Dispelling a Spell

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto OR Harry Potter, beat that!


Sasuke, Naruto, and Neji stood waiting for the old (well, if you think about it) Hokage. They were summoned here, informed that they had a new mission, a dangerous mission. No one had come yet, in fact, the office was empty except for the them. They dawdled by examining the furnishings and noticed a bit of paper lying around. Some more snoopings told them that they were just IOU records of money she had borrowed from various people.

Ten minutes later, Tsunade appeared through the door looking flushed. In her hand, she was carrying a lamp and an old postcard, her face was vicious.

"Little rascal, why I oughta..." she muttered under her breath before she noticed the three teens. They stared awkwardly at each other until Naruto started laughing.

"Oh! You're here!" She said, her voice suddenly sweet, but had a hint of actual relief, "Okay, now we have some business to attend to. You are going to have to--"

"What rank is it?" The teenaged blond blurted out, "Please let it be an A or B! Please, please!" He continued in a gesture that suggested his "all-mightiness." Or shall we just say he smiled and and stood out proudly.

Tsunade gave him a death glare before continuing her speech. "Yes, it's a rank A mission, now shut up, you idiotic brat. As I was saying, you three are going to have to travel to London, England, to protect a certain boy. He's your age and has a dangerous enemy not unlike our own Orochimaru."

Sasuke look tightened, he had a strange relationship with Orochimaru, it was not that he liked him or anything, but it was hard to explain. Sasuke had received power from the snake, at the cost of pain, but Orochimaru had almost gotten away with his body.

Now, Tsunade held up the postcard, "This is what they call a portkey, It--"

"Who's they? And why do they call old postcards portkeys?" It was the Naruto again.

"Yes, I would like to know about them." Neji's face remained the same with the same stoic expression he always had and Sasuke gave the same kind of look, meaning that he three would like to know this information, too--you need to understand everything before starting a mission.

"Well, if you all are eager enough to interrupt me, then I supposed the answer might zip up the ungrateful holes on your faces. They are wizards, meaning they can perform magic. And portkey is an object enchanted to take a person to another place at a set certain place and a set time. The lamp is just something that the little brat, Konohamaru, was trying to steal from me. Stupid kid..."

"Wait, wizards? They are actually real? I thought wizards only existed in fairy tales." Naruto scratched his head.

"Yes, real wizards, they can do spells, but the spells are a bit like our jutsus, and I've experimented that you can dispel some of their spells, like you do with genjutsus. And the boy you're gonna have to protect, his name is Harry Potter. I've also gotten the wizard who hired us to do a translation spell, or something, on your headbands just so you can understand the people in the school. You cannot let him know that you are ninjas hired to protect him unless the situation is dire.

"Basically, you three are going to pretend you're foreign wizards and attend Hogwarts, the wizard school."

"Now, tell us more about Har-ry Pot-ter," The name sounded strange in Sasuke's tongue.

"His mom and dad were pretty good witches and wizards until the enemy, oh I might as well tell you his name, Voldemort, murdered them when Harry was one year old. Voldemort was going for the baby, but something went wrong, and Harry survived only with a lightning shaped scar on his forehead and Voldemort disappeared. Recently, the snakey enemy had returned and that is why Harry is in danger--Voldemort wants him dead.

"Harry's not stupid, though. He'd probably guess at least some time that there's protection. But still, keep up your charades when you are there. And... yes. You really shouldn't say the name, Voldemort, in front of the magical folk. They're scared to death of him. Even to the ludicrous level of not saying his name at all. They usually say 'you-know-who' or something like that in casual conversation.

"You have about a week to prepare and you'd better be ready, or you'll just be left behind. Oh, and the wizarding world uses different money than us, give your money to me and I'll give you the equivalent in their money."

"Hey... How are we supposed to know if you just want to take our money to gamble of something! You told the village you quit, but I know that you still gamble at night!"

Tsunade gave him a threatening look and spoke harshly, "You'll just have to take the chance, like gambling."

Naruto's mouth dropped, that old hag... He was slapped on the back of the head by the raven-haired boy.

"Do what she says, dobe."

She took their money with a lusty look in her eyes, and fumbled with a heavy, jingling sack from inside her desk. "Hmm..." She let out. The bag, as she found out, was enchanted. She'd put whatever money they had in, and the wizarding money would come out. It'd still be a waste to let this wonderful gold, though, so she took a galleon out of Naruto's share and tucked it in for keeps sake.

After she handed out the rich coins, Naruto's mouth was still as low as his stomach, what kind of money is this! But if you know Naruto, he expresses his thoughts in an entirely different way...

"What kind of money is this! It's all gold and bronze or something! I thought that people stopped using these things for money!"

"Well, those crackpot wizards do, so shut the hell up! Those small, bronze ones are knuts, and umm... 29 of them make a sickle--those are the silver ones here. The gold ones are..." What was it? Oh yes. "Galleons. They're worth 17 sickles. I'm not quite sure about they're worth in our money, though..." Tsunade sighed in a exasperated way and told them that tomorrow, she would be bringing them books to study before they go.

"Magic books?" Tsunade gave another death glare to Naruto, "Fine, I'll shut up now!" But he still looked thoroughly unpleased.


"...And you guys better not ruin these books, I had them specially borrowed from the man who hired us! And have extra care not to spill ramen on them--or something!" She threw a painfully sharp look at Naruto. "All you need to do is at least read through some of these, so you'd get a picture of how to act and what to say around Harry."

No one spoke and after a minute, the Hokage left the room but left Tonton, her pet pig, behind to watch over them.

"Oiiiii!" said Tonton loudly, obviously meaning that they should start reading.

"...I guess I'll start with the History of Magic one" muttered Sasuke, finally shattering the silence.

"Me too! I wanna start that one too!" The blond spat out in jealousy.

"Let's all start with those books and after the reading, we can answer any questions the other has..." Suggested Neji.

The ANBU nodded and all picked up A Magical Journey Through History by Audrey Wartyman.

'...In March 22, 1692, the wizard, Farkford McLaddia, started a boycott against any wand made by the unprofessional wand-maker, John Gwynek. By the time of March 23, 1692, McLaddia had already gotten about 15 wizards to support him and that's when muggles started to notice. One, who claimed he was a reverend, actually caught a witch, who's name was Addy McLaddia, Farkford's daughter. The "reverend" started to shout curses at her, claiming that she was "a witch working for the devil." He tried to burn her at stake, and other reverends started to too, and...'

Someone started to snore already... well, 2 hours had already passed. Naruto's face was drooping on the book. Who actually liked to read this stuff? Or another question, why would this be helpful in life? Sasuke pondered this for a while.

Another person joined the snoring. No, wait, that wasn't a person. It was just Tonton.

...Another snore... wait... that was Naruto's stomach. The blond sat up and his drool slid down to his chin. The bead was just about to take flight when he wiped it off with the back of his hand. He grinned when he peered at his watch. His grin grew larger and larger until...

"Lunchtine." And he pulled out a large sack from under his chair, and untied it. It was not surprising that the sack was filled with Cup Ramen. Naruto then scurried around and threw his head back in anguish. "No hot water?" His face was filled with annoyance and dread, and he ran out of the room.

The remaining people, Sasuke and Neji, (Tonton was not a person, and besides, the pig was asleep) sighed and walked out, quite happy that they now had an excuse not to read the hellish books. They watched Naruto as he scurried around in panic, looking for the kitchen.

Tonton finally woke up and trotted to the table to see how the group was doing... they weren't there. The sow was confused, she walked around, moaning out various grunts of "Oii!'s" and finally made it to the hall. There she saw Sasuke and Neji pummeling Naruto and Naruto was dragging with all his strength to the kitchen. A vase lay broken near the knotted trio.

"Oiiiii!" They stopped, stared, and started again. But the little interuption made Sasuke and Neji loose attention just enough to let Naruto zoom into the kitchen. He scrambled around and later, found the water heater, his push to the button was so forceful that when he let go, the top blew off! It flew up into the air and landed, spraying hot water everywhere, with a great, big, BANG!

Tonton looked at the broken vase, then at Naruto, then at the broken vase again. It then stared at Naruto with such force that the blonde started to eat his ramen much slower than before.


Naruto stacked his second book on the History of Magic one. He had just finished The Standard Book of Spells (Grade Five) by Miranda Goshawk. Now he was skimming through Unfogging the Future; Special Edition: Knowing When You're Going to Die by Cassandra Vablatsky. Whereas Sasuke and Neji was halfway through that already, their eyes brimming with something that Naruto could see if it was disbelief, or enjoyment.

He found out what it was, he couldn't believe that witches or wizards believed this kind of crap. Or anyone believe it, actually.

'...if, however, the moon is in full alignment with Saturn, that means that people born in January 22, will die horrible deaths by the way of starving...'

What... the... F -- U -- C -- K...

He continued reading and found something he just couldn't help but laugh at. What do you think it was?

'...certain muggles (and even magic folk!) have been reported to have been killed in a tragic accident of being drowned in a large lake when the planet of Mercury was in the part of the solar system where the sun's rays falter. All their birthdays happened to be on October 10th, proving the theory of...'

Who wrote this? Or, actually, who told this Cassandra Vablatsky to write this?

A minute later, Sasuke made a motion as to not let out a smile. The blonde figured that he found out how he was going to "die." And half an hour later, Neji's eye twitched in definate--and complete--disbelief.

Naruto flipped around and found that Sasuke was going to die of decapitation and Neji was going to die from overdose of some kind of medical potion. Why would they need medical potion anyway? They had the medic nins already.

Ah well. He flipped through the rest of the book learning very little than when he had started. At the end, he was as caught up as the other two.

The rest of the day slipped by in a decent rate with no trouble at all. Unless you count the little bickering caused by the argument of who has the best hair, Sakura or Ino. But in the end, they decided that both girls have pretty good hair anyway.

It was finally time for dinner and they all put down their last book (Last Century's Greatest Hero's the of Wizarding Community), where they read some, err, interesting things about Harry Potter. Tonton woke up suddenly and they all stared around for a moment. Then the trio walked out and Tonton just led them to a dinner room. With food everywhere! And a special orange seat was at the head of the table and on the table in front of it, there lay a bowl of ramen.

"Ehhh!" Exclaimed Naruto, with his eyes, large, as he sat down quickly and started eating as fast as he could. Sasuke smiled slightly and sat down next to Naruto. Neji did the same.

"Did granny Tsunade cook all this for us! Huh! HUH!" Said the face that was already smothered in ramen soup. Tonton sighed and snorted as Naruto danced around because of the heat. Didn't he think of the people Tsunade had control of since she was the Hokage? She, of course, hired some pros to cook.

As Sasuke was eating, he noticed a piece of paper trapped under a plate of tempura. He reached over and grabbed it. Neji stopped eating and looked at it too. Now the only one eating was Naruto. It turned out that it wasn't a piece of paper at all! But an envelope. Inside there was a letter, he called for Naruto to come too:

Dear Neji, Naruto, and Sasuke,

Inside the envelope you found this letter in is the portkey. It will take you to a place at exactly 9:00 PM. So after dinner, pack up everything! And don't forget your money. They're very important. Don't worry, you won't be in danger at all. Here's how you can operate the portkey: All of you, each reach out something, a hand, a leg, even you're tongue to that postcard and when 9:00 comes, you will somehow be teleported to the place. The address of the location you're going to is on the back of this letter--along with a short list of things you should carry to your mission. Read it (the address) and memorize it. Then, you have to think about what it said for a little bit. And then burn this letter. Nothing should go wrong. You'll get more information soon. Good luck!

-Tsunade; Fifth Hokage

"What the hell did she mean? I didn't get anything at all!" Neji and Sasuke turned around and was faced with Naruto."Oh, I just finished all the ramen."

They turned over the letter and written there in green ink and in narrow handwriting, it said: Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place, London.

Sasuke's face crinkled. 'What did this mean?' But he simply asked everybody: "Does everybody have it memorized...?"

Neji nodded while Naruto was scratching his head.

"I said: Has everybody gotten it memorized?"

"Uhh... Wait..." Naruto re-read it again, "Yup!"

"Now all think about what that said," Sasuke closed his eyes and concentrated. As did the other two.

The young Uchiha took out a match and lit it, burning the strange parchment. They all nodded and left the house to pack .


Everyone stared at the postcard. Then at the grandfather clock. It was 8:58... two minutes left to go...

It stuck a bit more, closer to the twelve on the clock. One minute...

The seconds felt a bit more like hours. Fifteen seconds left... now ten... five left... one to go...

They felt a jerk near their navel and it felt like they were just lifted up from the floor.

Dusty wood appeared beneath their feet and they finally lifted their eyelids. They were next to a large table with people sitting in it.

"The meeting of the Order of the Phoenix has just begun."


And oh yeah, when Venus is in the third house, whoever's born on the 29th day of May, will die of a fight caused by dragon betting! Don't look at me, I just read it from this book. You know, Unfogging the Future; Special Edition: Knowing When You're Going to Die...

Note added on 03/10/2006--

I've finished editing this chapter, yesh. I've edited a fair amount of things, like mispellings and typos. I also wrote the every-so-famous and ever-so-clichéd translation spell. But this translation spell stays on for the entire period of this story, or so I say it does. Ol' Dumbledore is that powerful, I guess. Heh-heh. And I added a little more information--oh, not for your sake--but for the Ninja's sake.

I've also fixed an error in this chapter that I've known existed for a while now. You see, in the first version, they read (or skimmed) through the Grade Six of the Standard Book of Spells. That was stupid, they need it only for this years' worth of study. So they should have been reading Grade Five, which, I proudly say, they read, now. Yes, this was a really stupid error that I didn't even need to rant about here, but I did. Because it bothered my conscience. And I hate my conscience.

But this chapter was really not changed a lot. Because I liked it a lot. Though, (whispers) I wrote this when I was eleven, dude.