Yeah, I'm here with another little story. Yet again, these stupid plot bunnies keep hopping around in my head and won't leave me alone. Grrr... But oh well! It's a nice little break. The inspiration for this chapter was the song "What Happened To Us?" by Hoobastank. Whoever doesn't have their new album should go out and get it. It's excellent! So please, Reveiw! Enjoy!

Dedicated to all my loyal readers! I love all of you guys!

1 - What Happened To Us?

'What a dull day,' the young man thought from his position atop the Goshinboku Tree. Inuyasha flicked a bug off his ear lazily as he adjusted himself so he was lying on his back, starring into the canopy of leaves above his head. 'Why can't Kagome just stay here? She could just drop out of school and live here, but no...' His golden amber eyes closed, blocking the sunbeams that snuck through the blanket of leaves. "Feh! Stupid wench!"

His thoughts wandered aimlessly as he sat silently, silver hair swaying in the breeze. Eventually, his mind stopped, pulling up a memory from his past. It was he and Kikyou, on a small boat. She had fallen while trying to get out and he had caught her small frame in his arms, holding her there. At the time he loved the warmth of her body, her willingness to be with him. But now... she was cold and full of hate.


(song starts)

I thought it was too good to be true
I found someone who understands me

'I thought you were different. You noticed me, enjoyed my company.'

Someone who would help me to get through
And fill an emptiness I had inside me

'All my life I had been alone. A worthless half breed, neither accepted by human nor demon. But then you came along. You made me feel special. Feel wanted.'

But you kept inside, and I just denied something we should've both said
I knew it was too good to be true
Cause I'm the only one who understands me

'But now I realize that to you I was only a tool. You may have loved me, but it wasn't for who I was.'

What happened to us?
We used to be so perfect, but now we're lost and lonely

'I was a tool for you to become a normal woman. Once I became human, you would be free of your duties of guarding the jewel.'

What happened to us?
And deep inside I wonder, did I lose my only?

'You wanted to change me. Half demon wasn't good enough for you, was it Kikyou?'

Remember they thought we were too young
To really know what it takes to make it

'Everyone warned you to stay away from me. They said I was dangerous.'

But we had survived off what we had done
And we could show them all that they're mistaken

'We were supposed to prove them wrong. Prove that I was "safe", as you put it.'

But who could've know, the lies that would grow, until we could see right through them

'Then we were tricked. You believed so easily that I betrayed you. Did you not trust me?'

Remember they knew we were too young
We still don't know what it takes to make it

'Even now, when you know the truth, you still despise me. You've tried to kill my friends and I countless times. Yet you claim you love me.'

What happened to us?
We used to be so perfect, now we're lost and lonely

'You want to kill me, then take me to Hell with you!'

What happened to us?
And deep inside I wonder, did I lose my only?

'I may not know exactly what love is, but I do know that how you act, what you do... That's not love.'

We could have made it work, we could have found a way
We should have done our best to see another day

'I was so happy when I learned you were back. I thought we could have another chance. I still loved you.'

But we kept inside, until it was too late

'Kikyou, you lost your chance.'

And now we're both alone, the concequence we pay
For throwing it all away, for throwing it all away

'I don't love you anymore.'

What happened to us?
We used to be so perfect, now we're lost and lonely

'I may belong to you in death, but now I'm alive...'

What happened to us?
And deep inside I wonder, did I lose my only?

'And I plan to live life free of your grip.'

What happened to us? What happened to us?
What happened to us? What happened to us?

His thoughts were interrupted by a sweet voice, calling to him. "Inuyasha! Inuyasha, where are you? I'm back!"

A grin crossed his face as he hopped out of the tree and followed his nose. Her soothing vanilla scent erased all thoughts of Kikyou from his mind; she was all that mattered to him now.


Okay, there's the first part! Kikyou needs to go burn in Hell... Evil clay pot! Now that I got that off my chest, the next chapter is about Kagome, and also features another song by Hoobastank! I already have it written, so I just need to type it! It will be out soon, so please Reveiw! I love you all! Adios, my amigos and amigas!
