Author's Note: How very annoying :( 3rd time I'm typing my author's note due to inconveniences that are so very bothersome. Anyways, like i promised, another chapter, hope you enjoy :D

"Hello!" A man yelled, waving his hand enthusiastically and with a very friendly smile.

Fenton and Biff took a short break from their long trudge up the small incline and huffed, trying to catch their breaths. Although it wasn't much of a slope, the snow was like suction to their boots, making them use twice the energy necessary to walk on normal, hard packed ground.

When Fenton and Biff heard the voice calling to them, they looked into the distance at the waving man and then looked at each other, mutually understanding that this man could not be trusted.

"Hello. Who may I ask are you?" Fenton asked, sounding calm but dominant as he walked closer to the man, but his whole body was ready and cautious if anything were to happen.

"I'm very lost out here." The man said with a chuckle, hitting his head with an expression that showed how dumb he was for being lost. "I've been walking around in circles trying to find where my cabin is."

"What direction did you come from?" Fenton asked, trying to make small talk, but he obviously knew that this man could be trouble.

"I'm not sure, that's why I'm lost." The man chuckled again. He then shook his head and pulled off his glove. "Oh pardon my manners, my name is Steve," he said while shoving his hand out to shake Fenton and Biff's hand.

"Yeah…" Biff said with one brow rose as he looked at Fenton, not sure of what to do. "Name's Biff." He said, taking hold of the man's hand apprehensively.

"Fenton." Fenton said as he shook Steve's hand with a hard grip. Fenton was getting extremely suspicious. The man definitely had a southern drawl to his voice and they were very much north. It could be that this man could just be lost and on vacation, but Fenton didn't take anything out of consideration when his family was involved.

"So… what are you folks doing up in these cold parts?"

"Got to get untied… Got to get untied….," Joe said over and over in his head as he scraped his hands against the rope. He had long discarded the urine and cigarette tasting handkerchief by using his tongue to push it out of his mouth. It was the worst experience in his life for tasting things, and the taste still remained in his mouth, reminding him that he had no idea what that piece of cloth has touched.

From a distance he could hear Steve talking to somebody. He hoped it was help, but he couldn't be sure, therefore he had to help himself.

It didn't help one bit that Mother Nature was against him. Joe's butt was getting extremely numb since he was only wearing a light pair of non-absorbable pants, having stripped off his heavy snow gear while he was in the cabin. He hadn't thought of putting them back on since it would've been trouble for him to move in the tunnel.

The wind was also picking up. Joe could feel the cool, icy winds strike him with stinging force, but luckily the bushes lessened the assault.

Joe's body was also not taking well to the environment. His nose was getting tickled as the bush in front of him brushed against his cold nose. He really needed to sneeze, but making any sort of drastic movement or loud noise would draw the madman's attention.

"Got to get untied…. Got to get untied…," Joe kept chanting in his mind, sniffling once in a while as his eyes watered, caused by puffiness around his sinus area. It didn't make anything easier that his head hurt whenever he moved his head, but his mind had to be set on the goal of getting untied.

"Aha!" Joe grinned as he grimaced to pull the rest of the rope away from his wrists. Luckily for him, Steve didn't know that him and Frank used to be in the boy scouts and knew every knot in the book and how to get out of most. Steve tied a good knot, but not well enough that it out did Frank who had tied him up numerous times as a boy while playing Cops and Robbers.

Joe, free from his constraints, started to crawl on hands and knees to peek out of the bush. He couldn't see anything, but didn't dare go any further out of the bush in case he was spotted. Luckily Steve was still talking to somebody so it was his chance to escape.

Getting into a crouch, Joe started to crawl the other direction of the voices, making sure to throw snow to cover his tracks as he backed up to a place that would be safer than his current location.

"What's that?" Frank asked as he stopped for a second to peer closer, noticing that his Dad and Biff were talking to the guy, but that wasn't why he stopped. What made him stop was that he saw movement from a bush that covered the side of a set of huge boulders.

Chet also squinted his eyes, trying to see what Frank was trying to see.

"What's what?" Chet asked in confusion.

""I think that's Joe." Frank said with alarm and excitement.

"Oh my goodness…" Chet said with terror as he shook Frank's shoulder. "Look what that guy has in his back pocket and he's reaching for it!"

It was clear that something metallic was being drawn from the man's pocket and that meant his Dad and Biff were in trouble.

Both of them started running frantically, jumping over large sections that stuck up, stumbling a few times on their way down.

Suddenly the sound that shook them both resounded through the mountains. A gunshot was heard, and a body fell.

Author's Note: Horrible ending, but it's 12:47am my time and I'm pretty tired. I just wanted to keep my promise and update. Thank you very much for the reviews for chapter 8. The first person who reviewed actually made me want to write. I was kinda bummed looking at the reader traffic function and knowing there are tons of people looking, maybe reading, and not giving me feedback, so thank you first reviewer and 2nd reviewer :D I'm sry :( I forgot who you two were because searching for you names will delete my author's note again :(

Anyways, please give me constructive criticism, because reviews Happy motivation more chapters faster XD It's the only way I know if people are actually reading, cuz seriously... not worth the effort if nobody is reading.

Thank you very very much for reading my story :) If you have time, drop a review and talk to you guys again when Ch. 10 comes out.. hopefully very soon.



(Got it! Penguincrazy and Bhar :D Yah... got it afterwards. Thank you for the motivation and the support!! If it weren't you two, this chapter wouldn't be up XD or written)