DISCLMAIMER: None of the characters of Harry Potter belong to me.
NOTE TO ALL: Well guys, this is it, the finale. Hope you think it's an okay ending guys, a wee bit nervous now about what you are all thinking since the story took it's wee twist, well I hope the sweet end makes up for it P
Chapter 15: Better Than Dreams
'Yesterday was the trial of two teachers and a young wizard, convicted of crimes that shook that calm reputation of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wirzardry.
The three convicts were all siblings by the name of Reficul. The eldest two, Algen and Selina had been teaching at the school, both over a year. The other was their younger sister, Marissa.
The crime they have been punished for was attacking a sixth year student at the school, Remus Lupin. Mystery surrounds the case as the Ministry of Magic and the esteemed Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, have refused to supply important details, such as why the attack took place.
The attack happened over a month ago and the trial, yesterday, was attended by three of the Hogwarts students. Press were disallowed to enter the court of the Wizengamot, but were given details of the charges laid.
All three were found guilty of attempted murder, whilst Selina and Algen Reficul also had additional charges. It was revealed that Algen has been found guilty with the charge of murdering the former Potions Master of the school, Mark Melbourne. Selina was charged as his accomplice.
Remus Lupin, the victim, sustained no permanent injuries, though -- '
"So they never told them their real names," Sirius said over Remus' shoulder before taking the seat opposite of him.
Remus began to feel the heat rise up in him and replied whilst he edged away from the unconnected fire. It was not the flames that were making him hot.
"No. It's so they can't connect them to Phoebe. That would raise questions as to why I was involved and they might find out more than I would like," Remus replied. In other words, they might find out he was a werewolf. Remus had been out of the Hospital Wing since the 16th of February, exactly one month after he was poisoned. He had spent the rest of February relaxing with the Marauders and it was now Thursday, the 2nd of March. They were to return to classes the following Monday.
"I know," Sirius said. When Remus looked at him, he seemed to be considering something carefully. The right side of his face was lit by the fire and it illuminated the cute frown on his features.
"What are you thinking," Remus asked suspiciously and Sirius looked back at him. He smiled kindly and said,
"You think it's time we talk about stuff?" It took Remus a little by shock, but he knew he should have been expecting it.
"Yeah. Where?" He asked, looking around the crowded Common Room. Sirius grinned.
They were on the top floor and walking through a deserted corridor they never used. Sirius led him into an unused classroom. It was empty but for a few chairs.
"Here," said Sirius, walking over to the double-door windows. He opened them and walked out onto the balcony attached.
Remus watched as Sirius climbed onto the ledge and disappeared onto the roof. He popped his head over to tell Remus to follow.
Remus climbed nervously up and found himself on a shallow sloped roof with a smooth surface. Sirius sat near the edge, where he accompanied him.
The sight was breathtaking. They could see far, over the tops of the forest trees, into Hogsmeade, right up to the high mountains surrounding the village's border.
"I've never been up this part of the castle before," said Remus. Sirius was looking into the distance with a faint smile.
"I love it up here," he told Remus. "Me and Phoebe used to sneak up here to kiss. I've not been up here since she died. He looked warmly at Remus.
Remus felt goose bumps travel up his arms as Sirius looked at him like that. "Thanks for sharing it with me," he said gratefully. It was a moment before Sirius spoke next, they just looked at each other. "We have quite a lot to talk about, don't we?"
"But where do we start," Sirius laughed.
"Well," Remus said, "what do you need to know? What do you want to know? I'll answer anything. I'm tired of secrets by now."
Sirius began to look agitated. "I just don't know why, Remus. Is it like ...a physical thing or what?"
Going red, Remus tried to keep the embarrassment away, "That's only part of it Sirius. I fancy you like crazy ...but I'm in love with you. The way you are, how you make me feel. Everything."
"And it's been from the start?" Sirius asked. Remus could tell this conversation was about as awkward for Sirius as it was for himself. He nodded. Again, it was a while before either spoke.
"Summer was murder without you. It always is, but this year it was worse because it was longer. Not because of the transformations alone. I was missing you all so much. I hated my mum for not letting me over to stay with you and James. Mostly I was annoyed 'cos I couldn't be with you. "
Sirius surprised him with a smile. "You know I had a crap summer too? I think I regretted that you couldn't come over as much as you, 'cos it made me miserable not seeing you. Thinking of you going through the Full Moon all on your own was making me sick. Ask James, I hardly stopped thinking of you."
Remus felt a rush of happiness at Sirius' words. They were being more honest and open with each other than they'd ever been. "I get jealous of James. Don't tell him -- though I think he might know already -- but you two are so close I could go mad with envy."
Sirius laughed. "You're jealous of that lunatic?"
"Yeah," Remus assured him. "Very. And I can't help thinking maybe we could have been that close if I hadn't fallen in love with you."
"We are close!" Sirius exclaimed.
"I know. But you can see how I am with you now, can't you? Even now, I'm a bit red. It's always stopped us being really like you and James."
"Nah, I don't think we could be any closer. Not unless we were --" he cleared his throat. Remus knew he'd been about to say 'going out' but had felt it was wrong for the situation. "I've spoken to you about things I haven't said to James. Like showing you the old chest at Christmas, telling you about my feelings and that, showing you here. James hasn't been here." Sirius said firmly to make his point.
"I know and I'm grateful. Maybe you are right. Maybe I just feel like that because I do want to be with you."
"You've no taste," Sirius said with a bark of laughter. Remus exclaimed.
"I have so! You just don't judge yourself fairly. You're the nicest looking guy in the school! Nicest I've ever seen in fact and you've got a personality the same." Sirius shook his head all through it.
"No no no."
"Sirius! Even James told you! At Hogsmeade, remember?"
"I do remember. That was fucking weird," he said smiling. "We nearly kissed in Hogsmeade," Sirius said.
Remus blushed. "And I fainted. That was so embarrassing. I was sure you'd know I fancied you then, but you just thought it was 'cos I was weak from my transformation and hadn't ate anything. You're pretty dumb for a smart person," Remus laughed.
Sirius whacked him on the arm, "Cheeky cunt. How was I meant to know? It's not something I generally thought about --"
"But it's something I thought about non stop. Is it really weird hearing all of this?" Sirius bit his lip.
"Hmm. Not as much as I thought it would be. But we've been through quite a bit now. I think we both know that we don't want to wreck what we already have."
"Sirius, I never thought we'd ever be talking about this."
"You'd have kept it to yourself all along, wouldn't you?" Sirius asked.
"I would have tried. I just couldn't stand the thought of losing you. It was horrible when James found out in the first place. And then you trying not to look too hurt that James knew and you didn't. If it had been anybody else, I'd have told you straight away."
"Well I'm glad Remus that this was the reason, in a way, that you couldn't tell me. I was gutted thinking it was because you couldn't trust me or something."
"Trust you Sirius! I went back in the pensieve to when we first met on platform nine and three quarters. I trusted you even then. You asked me if I did because I couldn't get on the platform and you were laughing at me because I said that I did trust you." Sirius smiled warmly at him. "I've to thank you for that day."
"Why," Sirius asked. He looked so cute when he was curious and it made Remus grin.
"Because I followed you and James to hear what you were saying about me, 'cos he'd dragged you away. You told him I was one of you, and that he had to accept it, although he didn't want to. If it wasn't for you, I would never have been in the Marauders with you. I might not have even been in Gryffindor, I might have been in Ravenclaw. But because you were put in Gryffindor, I practically begged the Hat to put me with you."
"Well I knew straight away you belonged with us."
"How?" Remus asked. Sirius took a good look at him as though trying to figure why.
"I don't really know. Maybe something in the way you looked or acted. I just felt right with you straight away. I'd never had that weird instinct about somebody before. Not even with James, 'cos we were only young when we met, I don't actually remember meeting him. I certainly never got it with Peter."
Remus shivered happily. Sirius was quiet after that, thinking things over. Remus didn't want to disturb him from it, but it was getting cold up on the roof. He could have forgotten all about the cold himself, just to stay with Sirius, but he thought Sirius should be kept warm.
"We should go back now. We don't need to say it all at once, do we?" Sirius came out of his reverie looking a little confused. The look quickly passed though and Sirius jumped down onto the balcony, ready to go. Remus more carefully descended by climbing back onto the ledge. Sirius was so impulsive!
Remus began to worry it had all been too much for Sirius as they walked along in thoughtful silence.
"Have I upset you with all that?" He asked. "You look annoyed about something." Sirius quickly changed his composure.
"No! I was just thinking about something, something I don't understand." He was about to ask Sirius what it was when they arrived at the portrait hole. He could only follow Sirius in.
On entering, they were met by James. "McGonagall's just been in, putting up a sign. Hogsmeade trip on the eleventh!"
Peter joined them seconds later, all excited. "Are we going then? It's another muggle wear day. Snape won't be there again. It'll be good. We don't like need to go to The Fonne or anything unless you want to," Peter said looking suddenly frightened.
"We don't usually go to The Fonne on a school visit anyway Peter, you fool," said James, shaking his head at him. He was so dense.
"Oh, sorry. No, of course we don't." Peter said, his chubby cheeks turning a dark red.
Sirius exhaled deeply in annoyance to calm himself. But his mind didn't seem entirely on it, he was clearly still thinking of whatever he had been thinking moments before. Remus would have given anything to know what it was.
"Well, Peter, we usually do go to Hogsmeade." James said.
"I know. Sorry. It's just after what happened, I wasn't sure you'd want to go Remus," he said, turning from James.
"I'm fine going. I'm not freaked by all that. The only thing that scared me really that day was the thought of not seeing -- you guys." Sirius and James smiled at him.
"And mainly Sirius," Peter added, then bit his lip, obviously not having meant to say what he was thinking. Remus turned red.
"Anyway," he said pointedly at Peter, "I want to go. And it's not gonna stop me going to The Fonne either. Madam Fonne couldn't survive without us to cheer her up." Sirius and James laughed at the thought, whilst Peter looked as though he was dying to make some other comment, and using all his thought not to say it.
Sirius woke up and sat up in his bed. Perry was standing over by his trunk, picking things out and nobody else was awake that he could see.
"Why are you always up so early McKinnon?" He asked through a yawn. Perry laughed at him.
"Just 'cos you lot are a lazy bunch doesn't mean I have to be," he laughed. "And Janet said I've to meet her early this morning if we wanna ... You know," he ended with a grin.
"I could take a good guess, but I'd rather not," Sirius returned. Perry gave him a mock scathing look and took his clothes into the bathroom with him, ready to get dressed.
Sirius let his eyes wander around the room. Peter was lightly snoring as usual and James would probably soon be up, though he was sound asleep just then.
The windows let in the bright light of a summer-like day. The warm, golden sunlight travelled carefully across the room to rest upon the fair face of Remus. He followed it with his eyes as it climbed every bump; his chin, his soft light red lips, his nose, up passed his forehead, where his hazel hair lay slightly tousled. His hair reflected the golden rays and shone, making a strange kind of aureole of gold around his head on the pillow.
His arms, outside the covers, were thin but toned (as the rest of his body was) and Sirius knew why he was normally happy to cover them beneath his school robes; the tip of an old scar stretching from his shoulder blade could just be seen from the short-sleeved shirt he wore. Personally, he thought it made Remus more interesting. There was always more to Remus than met the eye, as he had recently found out. He was able to hide a passionate love for nearly six years. Never could Sirius have guessed that.
Sirius had been puzzling over something Remus had mentioned the day after the trial. It was a thought that had never struck him before and he wondered what the meaning behind it was. He was thinking back to when he had first met Remus. That sort of instinct that had made him almost force James into accepting him. When he'd thought on it more deeply, he began to understand it better and realized it was something that accompanied him every time he and Remus were together, although it had seemed so insignificant until now that he'd never dwelled on it before.
Remus woke up across from him. Remus' eyes were a strange colour. They were a kind of blue with a fascinating green pattern. Never had Sirius noticed just how unusual they were; he'd never seen eyes like them before. Remus sat blinking the sun out of his eyes and waiting for Perry to leave the bathroom.
He looked across at Sirius. If it had been the opposite way around, Remus would have blushed and turned away to have been caught staring, but Sirius continued with a grin. It was Remus who blushed and he adjusted his bed covers. Sirius laughed inwardly as he suspected why.
"Long have you been awake for?" Remus asked almost roughly, shyly glancing back up at him.
"Not long," said Sirius.
"I'm shocked we don't have to dive on you to wake you up today like last time."
"A lot has changed since last time," Sirius laughed. Remus gave him a wondering look of 'and what do you mean by that,' but Sirius never said.
Their tête-à-tête was terminated by Perry leaving the bathroom. After speaking briefly to both of them, he left the Dorm with a loud bang of the door that awoke both James and Peter. Remus got up and carried clothes into the bathroom to change now.
Peter began to change into his clothes up the far side of the Dorm and Sirius frowned. "Peter, that's nasty mate." Peter looked up in the middle of putting his top on, not knowing what Sirius meant. James picked up on it though and agreed from beside him.
"Yeah, Peter. You're going in after Remus to have a shower. You can't just put that on."
Peter looked affronted and pulled the top straight back off, grabbing his pyjama shirt back on, "No, you're right. I'm still so tired I don't know what I'm doing." James sniggered beside him as he seemed to be thinking something similar to what he thought himself, 'Yeah, right Peter. You wouldn't wash at all if you could get away with being so lazy.' Remus exited the bathroom.
He came out of the bathroom wearing a close yellow T-shirt patterned with a broken circle on the front with the blue writing across saying 'innocent...' and a pair of loose dark blue jeans. When he turned around, more print on the back of his T-shirt read '...most of the time.' Sirius laughed at it. That's about right, he thought.
He collected his own things and went to change next.
Sirius had been making Remus blush for days. It wasn't intentional, Remus knew, but Sirius seemed to notice it more when Remus was looking at him. Knowing Sirius would know why he was looking, he got very embarrassed.
Sirius came out and Remus gasped, inevitably, at his visage. It was always wonderful to behold the sight of Sirius in something new. Only he and Sirius had bothered to get something new for this visit.
Sirius came out in a nice-fitting red T-shirt labeled in black writing that said, 'nothing for free' and some loose, but not baggy, black jeans.
Remus was thankful for his choice of not having bought the tight jeans he'd seen as he had another erection at the sight of Sirius. Sirius was the meaning of stunning, he was convinced.
"Are you coming down," Sirius addressed him. "We'll wait for them down stairs," he said nodding at James and Peter.
So Remus followed Sirius down to the Gryffindor Common Room. They were quickly surrounded by a bunch of people -- mostly girls -- all coming over to admire Sirius. Melanie was getting clingy with him again and it would have annoyed Remus if he hadn't known it was already annoying Sirius, who didn't like it any more. It meant he didn't have to envy her or hate her now. She was no threat.
Remus was surprised as Sirius managed to pull them both out of the crowd (who were desperately trying to get Sirius' attention) and brought him over to a window to wait on Jamie and Peter. Some people just wouldn't take the hint and tried to join them, but Sirius said he and Remus were discussing something private, just to get rid of them.
"You don't seem to be liking the attention these days Sirius," Remus observed as Sirius sent away the last of the crowd, who very reluctantly left them alone after trying to coax Sirius into talking to them instead. Sirius smirked.
"I've never been so much in to it as you might think. More the sort of thing Jamie likes than me."
"What, you saying you don't like it when the girls are swarming all over you?" Remus said disbelievingly. Sirius shook his head.
"But they don't know me Remus. At least, few of them do. All Melanie ever wanted to do was kiss and have --"
"I get the point!" Remus quickly interjected. Sirius smiled at him and his heart began to beat very quickly again. It was a good job Remus' family didn't have a history of heart problems 'cos he could swear with the amount of times Sirius got his heart going so fast, especially this year, he would have been a certified casualty. He felt he spent enough time in the Hospital Wing already without heart attacks. Madam Pomfrey must be sick of the sight of him.
James and Peter soon joined them and they made their way down to be checked off on the Hogsmeade list, suspiciously at the same time the rest decided to go down too. Remus knew they were following Sirius.
The Marauders held back, leaving Sirius' fans no option but to go on. They were at the Great Hall and an unwelcome face appeared, staring at them with contempt.
"What do you want, Snape?" James snarled. Snape slid passed them with a sly grin, taking in their muggle clothing with disgust.
"I'm so happy I'm excused of your company for an entire day," he drawled. "You shouldn't leave your admirers waiting, Black," he said referring to the crowd that had just passed, "they might go off of you."
Remus felt himself getting very angry. "Trust us Snape, the pleasure of getting rid of you is all ours." Snape went red.
"I didn't ask you, mudblood half-breed!" He whispered. Before Remus could say or do anything, James and Sirius had cast spells on Snape and he was lying on the floor, covered in large green pus-filled blisters on his green-turning skin. They grinned at each other in approval.
Nobody noticed Snape as all the crowd were turned the other way, eager to make their way into Hogsmeade.
James gave Sirius his butterbeer and Peter soon followed, bringing his own and Remus'. The pub was very crowded and noisy, just the way they liked it. It soon became clear to him though, that their fun would soon be spoiled as Sirius was being continually stared at by some girls close by. He could feel how tense they were going to be already.
It was Maria Chang, Siobhan Davies and Shannen Teazel. Maria clearly still wanted Sirius badly. The dreaded moment came when Maria came over to their table.
"Sirius, would you like to join us? Have some fun with us," Maria said as sexily as she could. Sirius looked up at her.
"Not tonight Maria. I'm with my mates." Maria, looking sorely disappointed, walked away in a sulk back to her table.
James could feel the tension she left behind. Remus cut their silence. "Don't stop having fun because of me. I don't want you to do that, Sirius," he said stiffly.
Sirius replied, "But I'm having enough fun here, Moony. I'd rather stay here." James breathed a sigh of relief, but Remus didn't let it last long. He carried on even more rigidly.
"Sirius, it would be an insult to me just now if you don't go. I know you want to, so don't make it more than it is by not going. I won't thank you for it and you'll only end up inadvertently blaming me for stopping you. Go."
Sirius stared for some moments at Remus, who defiantly did the same. It really looked to James as though Sirius would have much preferred just to stay with them and refuse Remus' request. In his heart, Remus was wishing it so, but it seemed his thought this was the right thing to do. James heartily disagreed with his actions, Sirius was fine where he was.
So Sirius did as he was told and left. All remaining at their own table noticed how pleased Maria was to receive him at her table and how she instantly linked her arm through Sirius', delighted he was within her grasp.
James and Peter shared an awkward glance. Remus clearly couldn't have been more jealous, despite his attempts to look as though he'd done the right thing. James dared a look at him and found he had gone very white and couldn't take his eyes from Sirius and Maria. It was like he was miserably drawn towards him.
When Maria slid her hand down onto Sirius' knee and moved it slowly upwards, Remus finally turned his face from them, staring determinedly at his Butterbeer.
"Remus?" James said, hesitantly, unsure of how Remus was going to react. He and Peter sat very nervously, passively feeling the same pain Remus must have been feeling. They wished it to be different for Remus. "Moony," James said when he had no reply. Remus finally looked up at him. "Maybe we should move. This is only gonna make you feel worse.
"James," Remus replied, "that's just not possible." He stood up, downed his bottle and got ready to leave.
"You're going?" Asked James. "You want us to come with you?"
"No," Remus answered him, "I'm going back to Hogwarts. When Sirius returns here, if Sirius comes here, tell him ... I dunno. Make something up. I don't want him to know why I left."
"Remus, he --" James said, but Remus was already going out of the door. James frowned and turned back to look at Sirius. Sirius spotted Remus was gone and mouthed 'where' to him.
Remus threw himself down onto the sloped roof of Hogwarts. It had seemed like the right place to go.
He lay down for a while, just saying aloud his thoughts.
"... I can't do it. I can't keep seeing him with other people. I thought I'd be fine. He would probably stop if I asked him, but he'd grow to hate me for it. And I want him to be happy. Even if it's with somebody like Maria Chang. He can't be happy if he's not allowed to be with someone ... "
"I think I should be the judge of what makes me happy."
Remus sprang up and spun around. Sirius was climbing up onto the roof.
Remus tried desperately to collect himself. "I said you should stay with Maria and that," he said, looking out to the horizon. Sirius gave a great bark of laughter.
Remus looked up to find Sirius sitting himself down beside him.
"And since when have I followed anybody's orders?" He laughed. Remus was unsure of what to say. Sirius smirked and said, "Did you not know it's crazy to talk to yourself?" Remus couldn't help but laughing at himself for doing it.
"You drove me crazy Sirius. I was very rational-minded before I met you."
Sirius smiled, "A lot of things changed the day we met, Remus. And for the better too. Some changes I hadn't noticed until very recently."
"Like what? What do you mean?" Remus asked. Sirius just grinned and shook his head, refusing to tell.
"How did you know I was here?" Remus said. Sirius pulled out The Marauders Map from his jeans' pocket in answer. "Oh."
"That's a bad habit you have there Remus," Sirius mused.
"Yes," Sirius said. "You're always running off and I'm forever having to chase you."
"Huh! I've been chasing you for six years!" Remus cried.
"Well not quite in the same way though," Sirius reflected.
"No," Remus smiled, "unfortunately," he bravely added. Sirius laughed and raised his eyebrows.
"You're flirting!" He pointed out to Remus. Remus promptly looked embarrassed and denied it. He then submitted.
"You led me into it. I didn't mean to. This is gonna be so weird isn't it? Can you deal with me flirting with you?" Remus tentatively asked, unable to look him in the eye as he did so.
"No." Sirius replied seriously. Remus' head darted up and he shook his head as Sirius was stopping himself from laughing. "Nah, joking. Do as you please."
"You won't be freaked out by it?" Remus asked.
"Why should I? People flirt a lot with me, I've noticed. I mean, look at Maria back there in the pub. Her hand was making it's way happily upwards."
"Why did you leave her, Siri," Remus asked, feeling suddenly depressed as he remembered it was his fault Sirius wasn't there having fun.
"I don't fancy her one bit," Sirius said simply. Remus looked at him, waiting for the truth, but that was apparently it.
"So it's not 'cos of me?" He asked.
"Moony, not everything is. You blame everything on yourself."
"I do not," Remus contradicted. A short silence followed this. Remus was beginning to feel embarrassed again. He was so turned on at that moment and trying desperately not to show it by turning his body slightly away from Sirius. Unbeknownst to him, Sirius had already noticed and had long been enjoying having such an effect on him. It was fun watching him trying to hide it.
"Is it weird," said Remus, "when you catch me looking at you." Sirius placed a hand on his arm and it had the desired effect, Remus looked up (as well as turning red).
"You can look all you want," he said sincerely.
"Sirius, I don't get how you're being so calm about this now. Before you couldn't deal with it. What changed?" Remus said. His breath was beginning to come short; Sirius hadn't removed his hand and he was feeling dizzy under his warm touch.
"Everything," Sirius replied. "I've changed. No, I've not changed, I've just kind of, came to a better understanding."
"It's still weird. I mean, I know one of your characteristics is like, being able to change your manner or temper and mood quickly, you've done it for years, but I didn't think you could do it with this." Sirius grinned as he talked.
"Well I've had a bit of sense knocked into me, haven't I? Remus?" Remus gasped as he watched Sirius move slightly closer to him. Something had lit up suddenly in Sirius' eyes, something that always appeared in Sirius' eyes when he was about to do something impulsive. He had his trademark mischievous look. But Remus saw something else. Something he'd never seen in Sirius before. Something that was making him feel weak with desire.
"Yes?" He eventually breathed. Sirius was still grinning, and he was more beautiful to Remus than he'd ever been; that something in his eyes was making him more lovely.
Sirius' voice was steadier than ever when he spoke. "Remus, there's another characteristic of mine that hasn't been satisfied."
"What's that?" Remus whispered, barely able to breathe. Sirius moved close, to whisper in his ear.
"I never refuse a dare," he said and leaned back. Remus' jaw dropped.
"But --"
"Yes, the Hogsmeade dare. I don't like to ignore a dare ... "
"Sirius, you mean --?" Remus' mind had gone numb. He was waiting on waking up to the day as was normal when this happened, but something in his heart told him this was real this time. Sirius was really wanting to kiss him ...
He managed to speak, although looking back on this moment, he'd never know how. "You're straight. I love you, but you like girls. You said you couldn't feel for me, so why would you kiss me?" Sirius put a finger on his lips and it instantly hushed him.
"Remy, I told you I've been realizing a lot lately. When you reminded me how I told James you were one of us, I was confused. I couldn't understand because I remembered this feeling I had when I first saw you. Remember I told you I never had it with Jamie or Peter or anyone? When I thought more, I noticed I felt it every time I'm with you. It's always been there."
"What feeling," Remus said in barely a whisper, his head getting lighter and lighter.
"I didn't know at first. I didn't really know it until you walked out of that pub, I felt it stronger than ever. Almost as strong as it feels now."
"Sirius --"
"Love, Remus." Remus' mind went blank. His heart seemed to be beating in his head, and louder than his thoughts. Sirius was moving in front of him, but the clouds in his brain would barely take notice of it. It all came back when Sirius placed a hand on his face.
"Did you hear me, Remus? I love you." Sirius said it with all the confidence in the world. Sirius would never lie to him. Sirius would never be that cruel. Sirius was in love with him! He started speaking, but Sirius laughed and it made him realize he hadn't spoken any real words, he was muttering nonsense.
"Remus," Sirius said, gently tilting his head up a little so their eyes met, "It's about time we do that dare." Remus felt his erection really tight against his jeans as he saw desire in Sirius' eyes.
Sirius moved in on Remus. Remus was unable to think of anything but the space closing between himself and Sirius, finding it less easy to breathe. Remus felt his heart fluttering madly as Sirius had a hand on his back, lovingly caressing him and the other on the ground on the other side.
Sirius' sweet, hot breath tickled his face. His eyes, his beautiful blue eyes were very close his own. Remus closed his eyes as Sirius' closed before him and the next thing he was in heaven as Sirius captured his lips in his own.
Remus moaned at the sensation. This was all his dreams come true. This was the kiss he'd been waiting for, the words he'd needed to hear. This was better than dreams! He felt his chest fluttering dully, and even more satisfyingly, he felt Sirius' chest against his with his heart beating just as wildly.
They lay back on the roof, Remus on his back and Sirius atop of him. Sirius loves me! It was more than he could believe. If his thoughts had not been entirely consumed as they were, he'd have noticed with joy that Sirius' kiss was even better than he'd ever imagined it to be as he had watched him kiss Melanie or Maria or anyone. But even then, Sirius had never put so much emotion behind a kiss. Emotion he'd only recently discovered. Remus delighted in the feeling. He certainly didn't need to hide his erection; Sirius' own was pressed tight against his. When Sirius broke away for air, it felt to Remus as though he was taking his oxygen away instead of giving him time to breathe it.
He opened his eyes in want of the feeling. Sirius was smiling over him.
"Is this real?" He whispered. Sirius chastely kiss him in reply.
When he stopped the kiss again, he said, "Oh, good. You didn't faint this time."
Remus, with all his strength, flipped Sirius over in protest and kissed him over and over again.
Sirius and Remus spent hours kissing and talking on the roof. "I thought you didn't feel able to love anybody," Remus asked. "I didn't know then that I was already in love with you though." Each time Sirius said it, freshly he felt the sweet ecstasy of love. "Are we a public couple?" Remus asked, "Are we telling everyone?" Sirius grinned and replied, "No, we'll show them." "What," said Remus, smiling, "we're gonna have sex in front of them?" Sirius laughed, "Well, we could (we've that to look forward to), but I was thinking more along the lines of kissing in front of them, acting like a couple." "We're a couple?" Remus gushed. "No," said Sirius sardonically, "we just kiss for fun. You slut, talking about sleeping with someone when you don't even think you're going out with them --" "I love you more than anything Sirius." "I don't know, I have this thing for Peter --" "Sirius!" "I love you too."
James sat on the train, unsure of where to look. He didn't know whether he should be embarrassed or not or if he should look away, but it was turning him on something awful. Peter openly stared.
Sirius and Remus were kissing passionately on the train, and James couldn't think of anything he'd witnessed even half so erotic. All students of Hogwarts had taken the news of the cutest couple very hard, except for James and the couple involved. Some people had burst out crying when they heard that Sirius was in love and was never going to be available ever again, because that was the precious thing between Sirius and Remus. This was forever, and they all knew it. Remus wanted Sirius forever and Sirius wanted Remus the same.
Neither had ever been so happy before. James could maybe have felt at times a little jealous; it could have seemed as though he'd lost his best mate to Remus, but he knew he hadn't. He and Sirius were as they always were. The biggest difference to the Marauders was that they never again had to endure Sirius going off with another girl again. He was reveling in his newfound gayness.
Most people didn't seem put off in the least that he was in a relationship, they still asked him out. But Remus would never get jealous. He had Sirius, not them. And Sirius had never loved any of the ex's that tried to win him back.
From that Hogsmeade night, Sirius and Remus had been publicly displaying their affection without another care in the world. Remus received many dirty looks of jealousy, but he never gave a damn about it. Sirius loved him, and that was the world. Of course, it encouraged Sirius' male admired even more, but they were rejected with as much firmness as they ever had been. True, Sirius and Remus weren't gay in general, just with each other.
The night of Hogsmeade, when Remus and Sirius had back into the portrait hole door kissing and all through the Common Room without a word to anyone, just heading straight to the Dorm relentlessly kissing, James had nearly died of shock, as did many other people. It was the last thing he'd ever expected to happen, yet one of the things he most wished for. The silence the amorous pair had left in their wake was long. Nobody could really believe Sirius was gay. Not even the encouraged guys.
The heat was running up in his body as he watched Sirius and Remus with their hands wandering everywhere. As he felt it getting too much for himself, he said, whilst almost panting, "Uh, guys. This is like a porno."
Sirius laughed, "You're lucky James that you're getting it for free then." Remus, who James had expected to be the blushing half of the couple, had grown in confidence. Now he was with Sirius, he didn't get embarrassed at anything any more. James had expected him not to want to show their feelings to people, but he was just as bad as Sirius with his wandering hands. Remus grinned.
Towards the end of the journey, Remus began to get quiet. Sirius noticed it straight away.
"What's up, Remy?" He asked immediately. Remus heaved a great sigh and said,
"It's just, I don't think I can go another holiday without you. I'll be stuck in that house myself while you're not with me."
Sirius was grinning madly as Remus said it, and in spite of Remus' depressed way of saying it, he had to smile as he saw Sirius. One couldn't keep a straight face if the other wasn't. James was smiling too, as he knew what Sirius was about to say.
"I'm moving out of James' during the holiday. Move in with me," Sirius said lovingly. Remus' face was a picture to James that he'd always remember. He was so shocked.
"You mean it?" Sirius nodded. James shook his head as this brought on another long, very long, spell of kissing.
Remus had his head rested on Sirius' lap, staring up at him as Sirius talked to James and Peter, occasionally looking down with a smile of adoration. He began to hum a tune, a tune that had become his favourite. Sirius looked down at him in thought.
Remus was surprised when Sirius joined in. "You know it?" He asked incredulously. Sirius smiled.
"Yeah," he said, "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" by Aerosmith. It's like, only my favourite song. They play it on the Muggle Radio channel all the time. I didn't think you'd know it." Remus' heart was beating contedly.
"Did you also know it's our song?" He asked.
"Our song?" Sirius asked with a cute raise of the eyebrow. Remus smiled up at him and closed his eyes, reminiscing.
"Yep. In the days when I was stalking you," Sirius laughed, "I watched you sleeping at Christmas on the bed and that song came on. It was perfect, you even smiled when he sings --"
"Watch you smile while you are sleeping!" Sirius cut in.
"Yes," said Remus. "You're so innocent and cute when you sleep --" Remus didn't get to say any more as he was brought into a loving kiss by Sirius.