Heyz! sorry the long update we got caught up with school work and all! Enjoy this chapter! Now to our reviewers

ElvislivesAgain: Yup we know Thayet isn't that evil but we need a antagonist in our story! hehehe about the George and Thayet thing we'll think about it and Thx for the review!

KinOfDragons: Awww! We love you too! But there is two of us so which one you want to marry? Lolz Thx for the review! Love the shark idea.

inuyasha-girly-2007: Lolz still with the Jon and Alanna pairing aye? Not sure of the new guy ginna give her bak to Jon Lolz Thx for the review!

Kha Gek : Love ya sis! Thx for the review!

Annmarie Aspasia: -) Lolz yeah you'll be surprised eheh thx for the reviews and love your stories

Queen of the Theives: We'll try to work on the grammar ;-) thx for the review

LadySarra: Sorry about the long update! Enjoy this chap and thx you!

jamie lynn : yay! its jamie! lolz Enjoy this chap and thx for your lovely comment

FanFictionFantom: -P heheh weren't kidding heheh thx for the review!

Thayet Conte: Thx for the review and we're glad you liked our story!

Jesse's Querida: Thx for the review hope you enjoy this chap too

He sat there staring at her. He had done all he could with his gift of healing, yet he did not know when she would wake. His green eyes stared at her. She looked familiar to him, too familiar, yet he could not think of when he had met her. She was beautiful in every way to him with her copper locks and amethyst eyes. He sighed, it had already been three days and two nights and he must return to his village, yet he could no abandon her. He had found a little abandon cottage where he had put her and he had his supplies. He took out his flask and took a quick drink; he almost spat the water out when he heard her moaned. Her amethyst eyes opened slowly as she turned her head to look at him.

"Liam?" she murmured as he shook his head.

"You have mistaken my lady I am Christopher, not Liam," he said, as he looked her in concern. She sat up as her eyes filled with tears.

"Liam…I …thought you were dead" she gasped as she struggled to sit up.

"I'm Christopher my lady" he replied as he helped her sit up, she reached to touch his face.

"Liam's my brother".

She drew back as she murmured her apologises. Yet, he looked so much like Liam.

"Liam…he died didn't he?" he asked softly.

George stared out the window while Jonathan discussed with the King's own.

"What do you mean you can't find her?" Jonathan said as George could hear the frustration in his voice. It had been three days without any result and they feared something bad might have happened to her. They were seated in the King's library as Prince Jonathan groaned in frustration. The King sat there as he massaged his head and looked at his son.

"We'll find her," the King muttered. George slammed his fist down onto the table and rose from his chair.

"While you sit there and argue Alanna could probably be dead by then! The bandits could've taken her or she was attacked by Spidrens!"

Jonathan glanced at his rival then looked at his father, while George walked out of the library and made his way towards the stables. Just as George entered the stables he heard somebody crying. He peaked in and to his great surprise; Thayet sat there with tears running down her cheeks.

"Oh George! I'm so worried about Alanna!" Thayet cried as she flung herself into George's arms.

"Eh?" was all George could say as Thayet hid a smile when she saw Jonathan walking towards them. She held George tighter.

"Please find her…" Thayet murmured as she ran her dedicated fingers through George's locks. There was a tiny glint of jealousy in Jonathan's eyes when he walked pass them. Jonathan mounted onto his black stallion and rode hard out of Tortall's gates. A few of the King's own followed him while George pushed Thayet away.

"I have things I must attend to my lady" George said as he too mounted onto his horse, but there was a smile on his face. He knew a short cut, which could lead him out of Tortall's borders quicker.

"How are you feeling my lady?" Christopher asked as Alanna washed her face in the gentle river.

"Fine…please call me Alanna", Alanna said with a smile. Alanna sited herself beside him and enjoyed the cool breeze that caressed her soft skin. The scent of the forest filled her nostrils as the birds sang their heart out.

"H-how did my brother die?" Christopher asked as she could hear the glint of sadness in his tone. She laid a comforting hand on his shoulders. It took her a while before she could speak.

"Y-your brother…. was a brave man" she started as she could feel tears swell in her eyes, yet she refused to let them fall.

"He took eight arrows before he had fallen…he saved Tortall and saved Prince Jonathan's life" Alanna said as Christopher could feel her pain.

"You loved him…didn't you?" Christopher asked as Alanna nodded sadly.

"W-we're so much alike…" she said, "He…he…meant…a lot to me…"

Christopher smiled as he got to his feet, and then pulled Alanna up to her feet.

"How come Liam never talked about you?" Alanna asked, "I never knew he had a brother". Christopher grinned in mischief.

"He was mad at me at that time…" Christopher said with a smile, "He was a good brother though…always chasing lasses".

Alanna laughed, but her smile soon disappeared as she heard approaching footsteps. Christopher looked at her in concern and was about to open his mouth while she silenced him.

"Bandits…" she murmured as she reached for her sword but to her horror it was gone. As if one cue about a dozen bandits emerged from the forest into the clearing. They looked alike with their messy brown to gold locks and the dirt and marking on their face. Christopher stood protectively in front of Alanna.

"Run" he ordered as Alanna nearly laughed out loud.

"Lad…what makes you think I would run away from a battle?" Alanna questioned as she took his side, "A knight never runs".

"Suit yourself" Christopher replied as he got into his fighting stance. Alanna grinned; he was too much alike to Liam. The Bandits encircled them with their weapons in front of them. At the first glance Alanna knew they were inexperienced in fighting.

Christopher tossed her a dagger and leaving himself with only his fists and legs. Christopher murmured something in her ear, as she nodded in agreement. Just as they jumped into the air the bandits came in.

Alanna slashed one across the face with the dagger Christopher gave her. She almost stopped fighting as she watched Christopher's swift and smoothed moves, just like his brother's and in a way, a little better. His kicks landed directly onto the one of the bandit's chin as he brought his fist down onto the man's head.

"Sorry" he muttered as two lunged at him. One grabbed Alanna from behind as caused her to over balance. The dagger flew out of her hands as she cursed herself for not being in focus. She turned around and her fist contacted with his nose. He howled in pain as Alanna kicked him hard on the stomach and jumped to her feet, spun around and elbowed the last man on the stomach and kicked him across the head. She didn't realise that Christopher was watching her. He whistles as he gave her a thumb up. She grinned at him as he handed her his flask.

"You fight good," he said, he was so close to her that she could smell his manly scent. He edged closer as she held her breath….

So watcha think?