Disclaimer: Gryffindor, Draco Malfoy and such belong to JK Rowling. Original song "Colours Of The Wind" belongs to Disney and respective lyricist and composer. I'm just playing around with it.
Author's note: This is the second piece in my Songs series, the first being Snape's Song.
Gryffindor's Song To Draco Malfoy
(Inspired by "Colours Of The Wind")
You think
you own whatever land you step on,
The earth
is just a dead thing you can claim.
But I know
every spell, charms and potions,
you, I have courage, I have brains.
You think
the only wizards who are wizards,
Are the
ones who are inbred like you,
But if you
walk footsteps of Gryffindor,
learn things you never knew, you never knew.
Have you
ever felt the rush of catching the snitch,
Or win the
house cup few years in a row?
Can you
sooth Moaning Myrtle in her lavatory,
Can you
tame and ride a vicious hippogriff?
Can you
tame and ride a vicious hippogriff?
You never
will be courageous
Slytherin blood is bad
And we
shall not want to be connected
In any
way, in any place
Have you
ever felt the rush of catching the snitch,
polyjuiced when you were young?
Can you
sooth Moaning Myrtle in her lavatory,
Can you
tame and ride a vicious hippogriff?
Can you
tame and ride a vicious hippogriff?
How large
can a flobberworm grow
If you
step on it, you'll never know!
And you'll
never feel the rush of catching the snitch
whether we are pure, half or mud blood
We need to
learn the ways of throwing off Imperius
We need to
tame and ride a vicious hippogriff.
You can
own the world and still
All you'll
own is galleons until
You can
tame and ride a vicious hippogriff
Please R&R! Next coming up is (hopefully) Voldemort's Song.
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