AN: I did something! I've been busy with my Harry Potter story, sorry. I'll try to hurry with the next chapter. 'Til next time.

Chapter II

Tyris sighed as he looked up at the strange new star that appeared just above the constellation of Desil, the first dragon GF. It was the wrong color and shone unnaturally bright through the mildly cloudy night. The gods had changed the heavens and indirectly foretold a new design. Something was about to begin and soon. Something big, probably big enough to change the fate of the whole world.

A slight smile wormed it's way onto his face and his bright green eyes flashed happily.

He couldn't wait to get into the action again. After being dormant for over a century, he couldn't wait to get in the middle of anything. To throw himself into the fighting with a passion that bordered on the edge of insanity. He found that he really didn't care about what he was fighting for because it was the fighting that he lived for.

He stood up from his perch on the out-stretched tree limb before numbly dropping the twenty feet to the forest floor and landing in a crouch. The tall immortal man hastily pulled back his mid-back length black hair into a ponytail before slinging his quiver of arrows and bow over his shoulder. Tyris grabbed his pack that had been under the tree then took off at a jog, deeper into the forest. It was a pleasant practice that he had begun when he was only a youngling of about ninety.

He chuckled at the thought of ninety being young when mortals rarely reached that age. But as far as immortals go, he really had been no more than a child.

After another ten minutes of silently walking he heard a twig break almost silently to his left. He twirled around towards it ready to draw his sword. There with his back to him was a blond young man, who seemed to be lost deep in thought as he sat on the low tree limb. His hand was stretched out behind him to support him as he leaned back slightly, swinging one leg back and forth. Tyris crept closer, eyeing the gray trenchcoat in curiosity.

The blond on the branch softly hummed a gentle harmony that faintly reminded the curious immortal of a cradle song. An old one that he hadn't heard for over nearly five centuries. Since before the long forgotten city of Ademia was lost to the sea in the Denias Wars. He had thought that song was now one only known of by the dead. Tyris chuckled softly and on a whim, began to sing the ancient lullaby, startling the blond.

"Loved one of tomorrow's early sunrise,

"Precious child of the lost ancient ones,

"Beware of those who will only thrive,

"On the lives of many fathers and sons."

The blond whirled around to face the immortal, his weapon drawn and ready. Tyris eyed the beautiful gunblade with a smile as he stepped closer, continuing to sing.

"So charm the lives of those around you,

"Shining like the brightest ray of light,

"Being content in every thing you do,

"Then tell the tale of your great might."

Tyris finished the song with a flourished hand gesture and a bow before bursting into laughter. Jade green eyes watched him in faint disbelief, the blond's weapon still trained on his chest.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

Tyris smiled while he forced himself to stop laughing, "I am Tyris Emurios Falaion. The last surviving Rushar if the gods are to be believed. And as to what I want. . . well, lets just say that is my little secret for right now. And I'm sure that it is a pleasure to meet you. You are?"

The blond flushed, but he didn't lower his weapon. Tyris arched an eyebrow with a chuckle. The immortal quietly slid his bow off his arm to lean it against the tree, then his sword was placed beside the bow. The blond watched warily while Tyris stepped back away from his weapons.

"Now, do you feel better? I'm not here to try and kill you, you know."

"I'm Seifer Almasy, a SeeD from Balamb Garden. . ." Seifer eyed Tyris distrustfully. "Why are here?"

"I could ask you the same thing. The last time a mortal entered this valley wa-"

"Mortal?" Seifer interrupted sharply.

Tyris smiled, "Of course. Oh, did you think I was human? So sorry to disappoint. The Rushars were not so kind of Clan of mortals. We were the proud race of immortals that lived among the secrets of the forests."

Seifer's eyes widened slightly, his body stiffening at Tyris's condescending tone. Anger rushed through his body as he snarled at the black-haired man.

"Immortals, heh? If your race was immortal than where the hell are they all?"

"Dead, duh!" Tyris rolled his eyes as he leapt up to grab a tree limb. He hung from the limb some fifteen feet in the air while he calmly continued talking, "My people are, well were, naturally adventurous and daring. We were always in all of the battles as the world took shape. A lot of us died in the wars of old. That alludes to why I'm here."

Tyris smiled broadly. The blond SeeD watching him play on the limb much like a monkey, all the while fidgeting uncomfortably. "How so?"

"For the fight, of course. The gods are gathering in the heavens and are playing a mighty game as they are quickly gathering their forces. I'm seeking those involved. I want to join a side. I don't even particularly care which side, I'm just here for the fight. Nothing else really interests me."

Seifer grimaced, "The gods? What do you know of the gods?"

"Well, considering the many conversations I've had with the various gods and goddesses over the years. . . Quite a bit. I personally prefer Resias's company. She is the regular little spitfire. And always up for a good spar when nothing interesting is happening in the mortal realm."

Seifer shuddered in horror, "You spar with the Goddess of War? Next you'll be telling be that you sit down to chat and have tea with Dexias!"

Tyris laughed heartily, "No! Of course not! Dexias likes coffee. He's how I find out all the juiciest gossip of the God's Realm. Though you'd think that with all of the Universe to watch over he wouldn't have time to sit and have a nice cup of coffee and warm brownies with his friends."

Seifer shook his head and sighed. "And how do I know that you are telling the truth about all of this? That you aren't just some lunatic out to fuck with someone's mind?"

The pale green-eyed man merely smiled and shrugged, "Seifer, that song you were humming when I found you. Do you know what it is? Where did you learn it?"

Seifer jerked as he heard his name on the other man's lips. Tyris waited patiently for his reply, the light of the dawn casting light over his face eerily. The blond looked to the east and swore under his breath. The immortal cocked his head in curiosity as Seifer lowered his gunblade before hurriedly striding over to a different tree and picked up a small bag. Then he tucked it into a pocket in his jacket.

"If you want your answer, grab your shit and follow me. I told everyone that I would be back by sunrise and I got another two and a half miles to walk in the next ten minutes," Seifer took off without a glance backwards.

Tyris leapt to the ground below with another quiet chuckle. After collecting his things, he hurried after the blond and took to the trees once more with a grin. Leaping from tree to tree with the ease of a squirrel, silent in a bizarre and eerie manner that would frighten anyone that might happen to see him. He was like ghost as he scampered through the tall, leafy trees.

Seifer started when Tyris suddenly leapt out of a tree in front of him. He hadn't even heard the slightly shorter man approaching him. He had thought that the immortal had decided not to follow him.

"So who is everyone? Did one of them teach you that song? Are you looking forward to getting back to them? How good are you with that gunblade? Are the others fighters too? Do you think that anyone would want to spar against me? Do you think that-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! Damn it! You're worse than Selphie!"

Tyris's eyes lit up. "Is this Selphie one of the everyone you mentioned?"

Seifer rolled his eyes but nodded anyways. The immortal licked his pale lips and grinned at Seifer, "Are you going to tell me were you learned that song now?"

"You're a freak. You know that right?"

"I've been told that one than once. But I really need to know where you heard that tune. So are you going to tell me or what? And just so you know, I'll keep asking you until you finally do tell me."

Seifer glanced over at the immortal as they walked quietly between the trees. The pale green eyes of the other man gleamed in the early morning light that filtered down the tree tops.


Tyris smirked, It always comes down to that one little question doesn't it.

"The last time I heard that song was when I still a youngling and with my mother in Ademia. I heard one of the mortal women singing it to her own children. Two years later, Ademia sank in the sea and no one survived. Not even the Rushars that were there. By all logic that song should be long dead and unheard by any living mortal."

Seifer started at this information but just shook his head, pausing a moment more before speaking, "I don't know where I learned it. I just find myself humming it every once in a while. It just seems to be stuck there and it haunts me in my dreams. Along with Sara's voice telling me to 'seek out the song', which makes no sense to me."

Tyris looked thoughtful as they topped a ridge and strode quickly towards a smallish river. Seifer kicked a small stone into the flowing water before hopping on top of the log crossing to the other bank. Tyris followed wordlessly when they reached to other side and the taller blond to quick strides towards a small camp further along the river.

"Seifer! You're alright!" Tyris watched intrigued as the blond was suddenly attacked by a blur of yellow and brown that bounced on top of the fallen form. Another figure appeared, a tall man in a strange hat and a tan overcoat. Tyris cocked his head at the brunette while Seifer struggled to fight off, what the smiling immortal could now see was a energetic young woman.

Tyris smiled when he felt the tip of a blade pressed to the back of his head, "Don't move."

"Damn it Selphie! Get the hell off of me! Squall if you hurt him! I'll . . .I'll do something!" The brunette woman squeaked as Seifer pushed her away. Tyris only looked amused as three more figures stepped from the trees to watch with wide eyes. The blade at the back of his head didn't budge.

"Aw, I like the fact that you all came out to meet me, but it wasn't necessary. I was coming with Seifer." Tyris stepped forward and away from the sharp point that had been touching the base of his skull. He quickly turned and bowed to the stunned brunette with the scar, then leapt into the nearest tree with disturbing ease. Quistis blinked owlishly and turned to Seifer for an explanation as did the others moments after.

"Yeah, yeah, he's a strange little mother fucker. And just for the record. He was the one that stumbled across me. Okay, look. I walked off to the east of here to think. And while I was sitting there I started humming this tune that was stuck in my head for some reason, next thing I know I hear someone singing to the same song. It was him. He introduced himself as Tyris something or other-"

"Tyris Emurios Falaion, the last Rushar known in existence, at your serv-"

"Can it! And get your ass back down here!"

"Well, since you asked so nicely," came Tyris's rather flippant reply, Seifer just growled. Then suddenly the slim immortal slipped down from the tree behind Seifer. Rinoa squeaked in startlement, the dark-haired Rushar suddenly standing beside her when he had disappeared into the trees thirty feet away and no one had heard him move. "Hey, Seifer! Who's this pretty young woman?"

"That's Rinoa and don't mess with her. Get over here." Tyris shrugged only offering the beautiful brunette a dazzling smile before amicably ambling over to the tall blond. Squall still was watching him warily as he made still to keep his gunblade in easy reach. Seifer motioned around the circle of people once Tyris reached his side again, "That doofus over there that looks like a chicken is Zell. You are acquainted with Squall since he just tried to kill you. Quistis is the one with some common sense while Selphie, as you've seen, is quite the little bouncing ball. Irvine is Selphie's husband and a sharpshooter. And Rinoa is an ex-sorceress that just kind of sticks around."

A couple of the people in the group glared at Seifer as he made his introductions. Tyris merely chuckled, bowing low to all of them with a playful grin.

"And since Seifer was kind enough," more than a few snorts were heard, "to introduce you all to me. I'll tell you a bit about myself. I am, like I said a few moments ago, Tyris Emurios Falaion. The last Rushar known to be still in existence. I like fighting and my sign is Scorpio."

The tall blond rolled his eyes with a sigh, but Selphie chuckled. Most of the others just looked at him like he'd just grown five more heads.

"Oh, I like him, Seifer." Selphie bounced forward to shake Tyris's hand. "Don't pay any attention to what Seifer said about anyone. He's just a grumpy old man." She stuck her tongue out in the blond's direction. The immortal let loose another bark of laughter and nodded down at the energetic brunette in yellow.

"Of course, Selphie. I always judge others on my experience with them not on what others say about them. I have more fun with them that way." Tyris winked at Rinoa, who was still looking a little huffy at what Seifer had said. The brunette blushed and nodded dumbly under the immortal's gaze even though he hadn't been talking to her.

Selphie snickered, then grabbing Tyris's hand pulled him into the center of the group. Tyris stood there calmly as the others all studied him. Selphie smiled and leaned closer, "They all have to make sure your not a threat."

"Well, if I'm fighting against you I can be quite the dangerous one. So it's better to have me as an ally then isn't it?"

"Yes, it is." Tyris and the tiny brunette shared a smile.

"I've never heard of a Rushar before." Squall said coldly, out of the blue.

"Yes, well, that's not an impossible thing is it. I've been in a deep sleep for over a century and I am the last of my kind. Not impossible at all is it?" Tyris cocked his head curiously.

"And you, Squall, how long have you been a Chosen?"

TBC. . .

AN: Due to the cliffhanger ending I'll try to hurry with the next chapter. But it might not be for a month at least, I need to update on all of my stories. Wah! But please R/R anyway.