I do not own the TMNT.
Review or die. Sorry. I just always wanted to say something so "terminator"-ish. Anyway, this is an "alternate universe" type fic. This is also an experiment so review and let me know what you think.
Chapter 1
My name is Leonardo. I am a mutant turtle as well as a ninja. The head of my clan is my Sensei, Splinter, who is also a mutant rat. He raised and taught me ninjitsu along with my three other brothers who are also mutant turtles. The fighting skills were taught to us only for protection since humans would not understand our differences. I am the eldest. The next inline is my hothead of a brother Raphael who would have given me grey hairs by now, that is, if I had any hair. Next there is gentle Donatello who is always the voice of reason. Last is the youngest of the four, Michelangelo, who is full of youth and passion. They too are ninja and we form a cohesive fighting force. I am responsible for their safety as elder brother and leader. I have failed at both.
It all happened so suddenly, that it almost seems like a dream or nightmare. I was leading my brother's on another one of our scouting missions on a night that was no different from any other night. We had helped with a couple of muggings and luckily had not been seen thanks to the stealth taught to us by our honored Sensei. I was leading my brothers home along the rooftops when I sensed danger. Whirling around, I leapt with my twin katanas to station myself between my brothers and unseen enemy. My brothers had dropped into defensive just as quickly with their weapons out scanning the surroundings. We saw nothing but felt the evil that flowed through the air.
I tried to center myself to locate the source of the flow of evil. Before I could, dark figures that seemed to be made of shadow itself leapt at my brothers and I from out of nowhere. The figures had no face but were highly trained in the art of ninjitsu and I found myself hard pressed to defend myself. After dispatching several adversaries I chanced a glance around and saw my brothers, while holding their own against the enemy, were slowly being overpowered. A new form suddenly towered in front of me. The shadow warriors around me retreated behind what was obviously their leader's back and slowly disappeared as if made of smoke. The new figure stood several feet above me and wore elaborate samurai armor with a helmet that obscured his facial features. I only saw his eyes, which glowed eerily like a cat's eyes.
"You are the greater fighter of your group turtle," the creature said to me in a voice that sent shivers down my back, "and I have come to collect you. You will call me Master."
"I's don't think so punk!" I heard Raph say behind me.
Glancing behind, I saw Raph and Donnie standing ready to defend me having already rid themselves of their adversaries. Of Mikey, sounds of fighting let me know he was still engaged in battle at the moment. The figure in front of me laughed while my two brothers took positions on each side of me.
"You are foolish to believe that you can keep me from what I want. I will cleanse your leader and then he will be my greatest warrior. With him I will take over the world piece by piece for I am Katsuro the Victorious," Katsuro declared to Raphael.
"Not today Kitty Kat and not tomorrow and not evah. You got that?" Raphael said twirling his sais menacingly.
Katsuro raised one hand and breathed a word in Japanese that I had never heard before. I felt as if something brushed past me as Raph and Donnie were hurled and held back against a wall with some sort of invisible force. I gripped my katanas hard preparing to leap to my brothers' defense. Laughing in triumph, Katsuro pointed his raised hand at me and breathed another unheard of Japanese word and I found myself frozen in place unable to move. I heard Raph and Donnie screaming my name in the background.
"First I will cleanse you," Katsuro began, "then I will take your soul to serve me for all eternity."
In slow motion Katsuro lifted his hand towards me once again and whispered another strange word. A beam of light shot straight towards my frozen form.
A single set of nunchucks hit Katsuro and knocked him backwards just as a familiar figure shoved me out of the way of danger. In horror my other two brothers and I saw the beam of light slam into our baby brother and knock him off the roof we were all standing on.
"Mikey!" we screamed as one.
To be continued…
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