Unsent and Unseen

By Gypsy Tollamer

Gypsy: This is my first cross over ever! Isn't that nuts? I've been writing since high school and I never even thought to do a cross over by myself. Well, I've decided to merge my two favorite worlds together. Gundam of course and then the world of Final Fantasy X. The fic takes place in the FFX universe, after the events in Bevelle. It starts in the part of the woods where the others are waiting after Yuna and Tidus return from the Lakeā€¦ (hee hee) They were doing it. (hee hee)

Auron sat on the grass patiently. His mind filled with questions. His mind worried with what he was about to do. He had done it once before but Braska had been a kind man who would have done anything Auron asked. They trusted each other. Years of being unsent had left Auron to not trust as much as he should. Tidus and Yuna entered the small clearing. He raised an eyebrow when they entered holding hands. He had suspected love between them but now the predictions were verified. He saw Wakka, make a grunt in the back of his throat.

"She's really like your sister, huh?" Auron asked the man.

"She needs to concentrate on her pilgrimage, not Tidus' ass." Wakka said softly to Auron. Auron chuckled to himself.

"So," Lulu said adjusting her skirts as she stood up. 'To the calm lands?"

'Not yet." Auron said standing up. "We need to go somewhere before we continue that way."

"Auron, you can go to the bathroom by yourself. I've seen you!" Tidus said jokingly. Yuna giggled and smiled at Auron.

'Don't be a smart ass. You'll turn into your father." Auron said.

Tidus frowned and pouted. He didn't like being compared to Jecht. Ever.

"We need to go this way." Auron pointed into the deeper woods. There was a small beaten, and hardly visible path there.

'There's nothing that way." Rikku said. "It's not on the map." She pulled out a paper, prepared to back up her words. Rikku played her defenses to perfection. Always prepared to defend her actions, words and beliefs. The Al Bhed valued that a lot.

"It's not on any map. It's a tiny village. The last one we'll see until the Ronso settlement on Gagazet." Auron sighed. "Braska loved it there."

"My father went there?" Yuna asked.

"And stayed a week." Auron said laughing. "It's a lot like Besaid, peaceful and close. Braska thought it was the best place we went. "

"Is there a fayth there?" Yuna asked. "An aeon, I don't know about."


'Then why go? It'll take a days off our journey." Wakka said.

"It's important." Auron said. "We all need a good rest before the calm lands. It'll be our last opportunity to stop at an inn before Zanarkand. And, don't say you don't need a good rest, Wakka. I know you're exhausted."

"But we should hurry." Wakka defended. "Before more people get hurt by Sin."

"A day isn't going to matter." Lulu said. "Auron has done the journey before. He knows what's ahead more then we do."

"I don't think we should go." Wakka said. 'It's not tradition."

"Kinoc holding a gun wasn't either." Rikku said. 'And neither am I, being here."

"Well, you can go ahead. But I'm stopping." Auron said stepping through the small thicket into the path. "I'll catch up." He began walking toward the town. It would be a good hour, walking.

"Auron!" Yuna said following him. He stopped and turned to see her. "Why are you so strongly feeling this?"

"I have to be there, just once more." He said.

"Then we all must go." Yuna said putting her hand on Auron's forearm. She smiled at him, the exact same way that Braska had 10 years ago.

Auron looked back and saw Wakka helping Lulu through the bushes and then helping Rikku onto the path. Tidus was ahead of the group with Kimahri.

"Let's get to this inn. I could use a sleep in a real bed." Tidus said laughing. "But I want my own room." He nudged Auron as he walked by. Auron smiled and walked beside Tidus. The others followed.

Auron pushed the last of the vines out of the way and they opened like a veil. The small town came into clear view. Small houses, no road, but lots of soft grass. Lanterns hung from vines around the town. Ready to be lit for the evening. A waterfall could be heard in the back ground.

"Wow." Wakka said. "There is a town here."

"What's it called?" Rikku said.

" Trankuel." Auron said.

"How did my father find this place?" Yuna asked. "I mean, I can see now why he stayed a while but how did you happen upon it?"

"Well, I grew up here." Auron said. 'This is my home."

The group stopped walking and stared at Auron in awe. He had reveiled something very special to them. Just as he had to Braska.

A door to a small white house opened and a young man stepped out onto a porch. He had a long chestnut braid, Wore all black clothing, and chocobo feather danginling from an earing. He looked in there direction with intense violet eyes. He dropped the fire wood he carried. Mouth wide open.

"I think he knows you Auron." Tidus said smiling.

"UNCLE AURON!" the boy yelled. He jumped the porch railing and ran. He tripped over his feet and got back up again. He reached Auron and jumped on the older man. Auron fell back on the ground. His 18 year old nephew was straddling him.

"Holy Fuck you're alive!" he yelled hugging the man.

"Well, if I was before. I'm not now. "Auron said sitting up as soon as Duo got off of him. "I'm too old for pouncing on."

'What do you expect? You caught me last time!" the man defended.

"Yeah, and you were eight." Auron said getting up and dusting himself off.

"Trowa's gonna flip." Duo said laughing.

"Who's Trowa?" Yuna asked.

"Well." Auron said removing his eye glasses. "He's my son."

End of part one.