(A/N: It's not a Christmas story. It's no way near that! Believe me! Hope you like it!)




Sexual Torture



Part 1: Mistake



"Could you please do it just this once?"

He threw his head up with a frown upon his face as a way of refusal.

"Please?" she asked in a pleading tone.

He still held his head up high.

"Inuyasha…." She started to whine.

"I said no!" he told her sternly "You went back two days ago. Why do you need to go again so soon?!" he asked.

"Because…. it's almost Christmas!" she said out of anger. "I have to be there! With my family!"

"What the hell is krismas?" he asked.

"It comes once every year and I don't want to miss it!"

He still looked at her questionably and waited for a real answer.

Kagome sighed, "It's when me and my family get together to celebrate Christmas as a holiday. We get presents and drink eggnog!" she finished excitedly.

"What's eggnog?"

"It's like milk, only sweeter and with more cream." She explained.

"Oh." Was all Inuyasha said.

"So…can I go?" she smiled at him, hoping to win him over.

He gave her a cold look before saying "Two days."

"Two days?!"

"Two days." He confirmed.

"B-but that's not enough time!"

"I don't care! We need you back here where you are needed most!"

"Inuyasha!" she yelled at him in frustration.

"I said 'two days', and I mean-" he put two fingers up "-only two days!"

She didn't want it to come to this "Well, I guess I'm going to have to make you let me go." She said rather cheerfully.

It was too cheerful for him. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow at her "What are you getting at?"

She walked closer to him "All I'm saying is that unless you want to get your face falling in the dirt, I suggest-" she used her index finger to make little circles in his chest "-that you let me go home."

He got a bit nervous "You don't mean-?"

"Don't make me say the s-word." She told him calmly

He swallowed and then said "Alright, three days."

"A week." She corrected.

"A week?!" he complained.

"Or you could help me find out what rhymes with 'it'." She smiled mischievously.

She won. He knew it and so did she. She had the power over him. "Ok!" he threw his hands up in defeat "One week! And then you come back."

"Yay!" Kagome squealed in excitement as she gave him a hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she was very happy as anyone there could tell.

He was caught off guard by the sudden closeness, but he tried not to show her that he was blushing. She, of course, didn't notice with being to preoccupied with thoughts of going back home for the holiday.

Kagome let go of him and said "I'll be sure to bring you back something!"

"Uhh…thanks, but what for?" he was a little puzzled.

She smiled at him "For Christmas, silly!"

"Oh." He still didn't get it though.



"See you later, Kagome!" she heard little Shippo yell to her as she walked to the well with her yellow bag to her back. As she walked, she could sense him. "I thought I told you not to follow me." She couldn't see him, but knew he was there.

He jumped out of the tree nearby somewhere behind her, his silver tresses landing to his shoulders "I'm not following you down the well, just to it."

"I can take care of myself, Inuyasha." She stated without turning around. "I've got my bow and arrows, so I'll be just fine."

"It's still a long walk." He pointed out.

"I'll still be just fine." She said simply.

"Total bullshit, Kagome!" he scolded "You get back from your era, hardly getting yourself out of the well, and you get bitten by that shikigami! Don't you remember what happened to you?!"

She turned around "Yes, I do remember." Kagome informed him "But Tsubaki is gone now and I don't think there are anymore dark priestesses to worry about."

"There's Naraku. What about him?"

"Naraku is a coward who would have killed me by now if he actually could."

"No, he would have killed you by now if I wasn't there to protect you!"

"Well I don't think I need protecting!" she snapped at him "I'm strong, and I can take care of myself!" Inuyasha could just see her anger in his eyes, as Kagome could see his.

"Fine!" he yelled "Go! Just go and head back to your stupid era, if you can make it! I'll be surprised to see you come back without getting hurt or poisoned or-….or whatever else!!"

"If you keep yelling at me like this, then I just might not even get you a Christmas present!" she threatened.

"I don't give a damn whether or not you get me a fucking present! Why would I want one?!"

Her anger just risen up so high inside of her. Thinking; how dare he speak to her like that! She didn't know what else to say except "Sit!"

His sweat dropped before his face did, right into the ground. He was lucky she didn't hear him swear into the ground "Bitch."



Kagome headed down to the well, and she knew he wasn't following her. Although, she was put into confusion when she heard something on the ground snap. A twig. She quickly drew her bow and reached for her arrow. She was ready for anything that came her way.

There was nothing there. She let out an exhausted sigh and put her arrow back, but held the bow tightly as if to feel safer. She continued her walk and soon found herself with her right foot on the rim of the well, ready to make a quick leap in. There was a sound of fluttering wings and the caw of the crow. Something was near and she could feel it. Again, she went to reach for her arrow, but before she could do it, someone grabbed her whole figure.

The stranger she could not see behind her, had his-…..no, her hand over Kagome's mouth. "Kagura!" she yelled through the demoness's hand.

"Quiet, wench!" she hissed "My master has plans for you, and you don't want to make it any worse than it shall soon be." Kagura kept a frown to her face.

Kagome felt the wind through her hair and realized why; they were flying on Kagura's large feather.



They arrived at the dark castle that had the certain evil aura surrounding it. Kagura and Kagome were three feet from the ground and with her witchlike magic, Kagura turned the freakishly large feather back to it's normal size. Kagura landed gracefully onto her feet, while Kagome landed on her face. She quickly got up and was about to make a run for it, but spotted the familiar little girl in white in front of her.

Before she knew what happened, she lost consciousness. "You idiot!" Kagura scolded the little wan girl. "You weren't supposed to steal her soul!"

"I didn't." she assured her sister calmly "I only made her lose consciousness

Kagura calmed down a bit "Don't scare me like that, Kanna. You know how furious Naraku would get if wouldn't be able to have his way with her." she explained.

Kanna nodded "Even if I tried, I wouldn't be able to steal her soul. It's too big for my mirror to hold."



(A/N: I'm sick aren't I? Making a story like this right before Christmas! Shame on me! Oh well! You read, now review! Be nice, don't flame too bad!)