Chapter Ten

Han leaned back against the counter, feet crossed and his arms folded across his chest, staring at his sister-in-law floating in a bacta tank. She looked calm and untroubled, which seemed utterly out of place in the chaos outside of her room. Anakin had been the first one to realize what had happened, and if it hadn't been for Chewie's intervention at the spaceport, all three of the children would have stolen the Millennium Falcon and traveled to Bandomeer without so much as a by-your-leave.

Leia's expression had been priceless. Of course, the humor in the situation had quickly fled as her anger had risen in epic proportions. If Han had ever had reason to doubt Leia's Force abilities, they were put to rest when she destroyed everything in their bedroom except for the one holo of their wedding. The bed, the wardrobe, the knickknacks—everything was either shattered, crushed or simply vaporized.

The children seemed to know something that they weren't sharing about that entire incident and Jaina was doing her best to keep their mother from talking with either of the two boys, and Anakin wouldn't even look directly at Leia. None of them would explain what had happened.

Han wasn't too keen on finding the answer.

A 2-1B droid entered the room, heading straight for one of the control panels. Before the doors could fully close, Anakin rushed though them, and Han pushed away from the counter.

"Hey kid, where's the fire?"

"Ha ha ha, dad. That joke's been old for years." Anakin blithely pushed his bangs away from his eyes, acting as though nothing was out of the ordinary. "How is she?"

"Ask the doc," Han jerked his thumb in the 2-1B's direction. "He claims only next of kin can get that kind of information. Which would be... not us."

Anakin grinned. "I see your dilemma."

Han waited a few moments. "Well?"

"Weeeell?" Anakin drew the word out.

"Well what?" Han asked, impatience and amusement warring in his voice.

"That, my good man, is privileged information." Anakin said loftily, trying to toss his hair like his mother did when she was furious with someone. "I need to reprogram the droid."

Before Anakin had finished the sentence, Han was shaking his head. "Oh frack no."

Anakin's eyes widened outrageously, and Han bit down on another—worse—curse as he realized what he'd said.

"No telling your mother about that, young man, understood?" Han warned, shifting slightly.

"You mean I can make the droid tell me what I want to know? Thanks dad!"

Han narrowed his eyes, and Anakin smirked back at him.

"If your mother ever finds out about this, you do realize that I never gave you permission, right?" Han finally said, leaning in conspiratorially and Anakin's answering grin was more than enough to seal the bargain.


I'm scared.

I know, me too.

How did it happen?

It wasn't her fault. She.. she isn't that kind of person.

I know. Aunt Mara brought me Jian after her last trip to Corellia.

Mom almost killed her for that. Grass snakes are apparently really dangerous.

I know, but she is such a nice snake.

Aunt Mara was going to teach me how to juggle fire.

Not if I don't talk her out of it first, sis. You don't need to know to do that.

Aw come on, Jaca, what could it hurt?



It's okay. I didn't think he could die.

I didn't think he could either, but—.

Mom is still furious.

She's always furious when it comes to Aunt Mara.

I don't like her when she's mad.

I know, but don't worry about it. We'll look out for each other.

I know. I sent the message.

I hope she doesn't do anything too stupid when she finds out.

We hadto tell her. Lying to her would only have made the situation worse.

I wish Aunt Mara were our mom. Mom is scary.

I know.


Leia snarled at the holoscam, but Tionne's calm façade did not falter.

"I am sorry, President Organa-Solo, but we cannot without due course or reason throw someone out of the Order. Mara Skywalker has never once given us any reason to doubt her devotion to our ideals, and has proven her worth—"

Leia interrupted her. "EXACTLY MY POINT!!" Tionne's expression strained as she tried to not react as Leia continued. "That niftyx killed her husband! And you're too stupid to realize it!!"

"Madam President!" Tionne insisted, trying to calm the other woman down. "I recognize that you are distressed; the loss of Master Skywalker has taken us all by surprise. We had hoped to keep him with us for many years, yet it was the will of the Force that he be taken, and it is not ours to question it. Besides—do you really have so little faith in your brother as to believe that he could be killed by Knight Skywalker? He has great strength."

Unsurprisingly, Leia was not particularly calmed by this. "HAD great strength, you—you—"

The door to Leia's office slid open and she spun around sharply, her lips curving around several choice insults till she saw Winter standing there quietly, a reproving look upon her face. Leia swallowed the words with difficulty, her expression becoming defiant. "Yes?"

"Leia, the twins just sent word that Mara woke up."


Mara lay on her back staring at the squares on the ceiling, not even counting them. The room was cold, and she was dressed in a thin gown, covered by a thermal blanket that only served to make her colder than she already was. Her muscles were completely lax, her breathing was even. One of the doctors, a human, had mentioned something about a coma, but Mara was awake. Aware.

She was aware of the heat of Anakin's body pressed on top of her arm where he was sprawled, staring intently at her face. She could feel the anxious attention of the twins standing by the corners at the end of her bed. She could feel Han's control as he tried to keep from pouncing on her and demanding to know what happened to Luke.

Mara blinked.

She didn't say anything. She didn't have anything to say.

"Aunt Mara?" Anakin's little voice broke through the fog surrounding her, and she wanted to smile.

No, there wasn't anything to say.

Well, of course there isn't anything to say, the Voice huffed. I mean, what would you say? 'Sorry, I was a failure and this was my punishment—to have Luke taken away, it was all my fault.'? Oh I'm sure they would believe you.

I wish they would, Mara thought quietly. It would mean that they understood that I deserved it all.

They should've just let you die. The voice snarled, and Mara had never agreed with it more.


A/N: I'm sorry for the lateness and the overall awfulness of this chapter. The chapter I really wanted to write couldn't be written, and several OF's have sort of stolen my muse. But the next chapter should be speedy--It is one that is close to my heart.