Heyz, sorry for the long delay. A lot of things had been coming up. Anyways i hope you like this chapter. Now to my wonderful reviewers.

kitty90210: Thank for the review and best of luck with your fic:)

magewhisperer: I hate roger too!Thanks for the review!

Sunset of the House of Darkness Crest: Thank you so so so much for reading and thank you again for reviewing! You made my day.

FanFictionFantom: Thank you for reviewing and i'm glad you think it is good.

adurere: Thank you so much for the review! George must die for a reason... But i'm glad you liked the idea of Roger getting involved.

On top of cloud 9: Thank for the review. Good question,he used his powers to kill herchild. I'm sorry for not explaining it in the previous chapter.

PatronSaintOfEverythingWierd: Thanks for the review and i hope you will like this chapter too.

Dom's Angel: Lolz your comment really made my day! Here another doll for you :P Oh And thank you so much!

Jamie Lynn : Thank you so much jamie!

maliaphire: Not to worry we only killed off George Lolz Anyways thank for the review.

HPgirl7: Heyz, thanks for the review! But i'm afraid a deal is a deal...Alanna must die...

laurashrub: Not to worryi have a very good reason to kill George and thank you for the review.

Raoul had dug a grave for the honorable King of thieves while Alanna drifted off into a deep sleep. The sun had started to disappear behind the mountain when finally; Raoul laid George's body in the soil. He brushed the loose strands of hair away from George's face, as he was suddenly overwhelmed with emotions. The knight stood there for a while staring at the familiar face and his good friend.

"May Death look kindly on you my friend," Raoul murmured as he could feel more than hear Alanna stir. He turned to look at her as she stared at him. Tears were again threatening to spill from her eyes but amazing she held them in. She stood up and knelt before her dead friend. She bent down and brushed a kiss on George's cold cheeks then withdrew her head and turned away letting Raoul finish with the burial. Just as the stars started to enlighten the night sky with their light Raoul slunk to the ground, his body covered in sweat and dirt. He turned to look at her and their eyes met and held. In her beautiful amethyst eyes he could see the pain and the fear that lay deep down inside her heart. He stood up and made his way towards her as he caught her in his embrace and the two of them sat there in silence. Alanna had her head against his chest and held onto him like a frightened child.

"Raoul…remember when we were in the stables before we set off in this quest?" She asked as he nodded. "If…if you truly…love me….you will live for me…can you promise me that?"

He drew away and refused to look at her.

"I…can't do that," he murmured as he turned to face her.

"Please…just promise…." She began as he planted a fierce kiss on her tender lips.

"I can't… can't live…without you," he whispered against her lips, "If you die…I'll die with you…If you were sent to hell…I'll follow you to hell. Don't you understand? Alanna…I…I…"

"TO MANY HAD DIED FOR ME RAOUL!" she yelled as she leapt to her feet, "I can't…I can't…let you die too…"

"Alanna…" he began as she cut him off with one of her death glares.

"My fate is sealed Raoul…you will find someone new…even better than me" She whispered as tears shimmered in her eyes, but did not fall, "Don't let your heart rule your head Raoul…"

" The Queen is missing! The Queen had disappeared!" The plump looking maid yelled at the top of her lungs as she burst into the mess hall. The chattering of the pages and squires and the clanking of forks against plates stopped as all eyes were feasted upon the flustered looking maid. Duke Gareth stood as his face was clouded with frowns.

"What did you say?" Gary asked as the maid bobbled into a quick curtsy.

"My lord, the Queen is missing! Our Queen had been kidnapped!" the maid said as she handed the letter to Gary's squire. The young red headed lad ran up to the high tables and handed his knight master the letter. The hall was filled with murmurs and little conversations as Gary read and reread the letter in horror.

"Jonathan is going to have my behind," Gary muttered as he dismissed the fretful maid with a wave of his hand.

"Silence!" Gary yelled as he kept the tone of his voice as calm as possible, "The Queen had been kidnapped, Lad send for the King's own."

"Yes my lord," the bonny red headed squire replied as he gave Gary a respectful bow and ran out of the mess hall.

It wasn't till dawn till Raoul and Alanna had met up with Jonathan and Thayet. The four of them rested under a huge oak tree as Raoul calmly explained what had happen. Alanna was silent for most of the day and she kept her eyes from meeting any of her three companions. She sat about two meters away from the three of them with her knees huddled in her arms. Silently the memories of George filled her mind, casing fresh tears to shimmer silently down her face. Jonathan, Raoul and Thayet didn't seem to notice and the three of them continued on with their conversation. Alanna bit her lips to keep from making any noises, yet her tears never ceased. Blinded by her own tears she covered her mouth with her own hands to muffle any sounds that she was making. Nausea soon overflowed her and soon she felt herself drifting …

She stood alone in a beautiful room that was bejeweled with beautiful tapestry. She turned around when she heard a familiar voice calling her name.

"George?" she asked as she spun around and he stood in front of her. He was dressed in a handsomely blue robe and he had his hair neatly combed. She let out a cry as she ran towards him and embraced him tightly.

"I'm sorry," she sobbed uncontrollably as he murmured comforting words in her ears.

"It's okay lass," he whispered, "Death is a very kind woman…I'm here to say my farewells to my beautiful lioness,"

"No," she shook her head as he clung onto him and buried her head in his chest.

Her teary eyes met his as she saw a glitter to tears in his beautiful hazel eyes. He pressed a kissed on the top her head and held her close for a moment.

"Promise me…you will succeed" George whispered, as she didn't reply.

"I promise," she murmured as he embraced her fiercely.

"I will always be by your side…Alanna…I will never forsake you…" he whispered and soon his body seemed to look translucent.

"No…don't…" she yelled as she tied to garb at him but he disappeared into thin air. She slunk to her knees as tears streamed down her already teary face.

"I will always be by your side."

Slowly her eyes opened as she let them adjust to the new lighting. She sat up as she rubbed at her eyes and was surprised to find her face wet with tears. The sudden remembrance of her brief meeting with George hit her hard. The scanned the place around her. She was on a soft bed and there was a small table and two small chairs. The room was plain but that didn't bother her. The door slowly opened and a fragile old man walked in carrying a tray of food. He seemed tense but forced a smile on his face.

"My lady you have awakened," he said as she forced a smile on her face.

"You must be thirsty," he said as he pressed a glass of wine into her hands.

"Thank you," Alanna whispered as the man watched her in fear.

"Drink my lady…you will need your strength," the old man pressed on as she brought the cup to her lips. The liquid was sweet but unusual in a way. She drained the cup and stumbled.

"What…" she began as she held onto the table to keep from falling. The room spun around her as she looked up accusing at the man.

"You…drugged it…" was all she managed to utter before darkness consumed her.

So, what do you think? Did you liked the chapter? Yup, the man in the first chapter was Raoul all along :-D

I'll try to update soon.
