This is Kim Possible Fan Fiction. Kim Possible is owned by The Walt Disney Company.


OutsideBueno Nacho:

A helicopter lands in front of Bueno Nacho. Kim and Ron get out. Kim turns to the pilot, and says "Thanks for the ride back to Middleton."

"It's the least I can do Ms. Possible after you saved my factory from burning to the ground"

"It was no big, anybody could have used that bulldozer to dig that trench."


Inside Bueno Nacho:

Ron is just sitting in front of his nacos which were untouched, looking like he is about to fall asleep. "Ron, wake up! You haven't even touched your nacos. You're starting to scare me. You hardly said four words during the mission."

"Sorry, KP I've been having trouble sleeping." Ron's eyes start to close again.

"Ron I'm really worried about you, haven't been yourself since the moodulater."

Ron shifts in his seat uneasily, "Kim, I…." Ron is stumbling for words.

"Ron about the modulator, I…"

Ron interrupted, "Don't worry about me KP, I understand and I agree. I just need to clear my head and get some sleep."

"Let's get you home." Kim and Ron head out of Bueno Nacho.


Stoppable Residence:

Mrs. Stoppable greets Ron, "Honey, you feeling ok?" placing her hand on his forehead.

"I'm ok mom, I just need to get some sleep."

"Felix called looking for you, he sounded worried about you. How are things between you and Kim?"

"Mom, can you call Felix back and tell him I'll talk to him tomorrow at school. Things are ok I guess between KP and me." Ron headed up to his room.


Kim's bedroom:

Kim is lying on her bed with her face in her pillow. Kim's mom passes by Kim's room and sees Kim lying still on her bed and senses something is wrong. "Kimmy, is something wrong" asked Mrs. Possible.

"I'm worried about Ron. He hasn't been himself since the moodulators. He hardly talks and he's been having trouble sleeping"

Kim's mom enters the room and sits down next to Kim on the bed. "Kimmy, how do you feel about Ron," asked Kim's mom?

"I'm not sure mom. I've haven't really thought about Ron that way before. We've been tight for so long and we do practically everything together. I can't save the world without him. There is nothing I wouldn't do for him. I'm so confused mom."

"You know how your Father and I feel about Ron. We know it will work out for the best whatever that may be."

Kim hugs her mom and said, "Thanks mom!"


Next Day at school:

Monique spots Kim in the hallway. "Hey Kim, Club Banana is about to bring out their new fall line tonight. I saw a couple of the outfits last night and girl they are too cool. Let's hit Club Banana after school!" Monique noticed Kim seemed a bit down. "Kim, what's wrong?" asked Monique.

"I'm worried about Ron, He seems lost since you know….the moodulator incident" replied Kim.

"Girl, I have to tell you something that Ron told me but don't tell him I told you," said Monique. While I was cleaning up the leftover trash from the Middleton Pickleworks float when he was trying to hide from you, he admitted to me that he's thought about taking your relationship to the next level."

"Really, what should I do Monique?"

"Girl, how do you feel about Ron?"

"I'm so confused right now, I'm not sure"

Monique placed a hand on Kim's shoulder, "Give Ron some space, search deep down and figure out how you truly feel and be honest with Ron, he'll understand."


Inside the Gym:

Ron and Felix are talking. "Ron man, I'm worried about you. You haven't been yourself since the moodulators."

Ron confided in Felix, "My friendship with KP means everything to me and I don't want to risk our friendship if the dating thing goes bad. I told Kim it was best if we just stay friends. But I can't stop thinking about what I am giving up on. I mean Kim wouldn't have done any of those things without the moodulator right? Felix just shrugs his shoulders. "I just need to get my mind off of this."

"Hey my mom is picking up the new Zombie Mayham 4 which came out today. Come over after school and we'll play."

"Ok, thanks man."


AN: This is my first attempt at a fanfiction. Please review and let me know what you think. If there is interest, I will continue the story.

AN: I've revised the text format based on feedback.