Heyz! i hope you enjoyed this fic...the characters might be a bit OOC. Please give me feedbacks and i hope you hear from you.

After the death of her beloved brother, Thom of Trebond and her former lover, Liam the legendary Shang Dragon, she had sworn on her own life she would destroy Duke Roger of Conte once and for all. Unfortunately, Roger had slain her first and now she had to beg Death to let her fulfill her promises and her oath. Death was not what she had expected, she had thought death of a devil; a demon, whom would take her love ones away. Death was a woman whom had her duties.

"Give me 99 days" Alanna's voice came in a soft whisper, "To fulfill my oath…"

"But first", Death started as she played with her long black locks. Her eyeswere so dark that is was almost black, "When 99 days is over, you must not weep when I take you away, you must be happy…".

Alanna looked death in the eye, and then her voice came in a soft whisper, "I promise".

Her eyes opened slowly as she was blinded for a moment from the sunlight. She was sore all over and the wound she had taken from one of Roger's deadly blow ached so badly that she almost cried out loud in pain.

"Bless the good gods", George's voice came from a close distant.

"Call the healer" Jonathan's voice came in a loud whisper.

Had she been dreaming about her meeting with death? Or had she really spoken to death. It was a moment later that Alanna made up her mind. Death voice came in an icy whisper, "Your 99 days start now, Lioness".

She did not know where Roger was, nor would she waste her time. Painfully she sat up as George eyed her in concern. His hazel eyes stared at her. She turned away from George's gazes. Instead she found Jonathan looking at her in the same way. His sapphire eyes shone right through her. Roaul of Goldenlake sat beside her bed as he watched her move. None of the three men spoke. Alanna started to feel silly as she scratched her head.

"Your 99 days start now…" Death voice haunted her mind, "Don't waste your time…"

"I'll see you again…in 99 days" Alanna whispered to Death. But she suddenly felt rather stupid because none of the three men could hear Death's voice.

Alanna mounted onto moonlight, she could not waste anymore time. Two days have passed and still everyone fussed over her. Alanna ignored the protests from George, Roaul and Jonathan.

"Are you mental", Roaul yelled as he pulled her off her horse. She fought him, but he was larger and stronger than she was. He held her there for a moment.

"Alanna forgive us, but we are going to have to tie you up" Jonathan said with sympathy.

Alanna looked at George for help, his eyes were downcast to the stable's floor.

"Sorry…Alanna" George said as he helped Jonathan tie her up.

Growing angrier by the minute, Alanna bit Jonathan as he tried to tie her and head butted George on the head.

"My merciful lord! She's so damn stubborn!", Jonathan muttered under his breath.

"I'm going to die in 99 days," She yelled, as she couldn't control herself anymore. Her heart was already breaking inside. Roaul dropped her in shock as George dropped the ropes.

"What?" Jonathan asked.

"You heard me!" Alanna snapped, "This might sound crazy but I bargained with Death and I won't waste my time sitting on my arse and wait for people to fuss over me! I have an oath and I will keep it".

The three of them looked at her as though she was crazy, but by how serious she sounded and how serious she looked, they believed her. Roaul didn't know how to react to how his best friend will be gone in 99 days; his heart ached. She was more than a friend to him. Jonathan was lost in his emotions; his champion is going to die? Although he was married to Thayet, he still had the undying love for her. As for George, he felt as though his heart was torn in half.

"And I have already wasted 2 days…which leave me with…" She could not finish her sentence.

"97 days" Roaul whispered as the three men exchanged anxious glances.

Jonathan had left Gary and his wife Thayet in charge of Tortall while he is gone. They would be leaving at dusk and would be heading to Scanran where Roger was last seen there. Nobody knew about Alanna's sealed fate except the three men that she had told. She would soon meet Thom and Liam again. Which was positive thing. Faithful would be there when Death takes her away. Although she had wanted to see her brother, Liam and Faithful, she did not want to leave George, Roaul, Jonathan and the rest of her friends. A tear came from her eye as she sat next to Moonlight. She wiped it away quickly when she heard approaching footsteps. She knew who it was. He then appeared in front of her as he took her in his arms

"If I shall die in 99 days" Alanna began as she felt hot tears slitheedr down her face.

"Then I shall die with you…because that how much I love you," he whispered in her ear as he wiped away her tears. His hands were so soft and promising.

"And I to you" Alanna whispered as she buried her face in his shirt and wept her eyes out.

(A/n The reason I didn't want to state the person that held Alanna was because I want you to guess whom he is: P)

So....did you like it?