"I need you to help me."

"Merlin… I never thought that I would live to see this happening."

"It's simple really, just do this for me."

"Hmm… lemme think. NO!"

"You are such a bloody prat! I just need to borrow it for a minute and then I'll be done."

"Granger are you MAD? It's attached to ME! It isn't some book you can check out of the library."

A familiar bushy-haired girl stood with her arms crossed in defiance. Now in her 7th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, she hadn't changed much.

That was the problem. She wanted… no NEEDED change.

For the previous six years she had been the bookworm sidekick of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.

Ok, let's face the facts. She still was.

Don't get Hermione wrong, she loved her best friends, but she was tired- tired of being invisible….

To other men.

Her face framed with exasperation, her patience had worn thin. I mean really, it was a simple request.

She needed someone to take her virginity, push her into womanhood. Make her over.

The head boy sounded like he would fit the bill just fine.

She huffed in annoyance. "Who would have thought? The Slytherin SEX God turning down a free piece of ass? Pfft, this is what I get my listening to rumors."

A platinum blonde eyebrow raised in amusement. "Mudblood, THAT is no rumor."

Draco Malfoy coolly stared at the brown haired girl before him. They had called a semi-truce early this year and it had been working out up to this point. The girl was going bloody spare with all this nonsense, going about it as if sex was some sort of business proposition.

Draco chuckled to himself. 'Borrow my penis?'

If it only it were so simple. He was of the opinion that she had read too many books…and not lived enough reality.

Hermione clucked her tongue with impatience. "Malfoy! PAY ATTENTION!"

Draco rolled his eyes as he attempted to cut off the conversation. He has a feeling that it was going too far- that he should have left long ago. "Why should I Mudblood?".

"Whatever Malfoy, you haven't called me that in ages, so calling me that now isn't going to help you." Hermione sighed inwardly, working Malfoy wasn't going according to plan.

"What about Potty and the Weasel? The right equipment is the right equipment…. after all."

"Not that I would know, but I've heard that all of them are not created equal. I need someone with experience that I frankly, won't have an emotional attachment to later. Even you have to admit, there is no love lost between us Malfoy. It's perfect." She grimaced as her pride deflated slightly at admitting Malfoy was somehow better than the rest.

'He'll never let me live this down, but it's a small price to pay' she thought.

Draco raked his fingers through his hair as he sighed inwardly, mulling it over in his mind-cursing...

'Damn bloody truces...

Ha! It would be sweet though, getting under Potter and Weasley's skin. Plus, the favor would be akin to performing a community service. Not that I would know about anything like that, but it sounds good.' With that, he had made up his mind.

"Fine Granger. Give me seven days. Starting tomorrow—bring money."

"Seven?" So short?

"Yes, seven. If youaregoing to go on about this, you may as well go all the way. No pun-intended." He made a mental checklist.

'Yep, seven days. Not enough for major overhaul, but long enough to make essential changes while keeping it as casual as possible.'

Draco smirked. 'No emotions my ass, she is a woman after all.'

Hermione looked at a smirking Malfoy, assuming that he found his humor amusing. She made a mental note to tell Malfoy that humor was not his strong suit.

She extended her hand. "Right. Deal?"

As a pale masculine hand reached out to grip the tanned hand before him, Draco deftly grasped Hermione'shand and yanked her against his body. Securing her hands firmly behind her back, he surprised her with a brief closed mouth kiss.

Soft, almost promising….at least in the girl's opinion.

Grey eyes met hazel ones. A knawing feeling weighed in Draco's stomach. This was going to be trouble. He knew it. His voice was somewhat strained in his reply.

"Yeah, deal."

A/N: Ok, I should be working on Resurrection but I have totally hit a bit of a block on it so I decided to work on this idea that has been plaguing me for DAYS. This is a departure from my more serious "in character" fic I have going because I wanted to be a bit more lighthearted and humorous in my storytelling. Never fear... the sex is STILL the sex!

Cheers and thanks to all for indulging this whim,