Thank you so much miss!"

Bulma didn't even turn around as she rolled her eyes. Truthfully, she didn't care that she had wasted $27.50 on that idiot. It was worth getting him to shut up.

As she was nearing her doorstep, she noticed a male figure sitting on her doorstep. It was too dark to make out who it was at this moment, but she was hoping that it was Vegeta. She then said,


I hoped everyone liked that chapter! Anyways! Is Vegeta at her doorstep, or is it someone else we know? And we haven't seen Veg and Shauna in a while, wonder how they're doing. And what the hell is going to happen to Yamcha, and how are things going to play out between Bunny and William! All of these things should be answered next time on… The Life!
