1Author's Note: Okay, I know this is like the third time I've added stuff to this chapter, but I keep seeing things I want to fix, so.....please bare with me ok. Once again, please don't flame me, this is my first fic and it's only the first chapter so.....please try to be at least a little nice ''. I'm reeeeaaally sorry if there are mistakes, I'm not the greatest speller at times. Just a little information about this fic, it takes place after Sora's second fight with Riku....but not excatly; you'll understand once you start reading it. There also might be some SoraXRiku later on, that is, if I get enough good reviews asking for more. Anyways, please enjoy....or don't, just don't incinerate me.

Chapter 1: A Promise to Keep

"Why..." The word slowly escaped Sora's lips as he lay on the floor of Hollow Bastion in front of the entrance to the keyhole. He could no longer feel the pain that was once coursing through his mangled body, riddled with wounds and gashes. His clothes were sopping from the puddle beneath him of his own blood. Everything in his vision was just a mixture of blurry colors now, but he knew very well who that silhouetted figure looming over him was. Slowly, and painfully, Sora raised his hand up to the figure, almost in the same gesture the figure had once done to him, and drops of sorrow gathered in his eyes, "Why, Riku?"

The Soul Eater sat resting upon his left shoulder, preparing to give the final blow. Only darkness was in his heart now, he felt no emotion. Or...at least the shell in which his true heart resided didn't. While the expression on his face was none, inside he was screaming for himself to stop. He couldn't bare the thought of his own hands putting an end to Sora's life. There was no control though; his body no longer belonged to himself. He could feel the muscles in his arm start to tense. This was it, he was going to swing the Soul Eater and there would be no more sheepish grins, no more stupid remarks, or sparring back home, or arguing over who would get to share the papou with who. His arm moved, taking the sword along with it. There it was, the horrible 'Shing' that marked Sora's demise.... But for some reason Riku didn't feel the Soul Eater connect with flesh and, as he suddenly realized, the sword wasn't even in his hand. What had happened, he could only feel the darkness inside now as a tiny, nagging sensation. He heard the loud clatter as the sword crashed to the floor, and his hands clasped around another, one that had been reaching out to him. He collapsed to his knees and drew the hand up to his chest, his head bowed to hide the tears he wish he didn't feel ashamed of.

"I'm sorry....Sora, please..." Too choked up to finish his words, Riku fell silent, trying to control the sobs threatening to escape. Sora smiled in his strangely reassuring way and, though it was rather uncomfortable, laughed lightly. Riku's head jerked up, afraid that the laugh was more a hack of unbearable pain.

"You look more friendly when you show emotion, you should try it more often." How could he smile like that when he was in so much pain? And how could he even want to say anything after what I've done to him? In spite of his own sorrow and disgust at his doings, Riku gave a little quirky smile.

"Just shut up you." He gently slid his hands underneath Sora and picked him up. Sora gave a small grin before falling unconscious. He'd have to get him help fast if he ever wished to see his beloved friend again. Cautiously Riku walked down the stairs of the balcony, but could go no further.

"Stop right there!" Came the half audible voice of Sora's travel companion, Donald Duck, "Yeah, and hand over Sora." This one was Goofy. They looked serious, like they would fight to the death if they had to. They would be deaf to anything Riku would have to say, he was sure. It would be so easy to just hand Sora over to his companions, but Riku felt he couldn't trust these idiots with Sora's precious body. How could he convince them that he only wanted to help?

"We have to take him to Traverse Town. If he doesn't get help soon then..." He couldn't bring himself to say such a thin. Silver hair fell around his face as his head dropped, shadowing his features. He took a few steps towards Donald and Goofy, which only got a defensive response from them as the grip on their weapons tightened.

"Please, just trust me." The voice that came from this once violent and dark boy, was now more pure and sincere that any being's could have been with a slight wavering of fear for his friend's life. Donald and Goofy were taken back by his voice, but even more stunned by the look that followed it. His eyes glistened with tears that he no longer tried to hide and the frown upon his face expressed the deep sorrow and concern that was causing his heart to ache so badly.

The two regained their serious demeanor and, to Riku's surprised, motioned for him to follow them, "The Gummi Ship's by the falls." Donald called back to him as they made their way out of the castle. Riku drew the limp body in his arms closer; he wouldn't let Sora touch the floor again.

Donald and Goofy battled their way through the masses of Heartless, which only seemed to grow more numerous the closer they got to the exit. Riku had to remain as far away from the fights as possible in order to keep both Sora and himself safe. He couldn't fight holding Sora and he wasn't about to put him down, not for even a second. Once they reached the falls Riku figured this would be the end of him. Donald and Goofy would take Sora and leave him there. He'd be alone again. But the two were so involved in preparing the ship that he slipped on without a word said to him. Even on the way to Traverse Town they all kept silent.

"I've done all I can, he just needs to rest and let his wounds heal now." Came the soft, gentle voice of Aerith. Everyone was gathered into one hotel room in the Second District of Traverse Town. Leon stood leaning against a wall with his arms crossed and his usual look of authority mixed with just a little concern. Yuffie was cross-legged on the floor next to him, a look of relief on her face. Donald and Goofy now moved towards the on which Sora's body lay.

"So.." Aerith began, looking to Donald and Goofy, "How did this happed?" Everyone's gaze followed Donald and Goofy's to the boy tucked away in a corner of the room, a knee pulled to his chest and half his face hidden behind it.

Why do they have to look at me? I didn't want to hurt him. The boy narrowed his eyes; it aggravated him to have everyone starting, and he turned his head away. Aerith went over to Donald and Goofy to listen to their story softly. Yuffie soon joined them and Leon just listened form where he was.

In spite of the attempt to keep their story-telling quiet, Riku could hear every word and he couldn't take it. He stood up off the floor and walked out on to the balcony which looked down to a back alley. A few staring eyes followed him out with an exchange of concerned looks.

Riku went down on his knees and let his head fall onto the railing bars. Why did they have to villanize him? He wasn't some embodiment of the essence of evil; just a kid looking for adventure, for a way out. And look where that landed him. How could he ever get Sora to forgive him? How could he ask Sora to forgive him? What he did was unspeakable, even if he wasn't himself, that's no excuse. Riku was fully prepared to accept his fate.

Of course, he didn't know the dark plans fate had in store for him. A shadow slowly formed on the ground next to Riku without his notice. Two yellow, glowing points lit up in the darkness and it started to take a three dimensional shape until a Shadow stood next to Riku. If he hadn't been too busy deciding wether or not to slam his head against the railing to see if that would take his mind off the current situation, Riku would have noticed the creature next to him. But he didn't, and the Heartless took advantage of this and lunged at him. He only noticed the thing's stench in time to look up and pull back enough to manage with just a few light scratches form the Shadow's strange, deformed fingers. He summoned the Soul Eater and quickly cut down the Heartless, but as he looked over the balcony into the alley he saw that it was like a void of darkness with tiny pairs of lucid eyes staring up at him. He back stepped into the room, the others all looking at him questioningly, "We've got company." He announced as various kinds of Heartless jumped up onto the balcony, slinking into the room.

Everyone's weapons flashed out and the battle commenced. Riku pulled back behind everyone and stopped next to Sora, his sword ready to attack, "I'll protect you this time, I promise." Riku whispered as he attacked the Heartless that had managed their way around the others.

End Chapter 1