A/N: This Fanfic was the idea of my good friend Telaka who doesn't have the time to do it so entrusted me to do it for her!! Another thing as I am Scottish I might make some mistakes with American words and use the British ones instead so I'm very sorry if I cause any offence and I will be writing in British English e.g. pyjamas rather than pajamas etc.
- change of scene
Italics- flashbacks
'……'- thoughts
Disclaimer: I don't own friends or any of the characters related to friends. I only own the plot and Logan (and any other characters I add)
Chapter 1- Hospitals, Cars and Nose Jobs
"Emma, Its time to go to the hospital"
As Emma Geller woke, she had forgotten that she had to visit her grandmother in the hospital. Now 17 years old, she had visited this hospital whenever her grandmother felt the need for liposuction, botox, collagen and quite a few facelifts and that was very often-at least every three months.
"Emma, honey, we really need to go now!" Her mother had now entered the room looking very harassed.
"But mom, every time I go Aunt Amy pulls me into a doctor's office asking if I should have a nose job like you did" replied Emma.
"I know sweetie but, thankfully, Aunt Amy is in some Caribbean country harassing her new husband rather than you" said Rachel "Now will you get dressed 'cos I need you to drive us there, your Dad's too goddamn slow!"
And with that Emma put on some clothes, grabbed the car keys and set off for the hospital.
"Emma, please go slower you might crash or get hurt"
Emma looked at the speed she was going at, it was only 60 and she was on the free-way, confused she asked "what is wrong with the speed I'm going at?"
Ross opened his mouth to speak but Rachel cut him off "Nothing Honey it just that your father only drives at speeds under 30mph"
"I do not! But after being in a car with Phoebe you become rather concerned with road safety!" replied Ross
"Dad I am perfectly driving between the speed limits now if I did this" Emma put her foot harder on the accelerator "would I be scarier"
"Emma Geller, slow this car down now!!!"
Despite her mother roaring with laughter she slowed down the car just as they reached the hospital.
"Do I really have to go in?" Emma asked her mother with big puppy eyes
"Those eyes worked when you were seven not seventeen get your ass in there!"
As she walked into the hospital she was greeted by many familiar faces- nurses and doctors. It was as she walked down the corridor she saw an unfamiliar one. He was young, maybe her age he had dark hair and was beautiful, in fact, the only blemish he had was a faint scar across his nose but that didn't matter she was absorbed in his hazel eyes and he seemed absorbed in hers. She thought she could hear something but it was probably just background noise. As he sat down and faced in the other direction the sound became more clear.
"Emma, Emma, earth to Emma"
She swirled round to see her father staring at her worriedly, "Your Grandmother wants to see you now "
"Where's mom?" Emma asked
"She's fixing her makeup just so her darling mother cant say anything" replied Ross
"Dad, Gran can't say anything she's had collagen so she wont be able to move her lips"
A large smile of relief spread across Ross's face and he went to enter the room with Rachel "Emma, you coming"
With one last glance at the stranger she went into the room after her parents.
After ten minutes of listening to her grandmother try to talk Emma was finally freed from the room. She went back outside but the stranger was gone. 'Maybe he was just visiting someone' Emma thought but just as she sat down he cam out of the doctor's office in front of her
"Well Aaron I don't think I'll need to see you again" Said a doctor who Emma recognised as one of the doctors Amy had taken her to see.
The next thing she knew Aaron was walking over to her and he was smiling 'He must be looking at someone else' but he wasn't he was looking at her
"Hi I'm Aaron, I noticed you earlier but you went into Mrs Green's room before I could speak to you"
"You know my Grandmother?" Emma asked
"Yeah, everyone knows her round here" said Aaron with a smile "So does Sandra Green's granddaughter have a name?"
"Emma, Emma Geller"
"Umm I know I've just met you and stuff but I was wondering if you'd like to do something, sometime, maybe" said Aaron shyly
"Sure here's my number" Emma handed him one of the cards she and Erica had made when they were bored at the mall.
"O.k. how about tomorrow at the movie theatre at the mall around seven?"
"That'd be great, Oh why were you here If you don't wanna tell me that's ok…"
"No No its alright I had a nose job last year, my mom's orders today was my last check up"
"Oh ok sorry for prying" Emma looked around to see her parents waiting to leave
"I gotta go I'll see you tomorrow though"
"Yeah see ya"