Well we followed Raziel through the Sarafan Stronghold and we made it to this big room with all the pics of the ugly guys painted on the wall. The ugly guy looked pissed.
"You should be happy that Lord Moebius is forgiving and merciful enough to let you live after helping to kill my brethren. I should kill you where you all stand." he snapped.
"Dude... look at me. Don't be grossed out just yet and look: does is look like I CARE if you kill me or not?" I responded.
He looked annoyed. I looked bored.
"I'm gonna get something to eat, that weed still has the effect on me." I said. Beatrix rolled her eyes and Nightcrawler was sleeping.
I didn't get the chance to go and get anything to eat because the door swung open and in comes Emo Man with the Soul Reaver. How he got it, I don't know. I forgot.He pushes me down, I get up. Then he starts talking to himself... or to the Ugly Guy. I dunno, this guy's a retard. So they talk to themselves, then they start fighting. At some point they looked like they were touching themselves. At another point I wanted to puke. So Emo-Man and Ugly Man duke it out, I leave and comeback with a big bucket of chicken (you'd be surprised at how advanced people are in those Sarafan kitchens). So we're watching the two retards duke it out, I'm eating chicken, and then boom somebody gets stabbed. I laugh, Ugly Man falls down.
"I renounce you." Raziel whispered.
"We don't care." I announced out loud.
Raziel then went into his dramatic act. "Now things have come full circle."
"Really, they look like a triangle to me."
"Why don't you come over here and show me how WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?"
So as if things couldn't get any gayer, Raziel's hand starts being stupid. Why he didn't drop the fucking sword is beyond me but hey, there's a lot of idiots in this game. And then the sword starts shaking around, he's going nuts, and then he stabs himself. Then he's flailing around. I raise an eyebrow and keep eating my chicken.
"HUMAN!" he cries out. "HELP ME!"
"I don't want to." I responded.
"Um... you suck?"
So he does some more screaming, and then out of the randomness, Kain appeared. How come he always appears at the weirdest times? I dont' know. Then he starts saying something and Raziel keeps screaming and then Kain rips the Soul Reaver out of him. Then he says something about Janos has to stay dead and Raziel disappears.
"Yeah um... that was... stupid." I said. Kain sighed.
"I believe this won't be the last time we'll see each other, young lady." he said with a hint of distress in his tone. I ate more chicken.
"Just as long as I'm out of here, I don't mind."
He chuckled slightly, then looked at me. "I never did recieve your name, you know."
I cracked my back, then responded, chicken grease smeared all over my mouth.
"Sue... Anti-Sue."
Then the game went all white and before I knew it I was infront of a staticy TV with clumps of hair ripped out of my head, two black eyes, heavy pants, a halter top and a frilly thong. Strangely enough, the hair was still cut short, and my disturbed sister looking at me. I managed to crack a smile.
"Thank GOD I'm out of that hell hole!" I shouted, smiling, ready to throw a party.
She still had that weirded out face on her.
Sis didn't really respond, but a quivering finger pointed at the TV. I turned around, and I gave my classic vv face.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit..."
From inside the TV was The Sarafan Lord in my second most least favorite LoK Game- Blood Omen 2. And before I could even say "FUCK THIS", I got grabbed by my shirt and got pulled back through the TV.