Twice Over

We're nearing the last couple months of the twins first year, and more problems seem to be happening than anything else! Thanks for all the reviews and I cant wait until you guys get to read this chapter!

Disclaimer- oh no, another I do not own thing… well here we go, I don't own Harry Potter. There! There is your proof!


Chapter 19- Coming Along For The Ride

It was a boring potions class. Snape drawled on about something George could care less about, Lee's head was bobbing dangerously close to a burning potion behind him as he attempted to keep himself awake, and Alicia's mind seemed somewhere else.

It wasn't like Alicia to not pay attention in class. But its not like she could help it, she had random things coming into her mind, that weren't allowing her to think of anything else. As soon as she pushed one thing out of her mind, something else would pop back into it, leading her to pause another couple minutes before realizing she was in potions.

"You may start now," Snape suddenly said through clenched teeth, "ten minutes, and the person beside you."

Alicia looked up and saw students pulling things from their bags. She looked to her left and saw George reluctantly pulling out some ingredients. She leaned over to him and whispered, "What are we doing?"

George stared.


"Did you just ask what we were doing?"

"Yes," she replied snappishly as she looked at the potions book on George's desk and she pulled hers out as well. "Is it that hard to believe?"

"Do you want the real answer?"

She glared.

"Okay, okay. You and I are working on a potion together," he looked at his watch, "to be done and boiling in seven minutes."

She looked around to see everyone stirring large copper cauldrons situated at the side of the class. Lee was having particular trouble with his, for it looked as though the less-than-bright Gryffindor Sarah had decided to throw something in the potion that made it overflow.

Alicia grabbed George by his tie and dragged him toward the cauldron. He jumped over bags in his way, trying desperately to stay on his feet as the short girl in front of him pulled his neck lower to the ground.

"So what are we making?"

"Some sort of sleeping draught… not powerful, but efficient enough," George answered.

Alicia started flipping through the potion book but George drew out his wand and pointed it at the book, and it flipped to the correct page.

Alicia allowed herself to give him another glare. "Lets see… Pixie dust, bark, newt toes…"

George withdrew each ingredient as she spoke.

Alicia popped the cork of one ingredient and smoke flew into her face, knocking her backwards as she coughed and spluttered. George rolled his eyes and grabbed it from her, placing the cork back on top of it.

Alicia ignored this and looked at the clock, "five minutes." Her voice was full of panic.

"I hope you don't mind," George said, "but move over."

Alicia raised an eyebrow as he pushed her away lightly and began adding ingredients quickly, his back turned to her as he hunched over the cauldron and worked as fast as he could.

"Stirring stick," he ordered, holding out his hand.

Alicia's mouth dropped in shock but she obeyed obediently as she placed it in his palm. She had never seen him like this before.

As he stepped back, he gave a triumphant smile as a soft purple mist drifted overtop the cauldron. The heat underneath it was just right, the fire licking at the bottom of the cauldron.

"Wow," Alicia said as she looked from the picture in the book to the potion in front of her.

"Sorry about that, but I had no time to make sure you got it all right," George said as he wandered back to his seat and threw himself down.

"Excuse me?" Alicia asked, her hands immediately finding her hips. "And what is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing personal," George said as he raised his hands in defence, "I'm just saying, I made that potion a couple times before… okay, a lot of times before."

Alicia's eyebrows raised, "George, why would you need this potion? Why would you be making a potion outside of school hours?"

He laughed, "Calm down," he then grabbed her hand and pulled her down into her seat. She fell in it with a thump. "It was only for my little brother."

Her jaw dropped.

"Its not as bad as it sounds, trust me. Fred and I just used to use it on him, it would knock him out long enough for us to put him in random places… tops of trees, down the chimney…" George trailed off as he looked at the look on Alicia's face.

"Well then, George, I'm sure you wouldn't think of it as very bad if I knocked you out and used you to dust my chimney out!" Alicia said.

George laughed, "Oh I wouldn't mind," he said winking.


He shrugged.

Alicia refused to talk to him for the rest of the class.


Lunch went by quickly, as did the rest of the classes, and Angelina found herself sitting in the common room with her friends, playing a game of exploding snap.

"Who won, AGAIN?" Lee jumped from his seat, "come on, who?"

"You did Lee," Alicia said in monotone.

Lee did a victory dance around the room, his dreadlocks shaking about wildly. He was humming some tune he had made up as well, one that Angelina was finding very catchy.

"Damn, I'm hungry," Angelina sighed as she slid lower into her chair.

Fred nodded, "me too."

George nudged him with his elbow.

"What?" Fred looked to his brother.

George dug into his sweater, black and overly large for him, and pulled out a slip of paper from the pocket. He looked to Angelina who was talking to Lee, but when he looked at Alicia, he realized she was staring straight at what he had pulled from his pocket.

He pushed it back into the pocket.

"What was that," she asked immediately.

"Nothing," George replied.

Alicia tilted her head to the side, "must have been something. Or you wouldn't have been talking in such low voices."

"Stick your nose out of it," Fred snapped.

"Gee," she commented, "I was only asking. You don't need to be so protective over it."

Fred huffed.

Alicia looked away to Angelina and Lee, rolling her eyes.

"Anyways," George whispered, "you notice we haven't visited the kitchens yet. Now that we know where it is and how to get it…"

"Good idea," Fred said, "it was exactly what I was thinking."

George stood up, stretching. "We're going tonight then?" He asked, the sleeves of his sweater falling far past his hands as he tried to pull them up again.

Fred nodded, "yeah."

"Well, wherever you two are going, I'm going too," said Lee.

"Us too," Angelina said.

"What?" All three boys and Alicia asked together.

Angelina nodded and glared at Alicia, "we want to go too, don't we?"


Angelina slapped her hand over Alicia's mouth. "I mean, what's the big deal about this mischief making anyways? Don't answer that, we want to figure out for ourselves." She let go of Alicia, "and I don't care if you want to come or not, Ali."

Alicia crossed her arms, "I am defiantly not coming! Never."


Alicia sighed angrily, "are we ready to go yet?" She looked at her watch: twelve o clock exactly.

"Yeah, lets go," Angelina said.

George nodded, "we have to be prepared first," he said shoving a dung-bomb into his pocket.

"Okay," Fred announced, "we're ready."

The twins headed out first, looking around and sneaking around the halls. The girls followed close after, Lee taking up the rear of the group.

George looked around the corner and kept to the shadowed part of the wall, heading down the moving staircases.

"Follow him, girls," Fred said.

"Does he know where he's going?" Asked Angelina.

Fred laughed softly, "of course he does."

"Well where are you and Lee going?" Angelina asked as they started walking in another direction.

"We're going around another way, going to meet up with you guys there." Fred answered.

"What's the point of that?" Angelina asked.

"Lookout," Fred answered again, "now stop asking questions."

Angelina nodded and noticed George was far ahead of them. She almost shrieked at being left behind and nodded to Fred, racing after George. Alicia soon followed her.

After catching up with George and walking silently for about ten minutes, Angelina let out a sigh.

"What?" Asked George as he turned to her.

"I don't see what's so fun about this," she said.

George rolled his eyes, "this trip isn't for fun, its strictly business."

"Business? Where are we going?" Alicia asked.

"You'll see when we get there," George said, "and quite frankly, I don't really care if you find it fun Angelina."

Angelina let her jaw drop, "what's gotten into you?"

George rolled his eyes and continued walking ahead of them.

Alicia leaned over and whispered, "It's his and Fred's… 'Thing'. It's important to him, so he gets kind of uptight about it when you insult it."

"Since when did you know this?"

"Always. Ange, its not something you need to know, its something you know just because," Alicia said with a smile.

"Uh oh," George said aloud.

"Uh oh? What's uh oh?" Angelina asked, her heart beginning to race.

"Flint, would be a major uh oh," replied George.

Alicia raised an eyebrow as she kept to the corner of the wall, George grabbing her arm and pulling her back. "What's Flint doing out here at this time of night?"

George looked around the corner quietly, "what are we doing out at this time of night?"

"Oh," Angelina said. Alicia had nothing to say to that.

"You think he'll miss us?" Angelina asked.

"Nope, he's headed this way," George said.

Just as he finished that sentence, Flint and a couple of his dim-witted cronies turned the corner. They looked over and saw the three of them, standing there, looking relaxed. Well, at least George was as he leaned against the wall and smirked to himself. Alicia was looking down, and Angelina looked near terrified.

"Huh, well-well-well… what do we have here?" Flint sneered.

George took his back off the wall and stepped into the light with ease, "nice night for a stroll, isn't it Flint?"

"What are you doing out here, Weasley?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"We're coming back from detention," Flint said as he waved a white slip of parchment in front of George's face, "we have permission to be out here."

George laughed calmly, as though he had told him something highly amusing. Angelina let out a small squeak of terror, and Alicia said nothing.

"Think its funny, do you?" Flint asked, his face contorted with anger.

"Yeah," George said as he examined a nearby painting, "I do."

Flint rounded on him, his fist moving straight toward George's head.

"George!" Alicia called out with warning.

George ducked just in time; Flints fist smashing straight into a suit of armour. A clash was heard; echoing throughout the halls, metal flying everywhere. George smirked as Flint cursed, holding his aching hand.

"Well," Flint yelled out to his cronies, "get him!"

The four Slytherin's behind Flint lunged toward George, but he easily slipped past him, sliding underneath them along the cold marble ground.

"Ack!" Alicia screamed as one of them grabbed her and twisted her arm.

George ran up behind the boy and elbowed him in the back of the neck. He spluttered and fell foreword, releasing her. Angelina and Alicia didn't need to be told, as they shot down the hall after George, racing away from the group of Slytherin's and the fallen suit of armour.

George reached into his pocket and withdrew his still-empty hand. "Damn, I gave the map to Fred," he said.

As he turned the corner, he saw the fruit painting and sprinted towards it, skidding to a halt in front of it. He tickled the pear and slid into the open hole in the wall. It closed behind him and he looked around, realizing Angelina and Alicia weren't there.

"Where did George go?" Angelina asked in a high voice.

"I don't know!" Alicia said with worry.

Two hands shot out from the wall, one grabbing Alicia's arm, and the other grasping the end of Angelina's robes. They screamed as they were dragged into a hole in the wall.


"Calm down," George's hands shot over the two struggling girls' mouths. "Shh, its just me."

Angelina was the first to break free, "what the hell do you think you're doing, George?'

"Saving your arse," he replied with certain calmness. He still was holding Alicia close to his chest, his hand overtop her mouth. Her chest was heaving, but she lay on the ground, leaning on his crossed legs, feeling so much safer than before.

Angelina crossed her arms and sat down beside George, her back sliding down the wall.

George chuckled softly.

Alicia pulled George's hand off her mouth.

George continued chuckling, until it turned into a soft laugh.

Angelina looked over at him, her eyebrow raised.

George began to laugh louder, and uncontrollably.

"What the hell are you laughing at?" Angelina snapped.

"You were so bloody scared!" He replied as tears of laughter formed into his eyes.

Alicia pursed her lips in attempts to push down laughter as well. Then she turned her head and began laughing almost as hard as George.

The anger moved off Angelina's face and she looked at the two of them with a dropped jaw. "Hey, stop that," she said as a smile pressed on her lips, "stop laughing you two!"

The painting opened and Lee and Fred entered, looking a bit tousle haired and messed up. Fred looked around and looked to Lee who seemed to still be observing three friends, sitting in the middle of a narrow hallway, laughing hysterically.

"They've been cursed," Fred said.

"How? Peeves went after us," Lee remarked.

The three of the friends stopped laughing and looked up to Fred and Lee.

"Thank god you're finally here," George said, "We were getting tired of waiting on you."

Angelina jumped up, "we had a run-in with Flint!" Her voice sounded oddly excited.

"Yeah," Alicia said from the floor, "you should have seen George." She grinned at him, "You were great."

George's face turned as red as his hair, "nah, not really."

"Wow, this is really… great?" Fred said with an air in his voice, "but is anyone else as interested as I am in seeing the kitchens?"

"Is that where we are?" Angelina asked as she looked down the narrow hallway.

"It's where we will end up if we go down this hall," Fred said as he pointed into the darkness.

George got up from the ground and extended a hand to Alicia. She took it. Fred and George moved to the front of the group and Lee squeezed in between Alicia and Angelina, giving them both a playful grin.

"Get out of here, Lee," Angelina laughed as she shoved him lightly foreword.

"What? No love for Lee?" He asked with hurt in his eyes, "you know the best kind of love is 'Lee Love'."

"I don't think we were aware of that," Alicia laughed.

"You laugh now," Lee said in a spooky low voice, "but will you laugh later? When you're all out of 'Lee Love'? Will you laugh then?"

The group began descending down a staircase, and as they got lower and lower into the dungeon-like corridor, it seemed to be getting brighter and brighter, and warmer and warmer. As Fred rounded the corner, he yelped as he looked upon one of the ugliest faces he had ever seen.

Black and like leather, the creature had bat-like ears and bulgy blue eyes. It was also almost stark naked, except for a small paper bag it had wrapped around its bottom half.

"What in the hell are you?" Fred asked in a higher voice than usual.

"Don't you mean, whom?" Angelina asked as she bent over to look the little creature in the face, "I'm Angelina, who are you?"

"Nixxie." The creature answered.

"Nixxie is a house-elf," Angelina said to Fred, "you should know that."

"The only house-elves I've ever seen were in books," Fred snapped, "and they don't look like that."

Alicia leaned over to George, "isn't this one of the creatures we were learning about in herbology? Well, it was mentioned…"

George shook his head, "I think so."

"So this is the kitchens," Lee said looking around. There were a lot of house elves moving from one area to the other, looking very busy. Some were stopping to peer at the group, and others were running forward looking like they wanted to help them. There were large tables and pots and counters, and there were many fires with bubbling mixtures cooking overtop of them.

"May we serve you?" One of the elves asked.

George shrugged, "I suppose so… we're all kind of hungry."

No sooner than he had said it, there were plates upon plates being shoved towards them, with food overflowing on the glass platters. There were pastries and large bowls of soup, noodles and meat.

Angelina looked shocked at all of the plates being shoved towards her and she turned to smile at her friend. "Alicia?" She asked as she realized the spot beside her was now empty. "Guys, where's Alicia?"






I didn't get to everything I was hoping to in this chapter, but the next chapter should come soon… hopefully. Sorry for the slow updates, and I heard I am no longer aloud to reply to reviews? What's up with that, it just doesn't seem right. I love you all!
