Too Loud!

Once again I don't own Pokemon. I just own Marina.

Summary: Was it a good idea for Marina to evolve her Whismur? Especially at three in the morning?

Thanks Queen of the Sacred Flames for helping out on this story.


Marina had finally captured her very own Baltoy after a lot of patience and a lot of aspirin. Now she was working on evolving her newly caught Whismur.

"Whismur! Use Uproar!" Marina ordered. The pink Pokemon swiftly knocked out a whole bunch of Pokemon before calming down. "Great job! Now you just need fifty more experience points to evolve." The brunette announced. Well, she was saying that out loud but in the inside she mainly thought of having her own Loudred.

It was about two in the morning when Whismur knocked down a Zigzagoon and won.

"Three…two…one…" Marina counted down when Whismur transformed into its first stage. "YAHOO! I HAVE A LOUDRED! I HAVE A LOUDRED!" Marina cheered.

Loudred was so ecstatic that it started shouting as well…a bit too loud I might add…

The Pokemon in the area flew, scampered, and ran away hearing the loud voice. Marina, on the other hand, stood balanced on one leg and her hair was frazzled as she stood there with a stunned look.

"Eh…good one…" She chuckled with embarrassment before yawning. "Oh boy…almost three in the morning…goodnight…" Marina had her tent set up before crawling inside. She forgot one thing: she forgot to recall Loudred back into its Pokeball.

"Goodnight Loudred…" Marina said before she started closing her eyes. Right at that same moment, Loudred started imagining itself being the star of a concert when it suddenly let out a flat note. A real flat note to be exact!

Marina sprang up in bed from the noise causing the tent to jump up and start rolling over.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Marina shrieked as the tent started rolling down a steep hill. If that wasn't the worst of her problems, she was headed right towards a ranch which was occupied by a bunch of Roselia. And unfortunately for Marina, they all had the Poison Point ability (including the spikes atop their heads).


Marina unleashed a painful shout that was a lot louder than an Exploud using a megaphone. Once that was over, Marina was trudging back up the hill with a sore behind and the messed up tent. She reached the top and shot a look at Loudred. A look of pure annoyance.

"Get back in your ball…"


It had been at least thirty minutes and Marina had fallen asleep again.

(Let's note that Marina is a heavy sleeper)

What she didn't count on was Loudred being able to pounce out of its Pokeball at a moments notice. It landed on the ground outside the tent and stood there before its stomach growled. Loudred sighed before seeing the different Poke-blocks in Marina's backpack which she was going to give to her prized Swellow, Skitty, and Masquerain.

Loudred didn't think twice about the Pokemon Contest that Marina was training her three Pokemon for. It just grabbed the Poke-block case and dumped the different colored blocks down its throat.

(Readers: Right Loudred! Listen to your stomach!!!)

It continued stuffing its mouth with all the food it could dig out of Marina's backpack before the sun came up. It saw the huge mess it had made and tried to clean it by shoving it into a Taillow nest with a lot of difficulty from the bird Pokemon residence of the tree. This slightly worked for the moment and Marina walked out with a loud yawn and a drowsy look.

"G-morning Loudred…LOUDRED?!" Marina jumped before seeing her backpack was slightly thinner than usual and her Poke-block case was messed up and covered in saliva. "Uh…what happened to the food?" She asked ominously and her eyes slanted like an Absol's. Loudred smiled sheepishly and the Taillow had just about enough with the mess in its nest.


The tent was crushed by the weight of the garbage and wasted food and Marina became frazzled. She was so over this!

"LOUDRED YOU ARE SO DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!" She shrieked before pulling out a gigantic mallet that seemed to come out of nowhere. Loudred's pupils shrunk and it took off running with a loud scream before Marina chased it around the Hoenn region.


And that ladies and gentlemen, is why Loudred and Exploud today have loud voices.
