A/N- Hello all. I'm back with a one shot A/L story. THIS MEANS SLASH!!! AKA MALE/MALE!!! Consider yourself warned idiotic flamers. I don't want any flames telling me I have a sick and perverted mind, although I will thank you for the lovely compliment. Another warning, there is also almost suicide. Also, my elvish is very limited. Please bear with me on any mistakes I make. And I speak English but still can't get it right. So, again, please bear with me.

Disclaimer- I'm merely borrowing the characters from the wonderful J.R.R. Toklien. May he Rest In Peace knowing I'll give them back. Eventually…. -looks shifty-eyed-

Legolas POV

I feel tears slide down my cheeks. I'm so worthless. Today I almost killed two of my best friends, just like I killed my nana (mother). A part of me says it wasn't my fault, it was those foul yrch's (orc's) fault, but I ignore it.

Right when I'm about to slit my throat, I remember the note I was going to leave. Walking over to my desk, I pick up a quill and write in a shaking hand,

Dear everyone,

I bring you nothing but sorrow and pain. Goodbye. Ada (father), don't grieve for too long. Stay here until the king takes his rightful place and Mirkwood no longer needs you. Elrond, thank you for treating me like a member of your family. Elladan and Elrohir, if you survive, keep pulling those pranks. Aragorn-

I swallow hard against a lump in my throat and continue,

Aragorn, I love you.


Setting down the letter on my bed, I pick up the dagger and once more put it on my throat. As I press it against the smooth skin, my door bursts open. Aragorn, my true love, bursts into my room. I freeze, silently cursing myself for not locking the door. As he sprints across the room, I start to shake uncontrollably. When he reaches my bed where I'm standing, he takes the dagger from my numb fingers. Aragorn wipes away a small trickle of blood from my throat and asks a single question. "Why?"

I break down sobbing and cry, "Because I feel so worthless. I almost killed Elladan and Elrohir yesterday with my hunting idea." I blubber like a young elfling. I feel the same finger that wiped away the blood wipe away the tears from my face and I soothing voice offering words of comfort. "Sh shhh. You aren't worthless. Dan and Ro just woke up from Ada's (fathers) sleeping herbs looking for you. I felt I had to hurry in finding you. I guess I was right."

My shaking subsides a little as he guides me into a sitting position on my bed and sits down next to me. Snuggling into his strong embrace, I croak out, "Really?"

Aragorn smiles at me. "Really, you foolish elf. You're more loved than you know." Suddenly, soft lips capture my own and I start a little. It must have made him think I didn't like it, for he pulled away.

I smile a watery smile and reach up to capture his sweet lips with my own. Just before I kiss him, I murmur, "I love you with all my heart." Then I kiss him.


-shakes head- I never thought it would get that long. I know it seems short, but it was long for my twisted little mind to write all at once. Wow….Review please? And remember, I use flames to feed my dragon, Fluffy.